To preempt those who'll surely say it, give this a watch
Tulsi is an asset to Trump.
Needs to be more than 3,200 to move the zeitgeist's needle.
Worse. This would be 2008 all over again with people getting mortgages they can't afford.
What family posts the coroner's report in this way?
Cancel the subscription and then sue. Can't be subject to terms of service if there is no service. Only way you lose that is if you're unfortunate enough to get a pedo trans judge (aka any insane liberal activist judge)
I hope so.
I've watched a lot of YouTube over many years. Anything from model kit videos, car videos, gaming, comics, and what have you. Even kids' stuff when my niece is over. Not once have I seen a Mr. Beast (evidently geared towards kids) video pop up in the recommended list in all that time.
Then this year, even before that initial controversy, I started seeing his videos pop up, and see him in Taco Bell commercials. and so on.. Propped-up brainwashing shill bullshit is the feeling I get from him.
I would say the curated and promoted stuff is garbage. But I've never been able to find a video, from a very small channel with only 1.8k views in a few years, that hasn't solved the very niche and specific issue I was dealing with.
They're gonna try to get under his skin. He just needs to ignore it and speak on her career as a DA, VP, and show that it'll be worse under her and walz.
I'm surprised it took this long.
But antifa would.
Could be a useful tactic
Am I losing my mind? I swear the exact same exchange happened with Biden.
"You were fooled by a fake"
Dead internet theory becoming too real
Alternatively, the BoJ just margin called the world, shorts are selling US stock to convert money to JPY and cover.
Oil is trading flat, and gold is still good. This isn't a war move, this is another financial attack on the ECB, and thus the cabal.
Someone able to explain why Trump backed a Mccarthyite in Virgina? Seems counterintuitive.
Then things like snake venom in the water supply overshadow and diminish the credibility of the hard facts.
Unless SCOTUS steps in to rule on it.
While we sit here making memes over whether or not Kamala is black or Indian... Perhaps the sting operation isn't complete.
X to doubt. Can't find any documentation on this anywhere.
Then there's the Israeli flag on Mr. Robert's profile...
My body is ready.
If China, and therefore the rest of the world, is falling back into regional mercantilism, wouldn't a lot of banks have to dissappear?
Don't care. He's out.
No matter who Dems replace Biden with, they might not win against Trump. Take care of Trump, immediately force Biden out, and replace him with Hillary. GOPe then gets to field Haley.
Honestly, I'm not really sure who my pick would be because everyone on the short list (and 2 that didn't even make the list) all have pros and cons.
But if you're losing faith in Trump now maybe it's time for you to leave the train.
Yeah, I think Trump talking about unity was the tell.
Why do they want us to know this now.