NPCLogic 4 points ago +5 / -1

They're still in. And with funding cut, they'll now serve the other purpose - increasing crime and riots to get their perks back. They won't. Deport those fuckers.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trial and execute Bezos for election interference and financial terrorism (as an ex hedge fund guy, he's got nice ties with Ken Griffin and the whole GME story.I doubt it's a coincidence how Amazon was the biggest benefactor of the fakedemic and brick & mortar going out of business)

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Indians are also really good at bullshitting. That's also what chatgpt omitted. How do you think so many of them landed (H1B) jobs?

NPCLogic -2 points ago +1 / -3

Can we not have this kind of Faggit pRedditor style gif bullshit with no text whatsoever. Fucking waste of space forum sliding bullshit.

I get the pepe and kek gifs but fuck everything else.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

The fuck is up with the plastic bag around the pump?

NPCLogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

in Chinese cities - where far fewer people work from home - analysts said there is a much simpler cause for explosion in office vacancies

You can say that again. China and Singapore, the most afraid of covid, most draconian scamdemic mandates and the highest rate of self-policing and covid snitches, yet the FIRST to return to office. In fact they did it a full year, if not a year and a half, before it was "mainstream".

"RTO" as the west knows (and hates) only came about in 2023. In Singapore, most companies were already trying to pack offices in mid-late 2021 around the time or even before the vaccines were first available to the bulk of the working population. They had laws and such surrounding "rotation/shifts" where people were split into A/B teams so not everyone was technically going to office at once... didn't stop various companies from secretly pushing everyone to go in though. Heard China was more or less similar.

Companies break the law? No problem. Individual not wanting to wear a mask outdoors in 90F 90% humidity weather? That's a $2000 fine.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Superstonkers meltdown thread here, locked within 5 minutes/barely 30 comments in by the communist compromised pedophile mods https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1f1yi7o/ryan_cohen_on_x/

NPCLogic 4 points ago +4 / -0

Guy definitely shitposts and maybe lurks on 4chan. This is a very old school troll move that the zoomers won't think of.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm a bit of a skeptic but a lot of recommendations for Alldaychemist so hopefully someone can explain this...

A couple months ago, I tried adding Ivm to cart on Alldaychemist but never checked out. Since then, I've been receiving clear spam/scam emails from people using the name and address I provided Alldaychemist.

I created an email specifically for use with Alldaychemist.com so it's impossible the spam came from another source.

Also it's not a generic email provider so there's no way someone guessed the existence of that email and even if they did, they wouldn't happen to have had the name and address I gave Alldaychemist.

NPCLogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Traveling faggots like using public transportation though. If there's one thing they love more than EVs is owning nothing and being happy passing through homeless to get into their super modern amazeballs trains that connect to the bus system (hopefully electric!) so they can take 4X as long to get somewhere versus a car (and smell the BO, sweat and armpits when sitting during summer when moving around into their 6 car public sardine cans)

NPCLogic 7 points ago +7 / -0

AFAIK they only allow 1 thread for any time Trump or anything they don't like but are forced to acknowledge (e.g. BBBY) is mentioned so here's that thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ebf9e4/ryan_cohen_ryancohen_on_x/

Looks to me like the top comment bumped up is how ThEy'Re ScReWiNg WiTh ThE sHoRts AlGo.

You'll have to scroll towards the middle of that thread to find the good shit epic meltdown of the Faggitors.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sadly all the way across the world from most pedes in Singapore, deep in WEF territory. Thanks for your offer but I'm afraid I can't really move because I just moved here a few years ago and now have family commitments =(

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I don't know man, I read the green text and even went to locate the thread so I could read more https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/475363139

It makes it sound like ADHDers are like mutants in X men but at the same time I also feel retarded because I can't really "Summon" my hyperfocus. I know I have it in me but it just seems to strike whenever it feels like coming.

I've been jobless for months and burning through my savings. Because this is literally the 5th time I've been "laid off" in <10 years, I've been procrastinating applying for jobs and trying to git good at day trading because I really don't want another fucking office job again. Blue collar labor is looked down upon, poorly appreciated and mostly poorly paid where I live (they import cheap immigrants to do all the dirty work).

If there's a way to activate hyperfocus, I'd be interested in learning. I find an appeal in daytrading but haven't been able to focus on learning and getting good (60% win rate but my losses are bigger than my wins). Sadly I've reluctantly started to apply for more jobs because I don't think waiting more, it's already been months, for hyperfocus to kick in by itself is practical.

NPCLogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Is there any honest guide/information to self-diagnose ADHD?

I believe I might have it on some level, I don't think it's absolutely obvious on the outside but I suffer from serious bouts of procrastination but also can hyperfocus on stuff that I'm interested in to the point where I don't need any social contact and do nothing but the thing all day aside from eating and the toilet for weeks on end (happened when I was jobless).

If I do have ADHD, I also got good at masking it after college. People would describe me as "outgoing and extroverted" when I'm really just talkative and left unchecked I could talk for hours about something I'm passionate about (I've done this a few times and the normies get fed up after about 15 minutes).

Best quote I can resonate with is when Louis Rossmann said "I could talk for hours about PP Bus G3 hot but that wouldn't go well on a date"

Another possible giveaway is I'm blunt as a hammer and speak without filter, which is how people get upset or uncomfortable when I "notice" something. Which I guess is why I'm bad at office politics because I'm allergic to lying and saying things I don't actually mean.

  • Advanced example would be covid and how the "Restrictions" didn't make sense/contradicted one another/double standards by celebs and politicians.
  • Basic bitch example would be how people rarely work more than a few hours a day in the office and spend the rest of the time gossiping and acting, and getting promoted based on who kisses ass or sucks cock the best. I've brought this up before and normies get defensive as fuck like "noooooo it's not like that, smart people get promoted or maybe they were harder working than you!!"

I don't want to be diagnosed by a doctor who will probably tell me "it's nothing" or put me on meds. And after being told to trust the science, I'm not sure what's bullshit or legit anymore.

NPCLogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Tom Hanks is a pedo anti Trumper faggot. Lest we forget

NPCLogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Why does quality look like it's from the 60s television?

NPCLogic 10 points ago +10 / -0

I'm not sure what you're implying and I'm not going to assume. But I too shoot almost exclusively in aperture priority (non-photo people: I pick the F stop, camera decides shutter speed, same as guy above)

It's extremely rare for cameras (of any brand and model) to pick 1/8000, even on a bright sunny day unless ISO is bumped up high (by the photographer). And if ISO was set to "auto", the chances of 1/8000 being selected is as good as zero because the camera is going to lower ISO first to something like 100, 125 or 160 (as low as it'll go on most cameras) before it increases shutter speed.

And there's no reason to bump up ISO when conditions are brightly lit unless you explicitly want to increase shutter speed. Any photographer worth squat is going to lower ISO on a sunny day because even with ISO 100, the shutter speed is going to be something like 1/1000 to 1/2000 anyway which is fast enough to capture all sorts of moving subjects including race cars.

What I'm trying to say is, getting the shutter speed up to 1/8000 was a deliberate choice made by the photographer who took the Trump shot. And just like the OP X post, I'd ask "Why?" unless he was expecting something very fast moving to happen.

NPCLogic 5 points ago +5 / -0

Chuck Norris was an anti Trump pussy too fyi

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