Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

As the situation escalated, Dutcher called 911, who scrambled several Minnesota State Patrol cars to chase him down and speak to the teen on the phone as he was behind the wheel.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've thought about installing a switch that would physically disconnect the antenna from all the electronics in the car. For that matter, I think all cell phones should have such a switch -- not something in software but a physical disconnect from (in this case) the battery.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

I don't think any of these were electric; all modern cars, gas or electric, have electronic control of accelerator and most now have electronic control to some extent of steering and brakes. And all of that can be hacked through the car's antenna and central computer.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

The officer pulled in front of him, traveling in the same direction, slows down to probably 110 miles an hour. Relatively soft bump, officer keeps the brakes on, slows both cars down to a stop.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

I don't believe Elon is a psychopath; a bit autistic, probably, but not psychopathic.

Any non-psychopath with control of something like Starlink would know the right thing to do in this situation. Money isn't everything, and it's also not the most IMPORTANT thing.

Plus, of course, Elon already has more money than he could ever need.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, I suspect you're right about that. As it becomes clear that Trump / RFK Jr. are serious about cleaning this segment up (along with all the others), I believe companies old and new will ramp up creating and producing non-toxic products so that the transition isn't as disruptive as it might be.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

There are already organic and non-toxic makeup products available; I don't think women will need to make their own, although of course some will do so.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

I suspect you're right that RFK Jr.'s. influence will be surprisingly strong.

Some things might not change as much as you suggest, however. Women have been wearing makeup roughly forever and in a very wide range of societies. Makeup TOXICITY is a problem, yes, and can be addressed by using less-toxic ingredients. While some women will surely decide to go makeup-free after learning about the toxicity of common makeup brands, I think many more will simply shop more carefully, in the same way that people who learn about the toxins and "empty calories" in many foods begin shopping for healthier choices.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Microwave meals would be a thing of the past until they figure out how to make it safe

That won't ever happen, I suspect. It's the microwaves themselves that cause the problem --



Narg 12 points ago +12 / -0

It seems clear that the United States is under enemy rule.

Narg 25 points ago +25 / -0

That's an interesting assessment, FractalizingIron. I especially liked this:

it is political satanism that is the disease, and it afflicts all peoples, all races, and all parts of humanity

I absolutely agree and suspect most on this board would agree as well.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

how are we going to be able to take the (most horribly) abused and try to help them live a 'normal' life?

Good question and an important task.

Narg 13 points ago +13 / -0

Good to see. Sad that so many young women are having their athletic careers wrecked but glad to know fewer young women will be injured, maimed, or killed by a biological male who shouldn't be facing off against females.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not buying what?

That it's real, that this bit of Declass will actually go somewhere (I feel certain that it will . . . we're only a month away from Trump winning the White House back and why would Trump's many patriot allies in every part of gov't and elsewhere in society NOT be ramping up both the Awakening with things like this AND preparing for the massive Festival of UnSealing those half-million or so Indictments?) -- or did you mean something else?

The Fall of the Cabal has to start somewhere (yes, it started quite some time ago, but I'm talking about the visible ramp-up of their downfal) and this seems a perfect venue -- normies are watching, the media can't hide it, and the tentacles reach out in many directions and lead all the way to the upper ranks of the "elite" -- and now is the time.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, THAT was horrifying. Satanists in Asheville and surrounding areas, sacrificing humans. Well represented in the judiciary, police, news reporters, and so on.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

17 months?

17 weeks?

17 days?

17 minutes?

Narg 15 points ago +15 / -0

Kind words, Jamezelo. Yes, opening one's eyes to the evil we are fighting can be traumatizing. I'm comfy (having been aware of much of that evil for decades), but many are not, and the occasional kind word can made a world of difference.

The Q drops and GA itself have done dramatically POSITIVE things for my comfort level. When the 2016 election was getting near and it appeared (Thanks, lying MSM pollsters!) that Hillary would attain the White House and continue Obama's work of finishing off the United States, I was increasingly depressed.

I knew what a Hillary Administration would mean for both the United States and for the world. The End of Freedom for the next thousand years, probably. That vision was hard to deal with.

Then Trump won and started fixing America AND the rest of the world (who would have believed a US President would VISIT NORTH KOREA and MEET IN PERSON WITH ITS DICTATOR to defuse the situation? Who would have thought ANY American President, or anyone else for that matter, could bring Peace to the Middle East? Etc?). Q started dropping posts and Great Awakening dot Win came online, giving us info, tidbits to follow up on, questions to answer, and a growing family of patriots and decent human beings who increasingly understood that we were not only the majority but were part of a movement that would wake up the world -- and in doing so, FREE the world from millennia of oppression.

Yes: Epic. Something of historic importance with the possibility of changing human society forever, if we do it right. (Well, "forever" in human terms, probably not cosmological terms . . .).

How could I not be upbeat and energized to be alive at this moment in time? How could I not be grateful to everyone involved in this largest and most important of human projects?

Thank you and best wishes to everyone here.

Narg 19 points ago +19 / -0

Ron Paul and plenty of others have been "exposing the Federal Reserve" for many years.

The media arm of the hydra / blob / cartel / whatever has always effectively buried whoever didn't get literally buried by "suicide" or "accident". Paul was fantastically popular -- really, almost Trump-level popular during his runs at the Presidency, with huge crowds, a freakin' BLIMP (created and paid for by fans), and poll results that sometimes put him at #1 despite "polling fraud" -- but the Media Machine was able to nearly erase his memory.

NOW IS THE TIME that the Fed begins its fall. Trump, Vance, RFJ Jr., the rest of the Trump Team, the White Hats, and everyone else right down to the pedes on this board and the ordinary men and women of America who are flocking to the TRUTH and ever-more awake will rip out the corruption and evil that has been sickening America for over a century, including the central rot of a Fiat Currency Machine owned and controlled by people who mean America harm.

Godspeed and safety to all participating in this epic and historic task: Returning sanity, decency, honesty, and compassion to the world.

Narg 9 points ago +9 / -0

Half the government bodies in America are run by people committing outright treason. We have been infiltrated by serious enemy combatants to an extent I never would have believed possible. These aren't just "useful idiots" with essentially good motives who have been conned into helping the slow erosion of America -- these pols and bureaucrats are essentially military operatives helping to run a military invasion of the United States.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

MI (Maga Intelligence) translation of that sentence:

"We are traitors and tyrants and we wish The People would shut up and acquiesce to our total-power grab."

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Excellent meme!

And my how rapidly the use of AI to gin up images like this has become normalized.

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