In the system they created yes….the changes an honest monetary system will make will be staggering.
Charley and Simon flashback…..
Let’s see if the word lazy is racist this time.
False teacher.
He would absolutely protect it.
Only if you are an illegal.😬
Normal behavior…. Not a meltdown.
God sent me the most perfect angel my direction this year and she would tell me to include this. Angel number 555, symbolizes spiritual guidance and learning. It is associated with transition, freedom and independence. It helps you foresee and manifest your ideal life with singularly motivated actions.
She? All references to angels are masculine in form. Big red flag.
Operation Warpspeed is a reference to the DS needing to play hurry up because Trump set them back 4 years. Double meanings exist too.
Just like it was in the late 1700’s.
I can see Kamala asking….Want lies with that ?😬
They also have an aversion to water.😉
Just never take it off.
Rap. Put a C in front of it.
There was a video posted here on GA a few years ago as well.
They knew. Some of the studies included are dated 2011. Bastards.
If you sandwich a couple of strips of toothpaste in between two masks it cuts smells down considerably.
Well obviously 🙄
Edit…. To my humorless downvoter….it called levity.
Darn you.😬