Norman_F_Dixon 7 points ago +7 / -0

Robert Woodward.

This is the rock (Watergate Jabber Jay) among stones (Mocking Bird Press) I am waiting to get kicked over so we can see what is really underneath (really pulling the strings) of this gadfly on the wall of Watergate.

Don't you just love mixed metaphors combined with obscure movie references Live on Saturday Night.

Firing Line / William F Buckley - Carl Bernstein / Bob Woodward / 9 July 1974 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX3qOQ9ldek

Bob Woodward - 5 Years United States Navy - Communications Officer

Norman_F_Dixon 2 points ago +3 / -1

Somebody wants a war.

Mike Lindell has already declared war.

In the link below Mike Lindell and Brannon Howse debut a teaser of the World View Review, a new 30 minute news program starting next week (6 December 21).

In the almost 15 minute sample segment of what is to come below, Howse calls out The Illuminati, Freemasonry, Science (Fauci), the Italian Mafia, hints at the release of the Kennedy Assassination documents, and birddogs The Puppet Masters controlling the Jabber Jays of the Mocking Bird MSM.

And he does it all through symbolism (which Q has told us is going to be 'their' downfall) and subtle innuendo.

It is a master class of taking their own weapons of manipulation and mind control against them.

Start at the beginning of the program so you can get a feel for Bannon Howse's speaking style and cadence.

The fireworks start right at the 5:00 minute mark and ends at 19:30.


How much of the symbolism and innuendo can you pick out.

You are going to want to start watching this program if you want to stay ahead of the curve on what the WIC is in the NCSWIC mantra.

You can catch this program at https://frankspeech.com at 1800 (6:00 PM) CT Monday through Friday live... and they have finally have put together an easy to access archive so you can catch it later in the evening or the next day.

This channel is really getting good.

For those of you who follow my comments, I get a lot of the clues about what to research and why from the different shows on this channel. Interesting variety and formats of programming.

I would not be surprised if this network partners with whatever President Trump has up his sleeve.

Norman_F_Dixon 3 points ago +3 / -0

"One round over. One round short."

https://youtu.be/_ZJJBtVubFM (5 min, 35 sec)


"Fire for effect."

Norman_F_Dixon 15 points ago +15 / -0

You don't go back but you can look back.

From what I've seen its not pretty.

All that you know to be right is wrong.
The ‘cult’ runs the world.
Fantasy land.
The world is fighting back (& destroying the cult).
20% public.
80% private.
The world would otherwise collapse.


I've searched but I have not found where Q let us know...

How old is the 'cult' that runs the world?

The world would otherwise collapse.

What about the past?

If everything we know to be right is wrong...

It stands to reason that everything we knew in the past is also wrong.

The world is fighting back and destroying the cult.

That's all fine and good for today and tomorrow.

What happens to our past?

What happens to our foundations?

And not just the foundations of American history.

What happens to the foundations of world history?

We are America.

We are the New Kids On The Block.

What happens to China? Russia? Japan?

20% public.

80% private.

I trust in the plan, but I am keeping my eye on those odds.

Norman_F_Dixon 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is probably one my more obscure comments, I will give you that.

I won't reveal the lawyer's name or relevance to the date, some, with the time and not at the same place you are (where we all are really, at some level, its been five long years of scratching at the surface of what the hell is going on - every time you think you have a handle on it, boom boom boom and you're back to square one), tired of the matroshka doll nature of what our daily reality has become.

Some like to dig, to research. There is value to finding the answer if someone would just tell you where. This is one of those digs, it has been a consistent nexus point for a large part of my research. I keep ending up at this point on the timeline of events because this is where it all went wrong for the conspirators. They caught themselves in their own web.

You are asking me to just tell you what the damn time is and don't want a lecture (or a riddle) on how a watch works. That is understandable and I respect that.

That said, here are two links to some background material from some recent comments to posts that generated some good discussion and collaboration and gets to a lot of the meat and potatoes of why the mystery lawyer is important. It constitutes a thread, if pulled on, unravels a whole lot of what is known but not understood because the context has only been revealed in drips and drabs over time. I would advise skim the material first, and if your interest is piqued, to go back over it slowly, there is a lot of detail to digest.

Skim it first, particularly if you are not familiar with the events. There are several hundred hours of research represented there. Click and scroll down to my username.



And if anyone wants to go deep down a rabbit hole, that has an aspect of the scene of the crime to it (in the library, with the candle stick...) go here... . Fair warning, it is a riddle (but a fun one)


Norman_F_Dixon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Name! That! Tune! / 1977 TV Game Show

https://youtu.be/qBco7LLAcpc (28 min / 50 sec)

Name! That! Lawyer!

Name that lawyer at the 3 minute 49 second mark and
you too will be able to walk the cat back on The Russia Hoax.

Hand on your buzzer... and


https://youtu.be/kpy9uidJi80?t=117 (timestamp / Browder Deposition 04/15/2015)


https://youtu.be/UuagLWpJrXw (8 min, 46 sec)


9 June 2016.

https://youtu.be/_s7qgNMqDJI?t=2 (timestamp / 10 sec)

Be prepared to walk your cat all the way back to the Clinton White House years.

Follow the money and follow..



Norman_F_Dixon 4 points ago +4 / -0

My Four Years In Germany

First full length feature film (silent) by Warner Brothers.

With the success of this film the Warner brothers became Warner Brothers.

Gerard bankrolled the production and distribution of the film.

He insisted on an actor playing his role that was his near double.

Gerard became a film star without appearing in the film.

He could not walk down the street in New York without people
stopping, staring and pointing anywhere he went.

https://youtu.be/Oo7vxGm9UZM (2hr, 6mn, 46sc)

More correctly first full length propaganda film. Need to see the whole thing to appreciate the depth of the propaganda. If you know the history of this period and have not seen the film it would be well worth your time to get a copy.



Not in the film is a vignette involving a young boy named Klein.

https : //en.wikipedia.org/wiki/One_Degree_of_James_W_Gerard

Norman_F_Dixon 8 points ago +8 / -0

"Lawyers and judges amount to little in Germany and we do not find there a class of political lawyers who, in republics, always seem to get the management of affairs in their own hands."

My Four Years In Germany / James W. Gerard / Published 1917 p. 128

Under President Woodrow Wilson, Gerard served as the American Ambassador to Germany from 1913 to 1917.

In 1914, Gerard was the Democratic (Tammany Hall) candidate for U.S. Senator from New York. He defeated the Anti-Tammany candidate, Franklin D. Roosevelt, in the Democratic primary, but lost the election to James W. Wadsworth, Jr.


Wait a minute.

If Gerard was the American Ambassador to Germany from 1913 to 1917 how could he run for U.S. Senator from New York if he was in Germany in 1914?

I mean, wasn't there something happening in Germany in 1914?


Occam's Razor.

Because he didn't.

He never came back to run. His name was put on the ballot by Al Smith who hated FDR and had the Tammany machine vote Gerard as the Democrat candidate to block FDR. But, not to worry. Al Smith also backed (controlled) the Republican candidate who won, James W. Wadsworth, Jr..

Yep, this Al Smith...

https://youtu.be/kHqm6VFuvJQ (41 minutes)

What has Q been telling us about charities and what they conceal?


Wadsworth attended St. Mark's School, then graduated from Yale in New Haven, Connecticut in 1898, where he was a member of Skull and Bones

"Well," (in the dulcet tones of Rosanne Rosannadanna). "It just goes to show you."






Why all the links?


Getting to the heart of things.

https://youtu.be/df6he4akC9Y?t=64 (timestamp / 1 min, 17 sec)






https://youtu.be/k59d-xMvooA (5m,10s Rosanne Rosannadanna / King Tut)



https://youtu.be/FYbavuReVF4 (3m, 34s / Paean to King Tut)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hYGtXIqDa0 (4m, 52s / RR / Smoking )


https://youtu.be/H2m1Hhb5C3c (6m, 18s Joyce Brothers / $64,000 Question)

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_$64,000_Question (Aye, there's the rub.)

Do you see it yet?


Norman_F_Dixon 3 points ago +3 / -0



The speculation is that Flynn's mission was to infiltrate the Deep State by pretending to be as corrupt as they were. There was always some threat there was a document at the Defense Intelligence Agency DIA that would completely exonerate Flynn by laying out what his mission was after 'retirement.'

I think one of the things we will see come out of this mess is that lobbying,,, particularly lobbying for foreign governments is a pay-to-play con and that it is run out of the State Dept and the Pentagon.

I also think we are going to see a lot of white hat veterans who are only retired on paper and have been active duty for years and years slowly "getting the receipts" as Steve Bannon keeps saying. In other words, meet Q.

Norman_F_Dixon 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have not focused much on Flynn.

Just been watching for now.

Three options possible:

Flynn is white hat. If so then he is a legitimate threat to black hats and all the expenditure of time, resources and assets it cost to go after him were deemed necessary... in the end they not only failed to remove him from the playing field they lost extremely important assets in the DOJ, FDI, and Judiciary that it took decades to put in place and their scam using FISA to spy got Lysol'd. Extremely expensive failure.

Flynn is a black hat. If he is a black hat, whose black hat is he? Not the guys in the Obama Exec and Admin, not the DOJ, and not the FBI. If he is black hat we just witnessed one Deep State organization attack another Deep State organization. Publicly. That is not the way two black hat organizations would normally take care of business. There are exceptions, like back in the day when the Syndicate got Hoover to put Capone in Alcatraz. Future exposing the past.

Last option, Flynn is neither a black hat or a white hat... but if he is not one or the other what is he?

It is possible he doesn't know, one way or the other, based on some of the videos of him floating around...






Norman_F_Dixon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah... but nobody picked up on the Ass Professor pun.

Norman_F_Dixon 3 points ago +3 / -0

Me: [Wondering if I vax or do I not vax.]

Q: "Have you tried 22?"

Me: [Looking over my shoulder at Q]

Q: "I said, have you tried 22."


Norman_F_Dixon 13 points ago +13 / -0

John DeLong 2005 Heyman Fellow, co-author with Susan Hennessey
10/7/2016 Understanding Footnote 14: NSA Lawyering, Oversight and Compliance

John DeLong is a fellow at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. He is focused on cybersecurity and the implications of technology changes—including machine learning and artificial intelligence —on the framework and best practices for compliance, oversight, and ethics programs. He was formerly with the National Security Agency where he was the Director of Compliance from 2009-2014. He received a B.A. in Physics and Mathematics from Harvard and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.

Berkman Klein Center... Berkman Klein Center...

Now... why does that https://youtu.be/FBOZN1GLUnc (37 seconds)

The Berkman Klein Center at Harvard Law School.

Press Notice / Release / 10:00 A.M. 5 July 2016


5 July 2016... 5 July 2016...

Now... why does that https://youtu.be/FBOZN1GLUnc (37 seconds)

Was it this...

https://youtu.be/MBhHjEejw8s ( 15 min, 22 sec)


or was it this...



During that speech, Miss Hillary is arriving at Andrews AFB to be flown by Barack Obama on AF1 to her first official rally as the Democrat Party nominee for President.

Think Harvard needed that $15 million from Klein?

Think The Berkman Center needed that $15 million from Klein?


Of course, $53.2 billion is the endowment today.

Still, $15 million is a tip to waiter for good service if you have $53.2 billion.


https://youtu.be/FBOZN1GLUnc (37 seconds)

cc: u/MAGAdeberger u/v8power

Norman_F_Dixon 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's a sticky wicket...

"The Secretary of the US Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr. considered Jacob Wallenberg strongly pro-German, and the US subjected the Bank to a blockade that was only lifted in 1947 after the Safehaven-negotiations in Washington, DC, where the Wallenbergs were defended by Allen Dulles and John Foster Dulles,[28] both friends of the Wallenberg family."


Norman_F_Dixon 36 points ago +36 / -0

Where do they come from?

How are the selected and groomed?

Who is the next Deep State patsy that don't know it yet?




Hennessey has not gone unnoticed.

https://youtu.be/sZKpeu7f8Zc (4 sec)

Sen Blackburn, among others, have been sending smoke signals...

Watch the for the Hennessey shit to hit the fan soon...

Time stamp 1

https://youtu.be/VWoyUPcYkb8?t=369 (27/10/21 Sen Judiciary Committee)

Time stamp 2

https://youtu.be/o_8jHpldg94?t=15483 (27/10/21 Sen Judiciary Committee)

The Full Monty

Anchor Judy Woodruff introduces "former attorney at the National Security Agency, Susan Hennessey. She's now a Fellow at the Brookings Institution and is Managing Editor for the website, Lawfare, about the intersection of the law and national security." And "John Sipher. He served almost 30 years at the CIA, both in the Agency's clandestine service and executive ranks. He was stationed in Moscow in the 1990's and he ran the CIA's Russia program for three years."

https://youtu.be/ZtOTmXTCCbE?t=274 (time stamp / Interview / 10 minutes)

This may have been Susan Hennessey's debut on national television. Note the only mention of Hennessey's connection to Lawfare is in Woodruff's introduction and she is identified by banner title throughout the rest of the interview as a "Former NSA Attorney."

We'll "circle back" to that a later.

Background Info Susan Julia Hennessey nee Klein:

1999 - 2003 / High School, Sacramento CA

2003 - 2007 / UCLA, B.A. Italian

2010 - 5/29/2013 / Harvard Law. J.D.

11/1/2013 - 11/13/2015 / National Security Agency, Office / General Counsel

11/16/2015 - 5/7/2021 / Managing Editor Lawfare, Fellow Brookings Institution

5/10/2021- Present / Senior Counsel, National Security Division, Dept of Justice

Just for continuity. Brendan W. Hennessey:

2006 - 2011 UCLA, PhD Italian

2011 - 2014 No information

2014 - Present / Ass Professor, Romance Languages & Lit Binghamton University (SUNY) (Two children, previous marriage)

Now its "circle back" time.

Harvard Law Today / 2013 Commencement / Heyman Fellows (scroll down in link)

Brian T. Clampitt, Carly Lauren Cohen, Susan Julia Klein Hennessey, Lee Masao Hiromoto, Zachary Andrew Mason, Devin W. Mauney Jordi Ignacio Torres, Irving R. Kaufman


What's a Heyman Fellowship?

The Heyman Fellowship Program’s financial components (fellowship grant and, for some, loan repayment assistance) are designed to mitigate some of the financial disparity between government and the private sector so that those who want to work in the federal government can more realistically do so. In addition, the Heyman Fellowship Program provides a supportive peer community of HLS graduates in federal public service who can enthusiastically mentor HLS students and young alumni interested in federal government work, and who can assist one another as their public service careers develop.


Oddly, when we examine the list of current and past Heyman Fellows, Susan Julia Klein Hennessey is not listed (select 2013 Fellows in sidebar):

2013 Michael Aktipis,Sonia Carson,Tarun Chhabra, Carly Cohen, Miranda Dugi, Nicole Flores, Lee Hiromoto, Zachary Mason, Devin Mauney, Jordan Myers McGinnis, David Palko, Anne Pierson Allen, Mark Samburg, Jordi Torres, Brian Volsky.


Before taking a look at who some of the past Heyman Fellows are, lets "circle back" some more. In her last semester at Harvard Law, before graduating in May of 2013, Hennessey began writing for LAWFARE. Her last article was published after graduation on 13 June 2013. Here is a list of the articles she wrote, some have co-authors, some she is co-author:


01/21 Benjamin Wittes, Susan Hennessey A Belated FISA Amendment Act Reauthorization Act Update

01/26 Wells Bennet, Susan Hennessey Anonymous Hacks U.S. Sentencing Commission Website, Declares "War" on U.S. Government.

01/26 Susan Hennessey How the Rules Changed on Women in Combat --- A Legislative and Executive History Primer.

01/31 Susan Hennessey China Hacks the New York Times? Probably

02/5 Benjamin Wittes, Susan Hennessey Just Calm Down About that DOJ White Paper

02/6 Benjamin Wittes, Susan Hennessey A Brief Word In Response to Jack

02/21 Susan Hennessey How to be Funny about Emotionless Killing Machines

03/7 Susan Hennessey Banished: A British Solution to citizenship, Due Process, and U.S. Drone Strikes

05/8 Susan Hennessey Dodging Drones in Style

05/19 Ritka Singh, Susan Hennessey A Crash Course on Chechnya and Kyrgystan

05/19 Alan Z. Rozenshtein, Wells Bennet, Susan Hennessey Good Twitter Sources and News Links on the Ongoing Boston Marathon Bombing Manhunt

05/22 Ritka Singh, Susan Hennessey A Deep(er) Dive into Chechnya and Kyrgyzstan

05/24 Susan Hennessey Summary: D.C. Circuit Affirms Habeas Denial in Al Warafi

06/13 Susan Hennessey Rep. Smith's proposed NDAA amendments on Guantanamo and Indefinite Detention

06/13/2013 Hennessey "goes dark".

11/01/2013 Hennessey first day NSA.

11/13/2015 Hennessey last day NSA.

11/16/2015 Hennessey first day LAWFARE.



11/24 Susan Hennessey Visa Waiver and Immigration Fraud in Terrorism Prosecutions

The home page for LAWFARE use to have a selector for contributors on one of the pull down menus. It is no longer there. But, if you just do a search on Susan Hennessey Lawfare Contributor you will get to her full list of articles.

https://www.lawfareblog.com/contributors/shennessey (access to all of Hennessey articles)

At this time, the LAWFARE home page only allows access to a handful of Hennessey's articles. Give it a try:


What was the purpose of those Heyman Fellowhips again... mitigate some of the financial disparity.... Or is more like grooming and placing an agent of influence?

"Circling back" again lets look at some of Hennesey's co-authors. Benjamin Wittes co-authors her first article and many others over time. His wikipedia page does not do him justice:


Alan Z. Rozhenshtein, a 2014 Heyman Fellow, wonder where he went to work after graduation.

Alan Rozenshtein co-author with Hennessey 5/19/2013 U.S. Department of Justice, National Security Division, Law and Policy Office (in 2018 I found him teaching at the University of Minnesota.)

John DeLong 2005 Heyman Fellow, co-author Hennessey 10/7/2016 Understanding Footnote 14: NSA Lawyering, Oversight and Compliance

John DeLong is a fellow at Harvard University's Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. He is focused on cybersecurity and the implications of technology changes—including machine learning and artificial intelligence —on the framework and best practices for compliance, oversight, and ethics programs. He was formerly with the National Security Agency where he was the Director of Compliance from 2009-2014. He received a B.A. in Physics and Mathematics from Harvard and a J.D. from Harvard Law School.


John Carlin, 2000 Heymen Fellow got good press at LAWFARE.





Here is Carlin's wiki page...


Note: Carlin chairs the Aspen Institute’s Cybersecurity and Technology policy program

In this clip... listen during the first segment who Hennessey lauds as a good Republican:



From 21 Jan to 13 June 2013 Hennessey was published in LAWFARE. We don't know when she actually applied for a position at NSA, but during the months leading up to a job offer she is evaluated for employment, has a national security background check and is polygraphed prior to a job offer.

A Washington Post hit piece on Ivanka.


At the end of the article is a profile of the authors.

"Helen Klein Murillo is a Lawfare contributor and a student at Harvard Law School where she is an editor of the Harvard Law Review."

"Susan Hennessey is a national security fellow at the Brookings Institution and managing editor of Lawfare, previously she was an attorney in the Office of the General Counsel of the the National Security Agency."

Another article quoting Murillo and Hennessey in the New York Times:


If you didn't catch it, Helen Klein Murillo is Susan Hennessey's (nee Klein's) sister. Murillo has a B.A. in Spanish and Political Science and was writing for Lawfare while at Harvard from 1/25/2016 through 8/11/2017, 5 of which she co-authored with her sister who has only used her married name on her articles. Murillo went on to the Hoover Institute. Watch your back Victor Davis Hanson.

The father, Christopher M. Kllein, was a Bankruptcy Judge in Sacramento, CA. Probably about as good a gig as being a coroner in New York during COVID.

On the lighter side:


cc: u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power

Norman_F_Dixon 7 points ago +7 / -0

President Trump / Laura Ingraham Interview / 30 Sep 2020

"People that you have never heard of."
"People that are in the dark shadows."

https://youtu.be/N7mDddUjZx8?t=907 (time stamped)

cc: u/MAGAdeburger u/v8power

Norman_F_Dixon 4 points ago +4 / -0


"The article does say, after an investigation by university auditors, Harvard deducted a funds transfer service fee from the $6.5 million dollars and gave the remaining balance of $200,000 from Epstein's donations to groups that support victims of sex trafficking and assault."

No wonder Harvard has a $53.2 billion endowment.


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