OldSoulPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

And increased government controls which always lead to inequitable/crony capitalism (i.e., those in control and making the "rules" get filthy rich by perpetually enslaving the masses).

OldSoulPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Andrew Weissmann and his mentor/protector/promoter Robert Mueller

OldSoulPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agree. Need to round-up ALL the co-conspirators, especially those that were or are in the DOJ, and in other three letter agencies.

OldSoulPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

The questions are:

  1. Have they stopped?

  2. What did they do with all the illegally acquired information and with whom have they shared this contraband?

  3. Who approved this and why are they not in prison/Gitmo already - they are enemies of America by willfully co-conspiring in violating the U.S. constitution and breaking their oath to protect it?

  4. Who all did they harm with this criminal activity. There needs to be a formal review board to look at everyone illegally surveilled and reparations made to those who's lives have been destroyed because of the illegally acquired information. We already know they attacked Gen. Flynn, Roger Stone, Brian Kolfage, and many others, but we do not know what part the bureau played in these; this needs to be reconciled.

OldSoulPatriot 13 points ago +13 / -0

Standard satan/cabal stuff, i.e. to talk you into doing something bad, then using that act/event to control and/or destroy you, or for some other completely selfish reason and you are a convenient useful idiot pawn.

OldSoulPatriot 13 points ago +13 / -0

This is exactly what an insurrection and attack on America's sovereignty looks like.

Just need to connect her finances to a foreign entity that is an enemy of America, and we might have our first winner of the death penalty for High Treason.

OldSoulPatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yep. The FBI was founded on the principle of collecting a repository to be used as blackmail to control people in powerful positions. Epstein's purpose was to collect evidence for blackmailing people. Incorruptible people (who cannot be controlled) are normally eliminated. Obummer allowed surveilled information to go to third parties (outside of the national security agencies). The real question is, who is controlling the FBI, and has this changed since ~2016?

OldSoulPatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

Military tribunals. All knowingly treasonous co-conspirators deserve a fair trial, conviction, and the life/death penalty.

OldSoulPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hopefully it costs her all of her freedom for the reminder of her days on earth - off to Gitmo and military tribunals for co-conspiring in High Treason to overthrow America's sovereignty!

OldSoulPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fruit comes in a ton of varieties; explore your options and stimulate your taste buds. For chocolate, try the high % cocoa types - one or two small bites usually does the trick.

OldSoulPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thx. Any idea of the date when this was filmed?

OldSoulPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bibet is so generous with the American worker's tax dollars while Hunter continues to accept bribery money from the CCP.

This has to end before it is all given away and gone forever!

OldSoulPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

#9 By Amy Klobuchar: "They [rioters that breached the capital on Jan 6] show up with encrypted two-way Chinese radios."

To me, this looks just like an ACT OF TERRORISM by U.S. citizens cooperating with foreign enemies of America.

Or, this was an ACT OF WAR by foreign enemies of the U.S. co-conspiring with treasonous U.S. citizens.

Before this movie ends, some traitors/infiltrators will likely be held fully accountable for their knowingly criminal actions and receive the well-deserved death penalty in military tribunal/court sentencing.

OldSoulPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow! Cannot believe he even fielded that question. What an disgraceful idiot!

OldSoulPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yep. Not sure what the lawyers told Ruby and Shae, but now is the time to get a squeal deal; waiting allows the DS time.

Reminds me of the lawyers spending 12 hours a day with Epstein after his arrest; then... he was gone.

OldSoulPatriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

Clown world filled with control-freak morons with untreated inferiority complexes.

If I recall correctly, the Spanish language uses gender for many words (i.e., masculine/male and feminine/female) which determines the adjectives. Even words like bathroom have gender. En el baño is masculine and has the masculine adjective "el" (means in the bathroom). How do these "woke" idiots decide what is & is not politically correct, and do they expect to change the Spanish language (which needs no correction)?

OldSoulPatriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

Wondering how many of these cases are caused from becoming aware that their life might soon be over because of the vax. Ultimate betrayal, trapped, and impending death would be enough of a shock to send a person's brain into shutdown mode.

OldSoulPatriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

#13 The writers, producers, and executives need to be arrested, tried, convicted, and incarcerated for intentional, premeditated (i.e. predatorial) serial child sexual abuse. They are demented, sick, and evil psychopaths; the lowest form of existence. They need to be removed from society, permanently.

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