Not sure this means anything. Since when does NYC hold a hearing and incarcerate illegal aliens? Have to admit, not sure to whom she gives her allegiance.
It's not just the people in Congress. Most don't even dream up the laws they propose. It's the people in the background that need to be dropped as well.
This comes off as a Muslim describing Catholicism, a Christian denomination--rambling nonsense.
OK, this sounds better than just a lawsuit against the DOJ for which "the people" will pay. I don't mind paying towards their re-introduction into the community, but do want to ensure the guilty, Pelosi, et al, pay a price.
Kind of agree. Trump said he will ensure they are all given enough to re-establish their lives and more. It is not enough if the government (the people) pay the price for this injustice, it must be all the perpetrators, from the jailors to Nancy Pelosi, who pay the price.
It's been 4 hours since this was first posted. Any news? Dear God, let no harm touch any J6er.
There's another fella looking into the past, My Lunchbreak Channel, who also comments on some of her findings. Basically, both are saying our past history (world-wide) is not what we are taught, and it seems our history was "restarted" between the 17th and 19th century.
Those are mind controlled family members. Hopefully, by now, some have broken free of the mind control.
Could mean this is a "secondary" Merchan placed by white hats. The original may already be gone.
Sounds like the fella was part of the preplanning over 6 months ago.
Soros is White. Jews are White. That was my whole point: It is not only European classed as White, but also Middle Eastern, and North Africa. Included in this group are Khazarian and Jew.
Whenever the term White is bandied about it is the European White that is brought to mind. White encompasses European, Middle Eastern, and Northern Africa. Included in this group are Khazarian and Jew. The White European has little influence outside his/her immediate family and surroundings. The White referred to in this expose is Middle Eastern, Khazarian, or Jew.
That is not what Musk said. While it is true H1B has been corrupted from its true purpose, I wouldn't consider Musk cheap labor nor his workforce cadre.
Using the word racist places you in the category of the dark ones. Simply stop thinking in that term. We've all been taught to use that term by the dark ones.
Tend to agree. The two young spirits haven't presented anything new yet. I think they think they found a money-making gambit for themselves.
These "zionists" did not adopt the nazi emblems - they were and are the nazis. Yes, the "German" nazis were what you call the "zionists".
Why should I become mad or furious? Why do you want only people who respond in such a manner?
"You should be furious"
Implies you want to control my response. Explain to me why I should be furious.
Don't know the breakdown, but do know Winnie used tires on black Africans who weren't in agreement with their policies.
The cabal elders ruled. Obama was and is just a puppet.
This system of control has been around for hundreds of years -- long before Obama entered the scene. America was drawn into the system around 1812.
Ignorance does not equal innocence. It would be best if those who followed the Jewish faith cleaned out the riff raff themselves.
Anyone hear what they did to the original Kamala Harris?
The American filth and greed you speak of is the satanic globalists. If you haven't noticed, Canada has its own filth and greed satanic globalists.
His "white mother" is the story we are told. We really know nothing about his roots. However, we do know he, as a child, knew Bush Sr and family.