This has to be the single biggest troll by a high ranking Russian official.
The comment section on the daily mail article is a Salt Mine of epic proportions RFLMFAO.🤣🤣🤣
If Torba is so smart to have predicted this, then he is smart enough to see the end of the line for his little experiment that has cost him so much financially (they set up their own servers) aka VERY expensive. This sounds a lot like desperation to stay relevant than it is a warning.
At this point North Korea has more lights on at night.
Does anyone have a link ? I can’t find this tweet on his timeline.
The left are not rational players anymore, fight or flight, they will choose fight = cheating. To them it is a natural instinct/second nature at this point.
When it hits the fan, I don’t think it will matter much.
Every conceivable legal viable opinion has been exhausted, except for one. Short version if they don’t step in, people might just lose their shit for real in the event of mass cheating. And I am counting on the %70+ In the military Who don’t like this more than anyone else does.
A sticky meme for sticky situation stickied here. I hope and pray that they are stupid enough to try and steal it. Let there be a Military audit.
October Surprise.
October Surprise.
Can’t touch this.
Thank God for cordless electric tools, they could make a killing with the right advertising this winter.
If spandex was a tweet, that’s what. It would sound like.
Shutting down the internet is worse, fibre optic cables run under water just like a gas pipe. Just a thought.
I think I see Jeff Dunham hiding behind the chair.
“IF” you can find them at that price, area to area differs pretty wildly.
Regular $5.18
Premium $5.45
I have disowned my entire family from both father and mother side, i will NEVER again talk to them, I will NOT attend their funeral, ONE true friend is worth more than any amount or number of stupid retarded family members.
He cancels press conference in exchange for releasing all J6 prisoners without charge ? Just a thought.
Lol thanks I needed this early in the morning.