I have followed Greer for 20 years. He is doing nothing but trying to expose the “deep state”. He has literally been saying for the last 30 years that the government is going to use a fake alien invasion against us. I watched the entire briefing yesterday and if the person who posted this would take the time to truly watch it and dive into what he has been saying, they would not have posted this. Or it could just be someone from the corrupt military complex trying to discredit him.
Just because you have the last name Rockefeller, does not mean that you are corrupt. That is like saying just because someone is white, they are racist. There can still be good decent people within a corrupt family. This is fact.
No need to pray, but thank you for the offer. Galations 6:7. So many judgmental people on here. Geesh. You don’t even know the whole story. Why would you assume that I am cold hearted? I didn’t say I hated my brother or wished ill of him. Last time I ever post anything personal. And please remember that “there is nothing to fear than fear itself”.
I did not tell him those words. I shared research that I had gathered over the years on vaccines. I almost died from a Tetnaus shot when I was 12 which led me down a path as an adult to research this stuff. I have also been very in tune with the Great Reset and knew this was an event that played into that. The signs were all there. I am grateful I became awake 20 years ago.
So you all need to read the article. It says that he forced his son and put him in a choke hold to do it. If that is the case then he needed to be arrested. Remember headlines are there to catch you! Read the whole story.
This is great if you have land. I live in a small village but have a very small lot. I can’t grow cattle on my land and I am not going to be a vegetarian. This is not possible for millions of people. And no, I can’t just go buy a farm.
Yep! It’s been in our pork since 2018. https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2023/04/10/eating-pork-treated-with-gene-therapy.aspx
The book is by Brian Weiss. He has written a few more since and has now sat with hundreds of people doing PLR. You are right, Brian tapped into something he knew nothing about which led to him solely focusing on PLR. I was never a believer of this as a Christian, but since I have left Christianity I have learned so much about what was taken out of the Bible, one of which was the verses on reincarnation. You see, if it was left in the Bible, it would destroy the churches entire narrative.
The Ancient Bible spoke about past lives/reincarnation. It was Constantine who had it removed from the Bible. He felt that if people knew they could just have a “do over”, they would not follow the church (my words as I don’t have the exact quote in front of me). There is so much that Christians today do not know that has been hidden from them.
Being a former practicing Christian for 40 years, I now know so many truths. I practice Past Life Regression therapy and it is so very real. There is nothing fake or sinister about it. NDE’s are very similar to PLR.
I agree with you 110%!
I am a woman and honestly I could care less if someone wants to be trans, as long as they are a consenting adult and they are not throwing this shit in our faces. But this to me is a slap in the face. These corporations are literally erasing women. Same with Nike. I know why they are doing it, so I need to ask, why do they want to erase women now, AGAIN??? Do we wield too much power and the cabal is scared of that? I seriously would like to know the answer. Anyone?
I have clients that are gay men and I always have great conversations with them. They don’t care if people want to be trans but they are totally against letting children decide to be trans. They are also disgusted by the whole pronoun debacle.
This picture does not surprise me at all. And they hate drag queens. Hahaha. These are educated, wealthy gay men.
I am with you Casually Observant. What I believe so many nay sayers are missing is that Dr. Greer has been speaking and alerting the people about the Black government projects and the Deep State for 30 years now. I don’t understand why so many negative views when we know that we have been lied to by the government for so long now. Why would this be any different?
This post is very relevant to the GAW because Dr. Greer has preached that the government is going to use a FAKE alien invasion as the last straw to get us to comply. Why do you think we are seeing the ramping up of info coming from the government?
Also, Greer has never said that extraterrestrial’s are going to save us. Quite the contrary. He has stated they are concerned with what we are doing to the earth and each other. It is absolutely ridiculous to think out of the thousands and maybe millions of galaxies that we are the only living beings. It is mathematically impossible that we are the only ones. And it is very believable that we are being visited. Hell our Hubble telescope has been going for over 30 years, spanning the Universe. So even humans have been exploring.
I am very disappointed by the negativity from some. I expect so much more out of the GAW community. Some of the nasty comments sound too much like the left. It’s very sad. It is ok to have differing opinions, but you don’t have to be an ass about it.