When Trump ran in 2016, I saw a newspaper with 5 anti-Trump stories on the front page. Sonoma County, CA.
Didn't that government collapse?
Hmm...Was no one else really there?
I'm hoping the next Trump administration will end their usury.
I learned about the Federal Reserve System from Bill Still's videos, "The Money Masters". They are easy and interesting to listen to, and he explains clearly how the system skims off of us increasingly as time goes on. They manufacture wars to cover the inevitable economic crashes.
I think the incident helped to nail Al Waleed, but I don't think it was set up for that purpose. At first I thought it was fake, but some relatives knew people who went, and said that the shootings into the crowd were real.
Fanny Willie is the one who did it because she was the only one stupid enough to do it.
Add Soros. The Four horsemen of the Apocalypse.
Take zinc and Quercetin/Ivermectin just to be safe. It's going around so I wouldn't trust that it is non contagious. Pneumonia is bacterial, but often appears after a virus, so you get both.
I think they're being watched.
Heard 2 pundits on the radio during the fall of USSR: "Everyone knows the first thing you do is take over the media." Control the gatekeepers first.
This has to happen. It's embarrassing how the US has been operating.
Wouldn't that swamp all our harbors?
Good going, and thank you for doing the right thing, Owen Shroyer!
Interesting article and thank you for posting it. I just wish he would have explained more completely the mechanisms of "permission structures" applied in social media to get everyone to believe in the artificial social pressure. I never expected Obama to personally have so much power. Where was the Democrats' moral compass? Why did they let him run away with the ball? Or were the globalists behind him?
It's the predatory fallen angels whom they all serve.
Bravo!!! The bass was amazing. Who needs an orchestra when you got him?
I like her. We need more human beings like her.
In a group meeting.
Fabulous! Look how enchanted the people are!
Well, now Elon can sue Vindman.
You don't suppose this was intentional...?
The eggs are gone from our supermarkets too. But it's because Newsom declared a state of emergency after someone got bird flu.
Wow, what a find! And Kirch has over 244,000 subscribers. The future is looking even brighter.
"You'll find out." DJT