Lifting you up in prayer, Fren!
That girl is HIGHHHHHEEE
What does this symbol actually mean? What did it mean originally?
They go hand in hand. GOD is bigger & more powerful than ALL of satan’s pathetic attacks.
Is there any evidence of her death being a black hat operation?
There are deep places in hell for the evil tards that wrote this and read it to children. However it’s promoted is probably a cover to allow the pedo grooming.
Caption says, “I love you so much, little dog that sh—ts on the LGBT flag”. 🤣🤢🤣
Citizen tests are still required to become a citizen.
I totally agree.
Americans aren’t stupid. We’re not going to deport legal residents or naturalized citizens just because they look like immigrants. That’s dumb & illegal.
If somebody wants to dress up like a cat or a girl and have sex with a man or a dumpling, I could care less as long as you don’t hurt others or try to talk sex with my children. If you’re getting naked in front of children, I also have a problem with that. I don’t care who you love or what you look like. Other than that, I’m all about trannies for MAGA. It will only red pill more D’s to our side!
Exactly, Kek. I don’t like sports ball & their woke corporations. I’d rather us stay out of dumb wars too.
The guy he’s interviewing is about to release a documentary about the problem that you can pre-order. See the trailer here:
Yeah, but the vaxxed shed spike proteins. In the air. Pure bloods can detox from it easier than they can however.
Seriously! And what about their designed shedding spike proteins damage?! I’m DONE. SIGN ME UP.
…and now he believes that Jesus is the one true God.
A Dr. Buttar podcast that was texted to me in 2020 red pilled me to avoid the jabs. This likely saved my life and most of my family’s. After his institute started curing cancer (disrupting the globalists’ trillion dollar industry) and started discouraging the vax, his videos and interviews got banned everywhere. His doctor friends started getting “suicided” with heart attacks and car accidents. He’d announce that he knew they were coming for him & that he had a great life, family & career & would never commit suicide. They finally killed him in 2023 with, you guessed it… cancer. Nothing is as it seems. The truth needs to come out about big pharma. That giant needs to go down.
How can we sue?? Anyone know of any class action suits we can join?
Agreed, I’m always in for a good kek, but GA MUST stay peaceful, law-abiding & non-violent.
I’m ok with life in prison.
Agreed! I bet their names are on Ivan Raiklin’s list if Huggins is badassing about them.
Hell yes, I’d vote for that 🔥
Why don’t you do something about it & get Ivan Raiklin’s video to your sheriff to start the indictments?
YES to this! lol.