He re-truthed this an hour ago
Book one soon or go somewhere locally that’s beautiful! We all need to take time out to rejuvenate!
Random night shift thoughts…
- Saw an amended 1804 (?) constitution in Philly (1776 museum) that had the most votes as president, second most as VP. The beauty of forcing opposing parties to work together. Imagine.
- We should be talking more about these wildfires. They are not normal.
- The GAW documentary laid it out beautifully. Not 100% those on the verge of awakening will see it the same way. Glad I watched bf I sent it to the few who are questioning.
- Alligator mating calls and mockingbirds make for a lovely goodnight
You should book a vacation soon!
They are basically the very beginning of a plant (beets, carrots, leeks, etc) but when you consume them at the baby stage (Microgreen) they contain a lot more nutritional value. So you eat the greens that are rich in whatever vitamin you need.
Local farmers market but I’ve grown them as well. They take about a week and are very easy to grow
Thing is, most of the “theories” I’ve seen posted, debated, and not debunked on this site have come to fruition. I don’t think there’s one person here who doesn’t hope for the best but has been preparing for the worst. My parents were going to get the vax but were holding out, they are the most intelligent people I know. I’d been lurking here and simply asked them to consider some alternative sources bc they did. Fast forward a few years, now “trump is being asked about the deaths being caused by the vaccines”, things we’ve known. That’s the worst part of all of this to me, the information was out there but not everyone knew how to access it. Time will tell!
There’s a ton of info on here you can look up from years ago, theories but to sum it up… -Had to roll it out quickly to stop the greater plan, mandates, and longer lockdowns -allowed each state to decide how they handled it and the repurchasing are showing -gave plenty of alternative medicines IVM (horsepaste), bleach, sunlight etc. which was always turned around on him but anyone could google -the truth is finally coming out and people are realizing the control big pharma has
All of this is leading to a great awakening. People are reading the constitution and every level or institution (education, big pharm, climate change, fake news, election fraud, scotus, Wall Street, big banks, etc) is being outed for the hold they have on our country. Like many said, it’s a big net and we have to look at the 40,000 ft view. Oh… and most will never forget (nor can the Dems every deny) that unvaxed were selfish, conspiracy theorists, and they wanted to force it on every individual.
Wonder if it has anything to do with all the mosquitos they’re releasing? Supposedly males but from the article.
“Poorly done, secretive science and lack of transparency is once again being rewarded with a free pass by government officials who are ignoring the voices of concerned scientists and those most impacted.” said Dana Perls, Emerging Technology Program Manager at Friends of the Earth. “First in Brazil, and now in Florida, government agencies have missed the mark and promoted the interests of a private corporation over public health and ecosystem protection.”
Remember Zika?
I’ve started shopping at local farmers market for veggies, eating grass fed beef from a local farmer, fish from locals, and but honey in my coffee instead of sugar. One of my favorite new addition is micro greens. I feel amazing!
It does wonders for everything from skin conditions to internal to mental health. Can buy a cheap one on Amazon.
Also look into red light
I’ve spent some solid time digging into parasites and mental health. There really isn’t a lot out there so it takes time to find info. I was also digging into vitamins and supplements, red light therapy, etc. at the time. Then I picked up a cookbook that belonged to my grandmother and was surprised to see how focused it was on the nutritional value of certain foods correlating with what I was reading. I would talk to my parents or that generation and they used to all take castor oil. It started making some sense to me. When you think about terrain theory, big pharm, the increase in vaccines, the increase in mental health issues, the fact that many countries deparasite, the push for veganism, it all kind of came together for me. I’ve seen first hand what it’s done for people I care about. Again not medical advice, just part of my story. Share away, if it could give one person “relief”, then commenting on this post was well worth it!
While doing a dig on parasites, I came across some studies with schizo, bipolar, and t. gondii (a parasite). There have been very few studies done even though there seems to be a correlation. Shockingly, I would guess there’s not a lot of funding for finding a potential cure to mental health. Anyway, it’s found in a lot of things, cat poo, seafood (bottom crawlers like crab, crawfish, etc), pork, etc. These parasites have the ability to cross the blood brain barrier and there’s absolute proof of cognitive changes in animals infected. One of the studies suggested the cyst like images of schizo patients could actually be eggs or larvae. Made me wonder if it would help with anxiety or depression? Ivermectin doesn’t hurt, they give it 5yo for lice in other countries. Told my friend about who was staying with me and suffers from depression and anxiety. The second week after doing her first cleanse, she came down super excited and told me “she has no idea how to describe the way she felt when she woke up other than RELIEF”. She still has bouts but WAY less. I’ve shared the story before and another anon who suffers anxiety said he noticed a difference too but never would’ve thought to associate it with his cleanse. Anyway, not medical advice, just sharing a story. Here’s a good place to start and you can click on some of the citations to find other studies.
Edit: some of what got my tinfoil crown tingling was the serum levels and correlation with serum levels. Also the fact that there are very few studies, especially since mental health has now become such a money maker
Nobody really knows but there are a lot of theories out there based on events. Here’s a good substack if you’re sincerely interested.
This is HUGE! I was just coming to post, CNN and other MSM is reporting there was never any evidence!
Yup… Twitter/truth/rumble merger….
This is the response “Broccoli, fenugreek, sunflower, cantaloupe. Really any. I ate them for 2 weeks straight and my vision was perfect. So crazy”Honestly, they don’t taste like much so throwing on a sandwich or in eggs or sauce doesn’t effect the tast much. I like them on avacado toast or use them like lettuce on sandwiches so they’re easy to incorporate
Look into micro greens. They’re super easy to plant yourself, take about a week to grow or go to a farmers market. I have a friend who stopped needing her glasses, her son grows them.
How exactly can all of the dresses, heels, and accessories (on top of all the uniforms and personal items) be packed into two seabags? Any military (navy especially) care to back me up on this?
This isn’t seriously happening in the military. It’s not.
Reads like a script… dumb
That’s hysterical!
Literally makes no sense