Mrs.Frostbite 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’d like to know too? I assume the LCMS is involved. They refuse to take a stand on using aborted fetal cells in vaccine manufacturing. They no longer apply God’s word to current life situations. They lost control of their universities. Pastors no longer discuss abortion and homosexuality in the pulpit and more. It’s sad seeing a church go down hill so fast

Mrs.Frostbite 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem with iodized salt is it is crap for your body. It’s bleached so it has none of the trace minerals. They add anticaking agents which are cancer causing and have other health issues.

It would be much better to have unrefined sea salt with no anticaking agents with 80 plus trace minerals and if you still want to add iodine do that another way.

Mrs.Frostbite 1 point ago +1 / -0

Within 24 hours of getting the J&J my fil had a heartache. Later he devolved cancer. They now say he is cancer free but still taking cancer drugs every few weeks. My mil now has high blood pressure.

Mrs.Frostbite 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve been following for a few weeks. Not sure why you’re no longer allowed to post? Sorry to hear this and hope your dog improves daily.

Mrs.Frostbite 4 points ago +4 / -0

“He said he liked his EV, but only in summer. But he said only if it’s not too hot, AC drains batteries very fast.” So the months of May, part of June, September and part of October he can use his vehicle. The rest he hates using it because it’s too hot or cold. What individual would still say they liked an item they can only use four months out of the year and paid tens of thousands?

Mrs.Frostbite 5 points ago +5 / -0

Our family is slowing switching to more natural products and eating foods that aren’t processed and grown by us or locally. One thing my husband and I have noticed is how we taste chemicals or have an aftertaste when eating processed foods now that we try to eat actual food and not the typical American diet.

On a personal note about beauty products, after using ivermectin when I was sick two yrs ago I no longer have an odor when I sweat. I now use a crystal deodorant. I had tried for yrs before to switch and it never worked. So there is hope for those of you who say a natural deodorant doesn’t work (baking soda can cause issues for many in them and coconut oil may cause issues as well).

I wash my hair with baking soda and rinse with vinegar. I make my laundry detergent. I make my lotion. I color my hair with henna. I make my own toothpowder (by the way I had a cavity the dentist said remineralized so that was a win for the natural route). Do not drink city water (I use a distiller and add minerals back into the water).

We still have a long way to go, but we have noticed our health is better.

Mrs.Frostbite 9 points ago +9 / -0

Here is a woman who is using it to show how it most likely was to make chains for jewellery. https://youtu.be/lADTLozKm0I?si=QT0DUGe6RH9lBHpf

Mrs.Frostbite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sadly, even a few shots cause health issues. Allergies autoimmune, skin issues, food intolerances, and more. Even a small amount of poison is still bad.

Mrs.Frostbite 12 points ago +12 / -0

But you allow a child to find out through consequences which won’t have lasting repercussions. Allowing a kid to climb and maybe fall off of a short ladder is one thing. Allowing them to climb an extension ladder to a third floor is something entirely different.

Mrs.Frostbite 7 points ago +7 / -0

So glad to hear this. One thing to consider is the body with help healed itself. Next illness it will have the capability to heal again. When we use antibiotics it creates an environment where the body relies too heavily on something else and not on our own immune system. Plus the antibiotics destroy the gut. What vit c and mms and other protocols do instead is allow the body to fight off the infection without destroying our digestive system and immune system. I once got strep. I fought through it and used garlic, cayenne and honey tea along with other supplements. There were a few days I wasn’t happy but I got over it and 8 yrs later haven’t had a reoccurrence. So many I know get strep yearly and are on constant antibiotics during it to get over it. I feel allowing my own immune system to take care of it has helped me to not get it again.

Mrs.Frostbite 5 points ago +5 / -0

Exactly. Iodized salt has much more added than iodine. It most likely has flouride, thiosulfates and even folic acid. Synthetic substances added are never a good idea. Sea salt and a bottle of iodine is a much better option.

Mrs.Frostbite 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is how Singapore primary math implements multiplication and division. They start first grade with ones and 2’s. Second 3, 5 and 4’s are added. It’s not a bad curriculum though has some drawbacks but it’s worked for all four of my kids.

Honestly though we require memorization of all math facts and if this is done a child can go straight to fifth grade math for most curricula. So many parents think memorization is not needed and this is a detriment to their child’s education and learning ability.

Mrs.Frostbite 3 points ago +3 / -0

A suggestion to add bookfinder.com. I use it all the time to find any book for homeschooling and now for my kids in college. Also exodusbooks as the most amazing reviews of homeschool curriculum out there.

Amblesideonline is free and an amazing resource. I have lists of ways one can homeschool for free but this is one of the best.

Robinson curriculum is probably the next cheapest. He has an amazing story on why he educated his children this way and almost all needed up with phds. 2 hours reading 2 hours math and 1 hour writing each day.

17 yrs homeschooling. It’s not always easy but it definitely is the best path.

by BQnita
Mrs.Frostbite 9 points ago +9 / -0

But working in the garden causes heart issues! https://www.thesun.co.uk/health/19059935/urgent-warning-gardeners-soil-increases-risk-killer/ 🙄🙄🙄

I too garden and then can, pickle or dry the produce. Seed saving too. It’s so gratifying growing produce from your own seeds.

But I also began reading the Bible along with a commentary a yr or so ago. Just finished last week and now began again but this time reading a history of Christianity with the Bible. I’ve also decided to get back into my love of ancient history and am reading the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. It seems fitting to read it at this time.

Just start doing the things which brought you joy and place your worries in God’s hands. It makes life a lot better.

Mrs.Frostbite 2 points ago +2 / -0

Don’t add sugar. I can everything and have never added sugar except my spaghetti sauce and use some molasses but it could be left out or use natural one like maple syrup.

All meat is amazing but hamburger. It tastes like what canned dog food smells like. If you want to do hamburger I’d first make a burger. Fry slightly both sides. Just so it holds its shape. Layer in a jar with sliced onions and can. It makes it tolerable and of starving would be fine.

Chicken on the bone is probably the best. Looks like a science experiment in a jar and is a tad nasty removing but literally the best chicken you will ever eat. Just stuff a jar. Add a bit of salt. Don’t add any liquid and can. The chicken creates its own broth. So yummy.

And go rogue. Use the longest times for your ingredients so if you make a stew use meat times. And so on. Play around with recipes. Herbs can change dramatically in long canning times.

Ask around for canning equipment and jars. So many older ladies love giving away their items when they know it will be used. Also reuse jars and lids from the stores. The new ball lids are so flimsy and literally buckle it’s best to reuse anyway. Join a canning group and check out a couple books from the library. And enjoy!

Mrs.Frostbite 17 points ago +17 / -0

May the peace of knowing Jesus help you through this time.

Mrs.Frostbite 2 points ago +2 / -0

I love this commentary. It has its issues and I use others as well. But here’s the commentary on judges and why a few were chosen (they were still ready to fight). If you don’t want to read it all here is the one quote which sticks out

“ We see that those who lapped like a dog, did not lay their weapons down to drink. Their first thought was being ready to fight the good fight. Their own personal needs were not that important to them. A good soldier of the cross never lays his weapon (Bible), down.”

Judges 7:5 “So he brought down the people unto the water: and the LORD said unto Gideon, Every one that lappeth of the water with his tongue, as a dog lappeth, him shalt thou set by himself; likewise every one that boweth down upon his knees to drink.”

His whole army of 10,000 men.

“And the Lord said unto Gideon, everyone that lappeth of the water with his tongue, as a dog lappeth, him shall thou set by himself”: For they first took the water in the hollow of their hands out of the stream, and then lapped it (as in Judges 7:6). Whereas a dog does not and cannot take water that way. And this lapping was standing upright. And by this these men were distinguished from those that bowed on their knees to drink. For had they not taken up water in their hands, they must have bowed down on their knees to have lapped, as well as those did. Now all those that thus lapped were to be set apart by themselves; but whether they were to go with Gideon or not, as yet he knew not.

“Likewise everyone that boweth down on his knee to drink”: Were to be set by themselves also, but which of those were to go with him is after related.

We see that those who lapped like a dog, did not lay their weapons down to drink. Their first thought was being ready to fight the good fight. Their own personal needs were not that important to them. A good soldier of the cross never lays his weapon (Bible), down.

Judges 7:6 “And the number of them that lapped, [putting] their hand to their mouth, were three hundred men: but all the rest of the people bowed down upon their knees to drink water.”

That is, that took up water in the hollow of their hands, which they lifted up to their mouths, and so lapped it. As the Egyptians about the Nile are said to do, who drank not out of pots and cups, but used their hands to drink with.

“Were three hundred men”: Only such a number out of 10,000: but all the rest of the people bowed down upon their knees to drink water (even 9,700).

This is saying, that only 300 of the original 32,000 were ready to go to war. Those who bowed down on their knees to drink, used both hands to drink. They were also not ready to instantly take up the fight.

Judges 7:7 “And the LORD said unto Gideon, By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you, and deliver the Midianites into thine hand: and let all the [other] people go every man unto his place.”

“The Lord said … By the three hundred men that lapped will I save you. It is scarcely possible to conceive a more severe trial than the command to attack the overwhelming forces of the enemy with such a handful of followers. But Gideon’s faith in the divine assurance of victory was steadfast, and it is for this he is so highly commended (Heb. 11:32).

We know that the LORD told Gideon earlier that the enemy would be like one man to fight, it would be so easy to defeat them. Everyone was sent home except these 300 chosen men of the LORD. They were not chosen because of their great physical strength. They were chosen because of their readiness to do what had to be done.


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