MordenGeist 8 points ago +8 / -0

My son was entertaining thoughts of entering service and I told him to wait. Right now is a VERY bad time to go in and listed all the reasons. I did 24yrs myself and punched out in 2012 like I had JATO rockets lit up my ass. Sadly, I would and could have done more had I not seen the writing on the wall. I knew it was going to get worse and wanted no part of it.

Tough times for all military members these days and I wish there were words of encouragement to give to hang in there, but I am at a loss. Just not worth it anymore.

Sorry for you brother, I know it's a tough break considering all the time and life you've given. Just know with that experience you gained, there's a ton of job opportunities waiting to snap you up on the outside. Start looking, they're there.

MordenGeist 7 points ago +7 / -0

All I've been telling people since all this BS began. I guess I need to wait from now on until a year has passed for people to "get it".

Ahh, the life of a conspiracy factualist...lulz..never changes...

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ah, I see. Your initial post was a bit vague on the misconception part, which is the reason I asked and then went into a short explanation of difference to any lurking about which round does what and why.

You're right about the "magic bullet" opinion....I see it all too much myself which, again, dovetailed into the separation explanation.

I've a slight disagreement with the Edit about green tips though. Ballistically speaking, green tips do what they are advertised to do: more penetration before losing energy, which makes them especially suited to punching through tough hides...or low-level body armors...to inflict deeper wounds to soft bits under, or behind, hides or armors before breaking up or diverting energy. A standard FMJ will penetrate low level body armors, yes, but a lot of that energy will be lost punching through and break up of the round beginning with initial impact. Green tips, not so much. That little teflon tip does a lot more than people give it credit.

The thing people need to understand about soft-point, teflon tipped (not just AR greens), FMJ's, or AP rounds (or the myriad of other types of specialized rounds), is application to target. Many haven't a clue and they really need to learn. 1 shot is all that it should take and when that shot doesnt do as expected, that hesitation can turn the tables in a bad way. Ammo application is crucial to any engagement.

Long winded version of saying green tips aren't "moot", if the shooter knows what they're good for doing and not doing. Remember: ammo makers dont typically waste research and money on creating rounds that another round of the same caliber/make will do. There has to be a niche to fill that another round won't do, or wont do as well. Thus, green tips do better than standard FMJ's on specific target types, in this discussion meaning...body armors. Savvy?

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cant decide what bringing up black tips had to do with anything in the convo?

They were stocking on green tips for the added penetrating power on soft targets, not hard.

Further, for those needing to know the difference since you brought it up---

Importantly, you cant GET black tips which are armor piercing, or "AP", from a local store and anyone bragging about having them is stupid to begin with. Only way you can is if you "know someone" or are federally approved, just like having a class 3 license for a machinegun ownership. But who wants the latter option? You'll be one of the first [they] come for.

Green tips are improved penetrators only, not AP, and can be obtained locally. They WILL go thru all non-military body armor, which sounds contrary to being a "non-AP round", but body armor is still considered to be a "soft target" up to class 3a...hence the distinction. Coincidentally, this includes anything cops have access to wearing during normal duty; i.e. level 1, 2, and 3a.

Class 3 (plate carriers) and up is no chance unless you have a larger and heavier caliber than .223/5.56; i.e. .338 Lapua (and larger) will zing right thru Class 3, for instance. Anything better than Class 3 will require larger calibers and actual AP rounds (e.g. steel cores) to have a chance of going thru...although it will definitely knock whoever is hit right square on their asses and out of the fight from pain, even if it doesn't penetrate, because the energy and mass of the round still obeys physics and transfers.

Hope this short synopsis helps those not knowing the difference.

Edit: almost forgot: Source=myself and 24rs military, most of which was in warzones.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Pffft....dont need fancy tech to glance down and see a flacid firehose floppin and know it's a dude.

MordenGeist 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yer welcome. Every genius has a tick of something irritating they do. Apparently his is overly long random YT intros😂 😂

MordenGeist 9 points ago +9 / -0

Robert Sephr is a no-bullshit Archaeologist/Historian on YT and puts out REAL info, the elites have covered up for hundreds of years. TONS of great vids covering all sorts of ancient History no history book or college professor will ever tell you.

Look him up and use this for Phonecian specific: Robert Sephr Phonecians

Edit: all his vids have about 1min30sec to 2min of goofy intro of him just walking around. Eccentric stuff. Just use the slider to forward past it.

MordenGeist 7 points ago +7 / -0

Sounds like the frogs need to give him a real-life reminder of what Bastille Day was all about.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bingo and based👍

MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

Must be a Regional thing. Have 3 theaters here and all of them have showtimes and dates on and past the 6th. No weirdness.

MordenGeist 0 points ago +1 / -1

Downvoted for using their mOronic (Omicron) fake bullshit. You had a cold, end of story.

Its cold and flu season, always has been. Take Some Vitamin D, C, and Zinc, then back the hell away from their narrative.

MordenGeist 4 points ago +4 / -0

The Mandela effect is real, IDGAF what anyone says to the contrary. Ed McMahon, Monopoly Man, BerenSTEIN Bears, and especially passages in the Bible. All changed.

There's a good chance CERN is ground zero for this, as they have delved into many things and admitted they want to open portals/dimensions. I think they fucked up after they let one (or likely more) of these attempts go too far.

MordenGeist 13 points ago +13 / -0



MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

There are two Constitutions. They have been abiding the one very few know of, hence the destruction of the one many do know.

Rabbit hole opened. Dive.

MordenGeist 1 point ago +1 / -0

True example of narcissism and intellectual depravity.

Layman's translation: Dude's high on his own farts.

by BQnita
MordenGeist 2 points ago +2 / -0

All the ones that took the jab at work I tried to warn against are now asking questions and paying closer attention. Thankfully, no one's dropped over yet.

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