It would be fire watching her on any Senate subcommittee. She stirs the pot almost as good as Trump
Just my guess, but I think someone in the Trump circle had the recording stashed away to be released now. Shows the corruption of the Rep party. Same big money that funds Nikki and Ron. Again, just a guess, but the timing is always key
Giggity, Giggity… Kari Lake for VP 2024
If this is Arizona, think about what Ronna McDaniels is doing at a national level with the help of grassroots donations and the big money. The Republican Party hates us
Smoke and mirrors. I can’t see Trump choosing an established Republican (probable RINO) VP. He got burned being saddled with Pence last time. Look for another outsider like himself. I like Col. Doug McGregor
Agreed… he needs someone that they were so scared of, that they’d think twice about their next impeachment trial
The Founding Fathers never intended for our politicians to need term limits. They worded the Constitution so that it would be a sacrifice to serve. My how times have changed…
I have no idea who will be his VP choice, but I trust that he will pick someone with a MAGA fire that will carry on in 2028. Pence was pushed on to Trump in 2016 by the RNC due to campaign money. There’s no way Trump picked Pence to be his VP. We can’t go back to the old RINO system.
YAWWWN…don’t be distracted. The circus goes on as Congress runs cover. They are playing bait and switch while the important stories are ignored. Hunter will simply plead the 5th with his IRS indictment looming. Don’t take this bait
Agree…100% that the Playboy Mansion was Epstein Island 1.0
I keep waiting for Ray Chandler’s name to pop up. The “ I told you so’s” will be glorious
Me thinks that Rep. Higgins already knows who was on those unmarked white busses
Rachel Chandler is the only name I’m looking for
What ever happened to Nancy Pelosi’s laptop after J6?
Whenever I feel discouraged, this always gets me back on track…
I can remember when Trump was campaigning in 2020, talking about hyper-sonic torpedoes. He’d brought it up several times. I talked with a friend about it and we came to the conclusion that he meant HYDRO-sonic… Maybe he was correct
Watch the Water???
Plus, Congress won’t get any more info because of “Ongoing Investigations “
Keeps all information locked from views. It’s an “ongoing investigation “🤫
Just in time to allow him to be able to plead the 5th at his congressional depositions
Agreed. Trump won’t go into this without showing conclusive evidence of the fraud of past elections. NCSWIC