Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for you dot com; I'd never heard of it. I visited and gave it one of my standard queries to see whether a search engine is providing anything similar to unbiased answers, and here's what I got:

No results for "are the COVID vaccines safe and effective?"


No results for "Summarize the death and injury reports in the VAERS database for the COVID vaccines" We couldn’t find any matches for your search.

and finally:

No results for "Summarize Dr. Jessica Rose' data and commentary on the COVID vaccines" We couldn’t find any matches for your search.

and (in all cases) a button for:

Search on Google

My guess is that this AI is just sending queries to Google and summarizing them for you, including telling you it can't find anything when what you want isn't on the Cabal's "OK to disseminate" list.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

It has ALREADY succeeded (several AI censorship engines, which is what I'm calling most search engines now, are out there hiding and slandering/libeling the TRUTH, often flat-out saying it would be wrong for them to pass along misinformation, meaning TRUTH the Cabal Doesn't Want Known).

Here's a post about Leo, a new free-to-access AI from the people who put out the Brave Browser -- and note the POSITIVE effect I think we'll get from this:


Narg 13 points ago +13 / -0

I won't be surprised if Media Matters becomes the crowbar that opens the floodgates to a LOT of collusion regarding not only global censorship but plenty of other crime as well. I'm thrilled that Musk is taking such a hard line on this.

Narg 22 points ago +22 / -0

I don't for one minute believe that Apple and all those other corporations started boycotting X because of something Media Matters did.

I believe Media Matters was used to give COVER to the withdrawal of advertising from X by those corporations.

I don't know or care which came first: Media Matters' idea to write what they did or those in control of the corporations deciding to find a way to cover their asses with the public for trying to take X down -- every single member of the CABAL, from the Most Exalted High Cabal Scumbag to the lowliest Cabal-adjacent flunkie, knows that the semi-free-speech now allowed on X is enough to END the Cabal and its plans.

They all know it HAS TO BE STOPPED. Media Matters is just one of the tools being used (as it always has been) to protect the Cabal and its agendas.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Large numbers of people are waking up -- seeing things they DIDN'T see for most of their lives -- and I'm talking about IMPORTANT things. /u/FuckNewsome posted a comment above with a good starter list:

OP mentioned...

  • Distrust in gov

  • Economy heading to depression

  • Distrust in education system

  • Hollywood & other entertainment

  • -- I would add to the list...

  • Declining trust in the fake-news media

  • Declining trust in the medical establishment

  • Skepticism about banks

  • Rising awareness that the climate agenda is a hoax

There are plenty of other important and useful things one could become aware of, but what we're working with here at GA is the Great Awakening, which I'd loosely define as masses of people waking up to the corruption, oppression, systematic mendacity, malice, and evil that mankind has been living with for centuries.

Do you NOT see this happening? Or do you not consider that to be an awakening?

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hell, Hearst newspapers were shilling for the Spanish-American war. Big military-industrial contracts have always been catnip for the Elite, and the media (or "the news" as it used to be called) is the necessary theater to get the public on-board.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

So its important to distribute bullhorns to different types of influencers with unique skills to propagate the truth, repeatedly and consistently while playing dog and pony show.

Well said.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0


You find the same dynamic in all the most successful of the destructive movements:

Highlight an obvious and harmful problem, talk about it compassionately, offer a seemingly (and sometimes actually) compassionate solution, then gradually misapply it, corrupt the language used to talk about it, insist on FORCING the allegedly compassionate solution on everyone, and keep at it until you've not only made the original problem worse but wrecked the entire society.

  • Feminism
  • Marxism
  • Anti-racism
  • Environmental concerns
  • etc

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

When global population is down to 500,000 as they want, will Disney even still be in business? Apple? ANY of the huge corporations that need billions of customers to stay afloat and be profitable?

[They] are not interested in keeping today's corporate and financial world intact. The CEOs and others guiding the actions of Disney etc are being paid to destroy companies they work for because the long-term goal is a new Slave/Master feudalism with a few Masters at the top and everyone else poverty-stricken, sickly, overworked, and completely unable to resist. [They] will own it all, every patch of land, every mansion, every organic farm, and with vast libraries of prior-art movies etc along with AI creating new propaganda/entertainments, won't need Hollywood or anything else to control the greatly-reduced population.

That's [their] PLAN, anyway, and it's why I occasionally wonder how much of the carnage we now see is from [THEM], working [their] plan, or from White Hats and the global Awakening pushing [them] to counter-productive, panic-driven acceleration -- moving things ahead too quickly and destroying [themselves] in the process.

It's some of each, I think, and most of the time I'm pretty sure we'll win.

But not always.

Narg 8 points ago +8 / -0

Are the patriots REALLY that much in control?

I wrestle with that question constantly.

The two most obvious possibilities:

Things are falling apart because THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THE WEF and the rest of the DEPOPULATION, "EAT Z BUGS", 15-MINUTE CITIES, "YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY" crowd have been working hard to cause. It's the near-end-game portion of their long-term PLAN.


Things are falling apart because THE WHITE HATS are making that happen in order to WAKE PEOPLE UP.

Which is it?

Or is it both?

Are we being played for fools with this "White Hats are in control?" Or even if we are, is the Cabal's plan just stupid because waking so many people up will DEFEAT their plans before they come to fruition? Or are the White Hats really IN CONTROL to a large degree (obviously not totally) and are crashing the Cabal's plans by forcing them to speed things up to the point where the awakening outruns the growth of tyranny? This last is GAW's official (Semi-official? Implied?) position, of course, and quite a lot, including many of the Q drops, supports it.

Either way, a GREAT AWAKENING is happening, and I believe it will ultimately prevent the Cabal's plans from solidifying into the global tyranny they're going for.

But not without horrifying damage along the way, as we've already seen too much of.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thanks for the heads-up, and here's hoping you both are back to normal now, or if not, then soon.

It occurs to me that if whatever is causing these nasty symptoms includes spike protein -- the COVID virus (or call it whatever you prefer) DOES include spike, for instance, as do the mRNA COVID injections -- then adding nattokinase, bromelain, and a few other things might be helpful.

Worth looking into, anyway.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Here's one of the best compilations I've seen; don't know who posted it or where I found it:


Contains links and short descriptions of many articles, videos, etc about the COVID vax dangers and harm -- not just cancer. Search the page (CMD-F in Mac; maybe CTRL-F in Windows) for cancer to find links specific to that issue.

Narg 7 points ago +7 / -0

It "relies on trusted sources and fact-checking" --

Yeah. That puts me right at ease.

On the other hand, it can't be any worse than traditional news shows, with actual human actors spouting the words they're paid to spout by their corporate owners.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent point. And even inside the article, the author isn't clear on whether most, some, or none of "Moderna's FBI police force monitoring team" is CURRENT or FORMER FBI.

The global intelligence division, led by Nikki Rutman, of Moderna's FBI police force monitoring team focuses on compiling internal company misinformation reports about "high-risk" celebrities who are critical of vaccines mandates. These include actor Russell Brand, billionaire electric vehicle (EV) guru Elon Musk and tennis player Novak Djokovic who is outspokenly unvaccinated.

Rutman worked as an intelligence analyst in the United States military-industrial complex for nearly 19 years, most of it at the FBI. In 2022, Rutman joined "Moderna's corporate security team" where she now helps police the internet in search of vaccine skeptics to harass and persecute.

During the so-called "pandemic" and around the time the Trump administration launched Operation Warp Speed, Rutman was employed by the FBI and worked out of their Boston office. Operation Warp Speed, by the way, involved weekly cybersecurity meetings with Moderna, also based out of Boston.

Before joining the FBI, Rutman held various positions as a counterintelligence analyst with the Defense Intelligence Agency. She was also an "adviser on terrorism to a mission manager" for the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).

Rutman is one of many former law enforcement officers who now works on Moderna's internet monitoring team where she and her co-workers utilize an artificial intelligence (AI) program to monitor vaccine-related discussions across 150 million websites in nearly 200 countries.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm certain those soldiers and their families are thrilled and proud and totally not bothered that their families are being broken up so that US citizen-soldiers and tax dollars can protect, or whatever, the far-away place they're being sent to.

Narg 28 points ago +28 / -0

I see the drops as encouraging independent thinking and fidelity to healthy, positive thought and action. The drops also let good people know they aren't alone, and that there are others, including some in powerful places, who are working to reduce the amount of evil in this world. Much of the information in the drops is clearly intended to open people's eyes to corruption and evil that has been JUST hidden enough to escape notice, especially by decent people who would never even imagine that anyone could be as cruel and depraved as, in fact, many are. And there's more to it all, of course.

Reading the Cabal's "drops" is part of what Q is teaching, but it's certainly not the only benefit of Q's content.

Narg 10 points ago +10 / -0

I knew almost nothing about Trump when he first ran in the 2016 election, and my big concern was that he'd be another warmonger for the military-industrial complex.

I've never been so happy to be wrong.

Turns out Trump was the first and only Peace President we've had for a LONG time.

Also the only President openly concerned about ending child sex trafficking, about restoring some fidelity to the Constitution, about ending the vast counterfeiting operation known as the Federal Reserve, about securing our borders, and, well about pretty much everything else that needs fixing in this country. Plus ending the ancient, psychopathic, and Satanic Cabal and its hold over most of the planet.

Mt. Rushmore isn't big enough: We're gonna need a much larger monument to this man.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

A fren sent me a review of the film this morning, and it was entirely negative. Absolutely nothing about it says "White Hats" to him. Or to me, based on his comments.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Socialism itself can hope to exist only for brief periods here and there, and then only through the exercise of the extremest terrorism. For this reason it is secretly preparing itself for rule through fear and is driving the word 'justice' into the heads of the half-educated masses like a nail so as to rob them of their reason... and to create in them a good conscience for the evil game they are to play.

Frederich Nietzsche, From Human, All Too Human, Cambridge University Press, 1996, pp. 173-174 (as found at https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Friedrich_Nietzsche )


Indeed, a hellish artifice was invented there, a horse of death, clattering in the finery of divine honors. Indeed, a dying for many was invented there, which praises itself as life: verily, a great service to all preachers of death!

~ Friedrich Nietzsche, on the state (from On the New Idol in Part 1 of Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Walter Kaufmann translation)

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