Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

I understand, and as I said, I appreciate you putting the information out there. Also, I'm not saying that Elon ISN'T an evil-intentioned Cabal member. By now we all know his background and actions are confusingly all over the map.

Narg 20 points ago +20 / -0

Trump is "worse than any horror story I've written."


Why? Because he's the only President in recent decades who DIDN'T start a new War?

Because Trump's policies brought prosperity to America?

Because Trump engineered a peace in the Middle East that had eluded EVERY administration before him?

Because . . . well, because of every other POSITIVE thing Trump did for America and for the world? THAT's your reason for saying Trump is a "horror?"

F@ck you, Stevie-boy.

Narg 6 points ago +6 / -0

Use of a particular symbol by the Cabal, or by an evil-minded group of whatever name, is interesting and worth knowing about. Yes, sometimes it can help to identify persons or groups with evil intent. Thanks for posting the information.

But neither the Cabal nor any other group OWNS basic symbols and designs, and ceding "ownership" of a symbol to a group of murderous psychopaths is . . . not something I am willing to do, particularly when the symbol is related to the natural world (rainbows, butterflies, etc) or to well-known objects, such as the cross, or a letter or numeral.

Related example: the well-known peace symbol ☮︎ features a cross with the horizontal arms bent downward to the outside. In the real world, the cross was used as an especially cruel means of drawn-out murder -- often murder of innocents (including most famously Jesus, of course) whose only "crime" was to not bow to the authorities -- and so the idea of a "broken cross" always struck me as a positive thing.

PEACE is a good thing. Symbolically BREAKING an instrument of torture and murder should fit right in with a genuine and well-meant peace symbol.

But for many Christians, the peace symbol is demonic (and for all I know, Satanists claim the symbol as their own). To many people, the Cross symbolizes Christ and everything good with Christianity. I've always had trouble with that, because what the Cross symbolizes to me is that Power ("the authorities", the corrupt world, etc) fears and hates innocence and truth and is willing to torture and murder the innocent. THAT is the real, on-the-ground reality of the cross. I'd have picked a different and less gruesome symbol for Christianity, for the religion founded by a man who died trying to bring more compassion into the world and who insisted we LOVE one another, but then I've always been the odd man out.

So is Elon an evil member of the Cabal, and if so does using X as the name of one of his companies proclaim that? Or does "X" mean something entirely different to Elon?

I have no way to know. In any case, given that Elon has hugely boosted the global Awakening -- which certainly isn't helping the Cabal -- I doubt that things are as simple as "Elon is an evil Cabal member and changing Twitter's name to X is indicative of that."

Not that you're saying it IS, eagle-eyes2020, but I just wanted to get that out there.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Funniest post of the evening so far.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

Good to know. I have to say, the few times I've visited Patriots recently the quality of posts and commentary does seem to have improved.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

The FDA has been trying to do the same here in the US. They'd have succeeded decades ago were it not for a few liberty-minded politicians and bureaucrats who put roadblocks in their way.

Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

COMPASSION is the hook the Cabal has used to pull people into its corrupt orbit since Marx, if not before.

This approach has horrendous power, because compassion is the most important foundation stone for civilized society. Jesus' entire ministry can be seen as a plea for more compassion in the world, and He literally defined discipleship as loving one's fellow human beings:

13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 
 13:35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

Language as a weapon: Communism = "community". Socialism = "social" and "society". How could anyone be AGAINST community or society? What sort of monster would oppose brotherhood and kindness?

Yet -- and this is crucial -- COMPASSION cannot be imposed by law or regulated.

COMPASSION is a feeling and an inner orientation; it involves the sense of CONNECTION to ALL LIFE. Compassion IS the FELT brotherhood / sisterhood with others -- and not only with people but with dogs and cats and deer and every other thing that walks or flies or crawls or swims. Compassion is about the deep, non-intellectual understanding that all life is the same, that all life is family, that everything that lives is built by the same hand and made of the same stuff-and-magic as oneself, and has the same basic needs (food, air, water, and more).

Again: Compassion cannot be imposed by law. Government is NOT the vehicle for bringing more compassion into the world. Compassion is about Love; thus, it is about emotional health -- and thus, it is ultimately about the TREATMENT OF CHILDREN. Jesus talks about that also, as we know. At one point, millstones are involved (Matthew 18:6).

Government is about Liberty, not Love. The two things are NOT in the same realm. Liberty is about actions; Love is about the soul.

Government is, in theory, the vehicle for protecting liberty; hence, the US Constitution's restraints on government power and the entire Bill of Rights that Americans insisted on before having their representatives sign off on that Constitution.

Notice that "restraints on government power" are ESSENTIAL, which is a huge RED FLAG pointing to the problem of using forcible government to protect liberty; [initiating] coercion is a CRIME and government as we have conceived it is based on nothing else. But I digress.

LIBERTY (AKA Freedom) is the second foundation stone for civilized society.

A truly compassionate person does not trample on the freedom of others -- "live and let live" is compassion's attitude; benign and compassionate interest in others without the desire to control others is what "Love thy neighbor" amounts to, which means that "Love IS the answer" and truly, "Love is all you need." But in a world of less than optimal emotional health -- NOT an inevitability, as smaller groups have proven -- active protection for Liberty is necessary.

Sowing confusion about this -- about the natures of Love and of Freedom -- has been the Enemy's most powerful tool.

Love and Freedom are co-dependent. No society long remains free without compassion, and no compassionate society can withstand an on-going erosion of Liberty. Love is about (or simply IS) emotional health; Liberty is the society-wide ability to live as one chooses (thus, each must accord that right to others) -- and thus is also about protecting oneself and others from assaults -- including assaults on Freedom itself.

Waking people up to the corruptions and evils of this world is only a start for the Great Awakening. At bottom, this Awakening is about setting right our understanding of and approach TO both Love and Liberty.

Both Love and Liberty are necessary. But using forcible government to "protect" Liberty has shown itself to be at best a creeping disaster (coercive governments attract and enable sociopaths and psychopaths). Using forcible government to "enforce" LOVE or Compassion hugely accelerates the destruction of Liberty, and soon turns even a reasonably civil society into a tyranny.

Getting the idea of Compassion out of politics is a necessary step. Compassion is an inner state, not an action that can be legislated or regulated.

The only way that Government can enhance compassion in society is to protect people against coercion -- which means, in the long run, a truly compassionate society requires that forcible government give way to CIVIL SOCIETY in which all regulation and other "government functions" (including especially funding) revert to organizations constrained by the same rules that individuals must live by; i.e., that initiating coercion against others is prohibited. (To be clear: defensive use of coercion is a different thing entirely; hence the 2nd Amendment, for instance).

Impossible? Unworkable? That's what they said about ending slavery, and the arguments against that were much the same as the arguments against freeing mankind from slavery to the State.


There are many good writings about the practical nature of real freedom; the classic The Market for Liberty by Morris and Linda Tannehill is a thought-provoking place to start.

Thanks to tweety51A for triggering this essay by posting a RFK, Jr. Tweet.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Excellent article! Worthy of a STICKY; this is a major example of progress against the Cabal.

Steinbach’s overdue “resignation” is the latest domino to fall in a rapid succession of righteous pushbacks against the roving academic and corporate diversitycrat commissars who collectively comprise America’s DEI regime. Perhaps not coincidentally, these dominoes have all fallen after last month’s landmark vindication of constitutional colorblindness, and defeat for race-conscious affirmative action programs, in the consolidated U.S. Supreme Court cases of Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) v. Harvard College and SFFA v. University of North Carolina. Following the demise of affirmative action at the Court, the next goal for proponents of colorblindness and foes of racial determinism is clear: Slay the DEI Leviathan.

Last Thursday, a coalition of 13 Republican state attorneys general, led by Kansas’ Kris Kobach and Tennessee’s Jonathan Skrmetti, sent a letter to the CEOs of all Fortune 100 companies “to remind (them) of (their) obligations as … employer(s) under federal and state law to refrain from discriminating on the basis of race, whether under the label of ‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ or otherwise.” The attorneys general cite numerous laws, including Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, to bolster their anodyne contention that racial discrimination in the workplace is “both immoral and illegal.” While the Court’s opinion in SFFA did not directly touch on Title VII, Justice Neil Gorsuch’s concurring opinion correctly noted that Title VI, a sister provision of Title VII, demands the same colorblindness that the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause demands. Naturally, therefore, so too does Title VII.

The result: Fortune 100 CEOs are now “on notice of the illegality of racial quotas and race-based preferences in employment and contracting practices.” An employer’s subjective intent, whether invidious or purportedly benign, is irrelevant. Fortune 100 DEI commissars, consider yourselves warned.

[more positive information in the full article]

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0


When the ISIS terrorists murdered 130 victims in Paris, they did so in the name of history. ISIS—the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria—seeks to recreate the medieval Islamic caliphate that once stretched from Spain to Baghdad. And so they attacked France, which they perceive as yet another Western obstacle to their grand ambitions.

But before they took on France, perhaps they should have studied their history better. They would have learned that it was the French who stopped the Islamic empire from overrunning western Europe 1,300 years.

In 732 CE, at the height of the Dark Ages after the fall of Rome, Islam seemed unstoppable. Boiling out of the Arabian desert just a century before, the Muslim armies conquered North Africa, Spain, the Caucasus and the Middle East with astonishing speed in what must have seemed like a medieval blitzkrieg.


Narg 3 points ago +3 / -0

the biggest battle mankind has ever faced.

Yes. This battle has been going on forever, but there was never a way for mankind to be as united, as well-informed, or as closely connected as today.

Everything is in place to finally overthrow the corrupt, self-appointed "elite" who have for centuries been draining our wealth, corrupting our souls and societies, and killing us in wars and in so many other ways.

None of this would have ever been possible without Western Civilization, which brought forth modern levels of science and technology, including instant communication tools, ranging from the telegraph in the 1800s to the World Wide Web in the late 20th century. Tim Berners-Lee and many others created the most important technological tool necessary to begin the Great Awakening, and as all of us here know: by now, nothing can stop what is coming.

Lucky to be alive now, absolutely, and for so many reasons, but THIS, the Great Awakening, finally after thousands of years of subjugation, is what history books of the future will focus on.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks! They did a half-dozen or more good comedy albums. And I believe you're right (I checked): Everything You Know is Wrong is Firesign Theater.

I don't think the text / ad for "Damnitall" posted by Dumbass101 came from Firesign Theater though -- so not from that album; I was wrong. There was a lesser-known group that put out a laugh-out-loud album (that included a bit that kept appearing between skits, about a million Chinese soldiers marching under the Pacific with air tanks, on their way to invade America). I think it's from that, and if I ever remember the name I'll post it here.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lennon was a very effective voice opposing war (during and after Vietnam) and corruption, corporatism, tyranny, and repression in general. [They] couldn't control or "cancel" him, so he was assassinated.

Narg 2 points ago +2 / -0

My gawd! That's from a 60s(?) comedy group whose name I can't recall. I used to have the LP (long play vinyl record, for you whippersnappers). Unless I'm mixing that one up with another comedy album, the title -- perfectly themed for the Great Awakening -- was "Everything You Know is Wrong."

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

This page has been taken down since I last posted about it, but I archived a local copy -- and it speaks to my concerns about how honest Apple has been in its desire to preserve user privacy. "Privacy" is a great selling point for Apple. It isn't something they actually care about, given their actions. They're all-in on the "$16.1 Billion Opportunity" that the Social Credit prison system represents for companies willing to create the infrastructure needed to track and control every damn cent you make or spend.


Worldwide Social Credit Industry - Infrastructure to Support Social Credit Systems Represents a $16.1 Billion Opportunity by 2026 - ResearchAndMarkets.com

DUBLIN, December 23, 2021--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "SocialCredit Market by Physical and Cyber Infrastructure (Sensors, Cameras,Biometrics, Computer Vision), Software (Machine Learning, Data Analytics,APIs), Use Cases, Applications, Industry Verticals, and Regions 2021 - 2026" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.

This is the only report of its type to assess market opportunities for infrastructure support of the social credit market. The report evaluates market drivers, use cases, and consequential impacts/implications (anticipated and likely unanticipated) for social credit market implementation and operation.

The report also evaluates some of the leading companies that are anticipated to drive social credit market evolution. This report includes detailed quantitative analysis driven by market needs with forecasting for all major infrastructure elements from 2021 to 2026.

Companies Mentioned




Analog Devices





Bosch Security Systems

Broadcom Limited (Avago)


China Rapid Finance


Deep Vision AI





Infineon Technologies





[etc, etc]

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Here's part of my comment to jhartz39:

Taiwan is more of a conundrum than Ukraine for a number of reasons, and we -- the real America -- have reasons to both want Taiwan kept out of the hands of the murderous CCP and yet want to have the embedded Deep State elements there rooted out.

And that's just the start of the problems. I'd love to believe that Xi will do the right thing and keep Taiwan a relatively free place for the residents there but given how he's been treating the mainland Chinese and how freedom has nearly vanished in Hong Kong, I'm not optimistic.

How does that fit with the idea that Xi is part of the plan? I don't know, but I'll say this: just because Xi wants to get China free of Cabal influence (and is therefore the enemy of our enemy) doesn't make him a saint. Or even a champion of freedom. Trump is one thing; Xi is probably a very different personality.

As always, we'll see when we see.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. I know all this.

Taiwan is more of a conundrum than Ukraine for a number of reasons, and we -- the real America -- have reasons to both want Taiwan kept out of the hands of the murderous CCP and yet want to have the embedded Deep State elements there rooted out.

And that's just the start of the problems. I'd love to believe that Xi will do the right thing and keep Taiwan a relatively free place for the residents there but given how he's been treating the mainland Chinese and how freedom has nearly vanished in Hong Kong, I'm not optimistic.

How does that fit with the idea that Xi is part of the plan? I don't know, but I'll say this: just because Xi wants to get China free of Cabal influence (and is therefore the enemy of our enemy) doesn't make him a saint. Or even a champion of freedom. Trump is one thing; Xi is probably a very different personality.

As always, we'll see when we see.

Narg 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes. GREAT question.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, that's what it looks like to me, also -- but I believe there is a LOT happening in the background that we don't know and probably will never hear about; threats and counter-threats, moves and counter-moves. And remember that the Cabal is run by and filled with people who WILL go to prison or be EXECUTED when their reign of terror comes to an end.

They won't cede control lightly, and a cornered animal will do ANYTHING to survive. Beyond survival, even: I believe some in the Cabal, or whatever we want to call it, are quite willing to destroy the entire Earth if and when they believe they have finally lost. And they likely have the power to do so, or to do something close to that.

It's a delicate situation, or so I believe.

Narg 1 point ago +1 / -0

I do see ample evidence that "patriots are in control" but that doesn't mean the Enemy (and remember there are multiple cliques of such) doesn't have plans of its own -- and while Trump and surely most White Hats are students of the Chinese classic "Art of War", so are those in China and elsewhere.

"No plan survives contact with the enemy."

I believe in the White Hats and, once again, see evidence that Patriots have done remarkable work towards freeing the United States and humanity as a whole from the evil we've suffered under for -- well, since long before 1776, that's for sure.

But I don't believe that any person or group is invincible or that our victory is either foreordained or will come without surprising and serious setbacks. Example: Potatus replacing Trump in the White House after the 2020 election. I personally did NOT see that coming and was very unhappy about it. Of course, it was probably part of the Plan (but I'm less certain than most that it WAS the plan). Still: it surprised most of us here, did it not?

I'm hopeful that a major, positive breakthrough is near, that Trump will return to the White House, perhaps before January 2025, and that we'll soon see a roll-back of the corruption and Wokeism and other rot in this country (and elsewhere), but I am mindful that no matter how much evidence there is for something, surprising counter-events are always possible.

Stay frosty, as they say. Have faith but don't get too comfortable. That's my plan, anyway.

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