Patriot11Retiree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Every globalist needs to ditch their mansion(s) and other properties and be the first to move in line.

Patriot11Retiree 0 points ago +1 / -1

We are all getting a distorted view of happenings in that area. Just as many "Jews" are Ashkenazi, so too, many Gazans are Hamas. Seems there are more Ashkenazi than Jewish Israelis and more Hamas than non-Hamas Gazans. Gazans under Hamas rule has let Gaza deteriorate into a cesspool slum. There is no good reason the Gazans allowed the funding they received from Israel and the USA to be used for weaponry and underground tunnels instead of topside development for the people. Hamas's sole purpose is to genocide all Israelis, then move on to other non-Muslims.

Patriot11Retiree 1 point ago +1 / -0

This has been going on for years. Don't understand the European girls and women. Why do they put themselves in these situations? Are they truly this mind-controlled?

Patriot11Retiree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Don't know anything about bracelets. Do know if one wants to influence the masses, it cannot be done on the television. He was "fired" to continue his influence on the internet. Good, bad? I tend to think bad.

Patriot11Retiree 1 point ago +1 / -0

I would have to accept only black people have always lived in all parts of Africa. I truly believe Africa was home to numerous peoples, black, white, and all colors in between. The belief that Africa is solely home to black people is a new notion from the last two hundred years or so. The people of today are not the same people of yesteryear. Plenty of bloodlines have been lost forever and others changed/mingled forever. This is not the first time I have read those that call themselves Jews today are not the Hebrews of yesteryear.

Patriot11Retiree 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well, back then, there were plenty of white people living in the middle east. White people, not all, then moved into the European-Eurasian area. I can't recall ever reading about black or Asian people living in the middle east at that time.

Patriot11Retiree 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are stuck on color. It's not about color. It's about bloodlines. The people who say they are the Israelites of the Bible are not the true Israelites of the Bible.

Patriot11Retiree 2 points ago +2 / -0

And yet Snowden has yet to turn against the CIA, blaming the NSA in its stead.

Patriot11Retiree 5 points ago +5 / -0

they are a very large piece of western culture

Yes, another leader of western culture who have sold out the peoples of their land. Good riddance.

Patriot11Retiree 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yes, I placed Najadi, Johnson, and Herold in the same category as Halper-Hayes, along with several others.

the Law of War Manual (dug into and investigated by MagicEyes) and Devolution Theory (dug into and investigated by Jon Herold, aka Patel Patriot).

MagicEyes brought the Law of War manual and Devolution to our attention using the Q drops. Herold simply repeated what MagicEyes posted but removed the references to Q drops.

Patriot11Retiree 3 points ago +3 / -0

The mercator map is not "wrong." This bs has been passed around on the internet for several years. The mercator map is for navigation (compass direction, latitude & longitude) on the high seas. Different kind of maps have different purposes.

Patriot11Retiree 3 points ago +3 / -0

You're welcome. This handoff of information is much better than banning the topic altogether. Many on this board are not just providing information, but also looking for information, albeit sometimes clumsily. As stated earlier we have many lightning storms throughout the USA, so this explanation will be proven or disproven with the passage of time.

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