This (from one of the Texas Dems) says it all:
“Let our mistake be the object lesson,” Wu said. “Being vaccinated doesn't ALWAYS stop you from spreading the virus.”
He encouraged followers to “ALWAYS MASK UP INDOORS!”
That depends how you define "liberals". There's probably not that many hardcore Leftists, except for stupid college kids and old hippies, but there's a lot of people that believe the MSM bullshit that Democrats just want to help people. They're not the majority, but there's a lot of sheep out there.
They did use a variety of methods to make Biden win! But Trump had so many votes on election night, they still had to halt counting in five swing states to "find" hundreds of thousands of fake Biden votes. That's the amazing part.
I think it's more about the campaign of psychological terrorism that they have faced for the last two years. The media has continuously screamed that they'll die if they leave the house and get too close to a potential carrier, and those seniors are more likely to believe it. It takes a toll.
It's important to point out that the "37,000 queries" appears to have been a deliberate attempt to wipe the access log file, which was configured to have a limited size and pushed the oldest entries out as it filled up. This erased all entries before mid-March.
Ask them how many people have died or been injured from the vaccine (I'd even accept the under-reported VAERS data). I'm guessing the answers would include some combination of "extremely rare", "think of the children", "first step to getting back to normal", or "greater good".
This is an information war. There's a whole lot of people in the middle of the spectrum who don't know about the election fraud or haven't made up their minds. The population won't accept a military take-over until a critical mass believes it is necessary.
It was pretty obvious on election night that Trump was running away with it. As usual, Milwaukee had "difficulties" reporting their results on time.
Then, in an unprecedented move, they decided to stop counting ballots for the night. Somehow, the next morning, the dementia patient who never left his basement was declared the winner.