They don't really need exposure. They just need to be unemployed.
Perhaps that's why Trump was the perfect guy to usher in the AI age because he has people's total trust.
Have you heard of project Stargate? Combining AI with mRNA vaccines, headed by Larry Ellison, former CEO of Oracle, who created a database for the CIA. I think you should wear your skeptical pants a little while longer.
If all stars in the milky way rotate at different speeds, the furthest from the center rotate faster, and the milky way is hurtling through space at 1.3 million miles per hour, how come star maps from antiquity, are practically the same as the ones we have today?
Foreign aid too.
I think gitmo belongs to US. Not sure about its official designation.
You can't deport a US citizen can you?
Dr Mercola had an extensive interview with a Dr Chritiansen (spelling?) on why we're over iodinized. We really get too much as it's even put in animal feed. It's one of those situations where "hey, it's bad for your health in excess so let's put it into absolutely everything."
Along with some news clippings of CIA coups, a picture of Zelensky and a few other spicy tidbits.
I wouldn't want to be accused of being a war criminal for funding these activities.
So I can just mail this in to the IRS this year instead of my usual tax form?
Even most illegal immigrants I've met exhibit more American grit and values than most big city suburbanites. They don't want to be in the system so they don't get any handouts.
I was talking to a guy last week and he used to work two jobs from 8am to 1am, 6 days a week. I know we don't want to be competing with that but can't fault the guy for his work ethic.
Absolutely. I have nothing against Israelis or jews or any other person just working to take care of their family. Just think the Israeli government has more power than most realize and don't represent their people.
I never believed it.
Taking billions and billions from taxpayers each year.
He made some spicy claims about Pence!
Have you seen the super strong connection between the Bush's and the Hinkley's? The son tried to assassinate Reagan. They all had dinner like a week before. The son was probably an mk ultra victim.
I didn't want to bias anyone's judgment but Barbara Bush looks like a dude.
I don't mind if you take it down.
Involved. Had knowledge. That's all we can guess at this point. I assumed he was involved in planning.
Could they be using this as an excuse to do biometrics and face scans?
Yeah. Was thinking the same. Were going to release them during Trump's first term but too damning, too spicy! Public couldn't handle it. I haven't heard of anything major coming out of these.
Did Trump say something along the lines that he didn't release these files during his first presidency because they were too spicy or the public wouldn't be able to handle them?
I think it's "ball" because of the small spherical object they play with.
Thank you Dr. Fauci.
I had forgotten about Dulles. Heard he was crooked but can't remember the details. Had no idea about Ford. Yeah, I can't see them having this stuff written down.
LBJ and George Bush Sr. But I can't imagine them stating this
Personally, all diets are retarded.