Paul_Revere 1 point ago +1 / -0

"One night off?" Where's this idiot been for the past four years?

Paul_Revere 3 points ago +3 / -0

Let me translate:

"Adjudicated rapist" = "Us lefties believe it!"

Paul_Revere 1 point ago +1 / -0

"CNN: Biden doesn't plan to drop out, committed to 2nd debate in Sept"

That should read: "Biden wil be committed in Sept."

Paul_Revere 1 point ago +1 / -0

Correction: Corrupt PA government. Those who live here are solid Red.

Paul_Revere 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hell, I live neaer a university town A university that actually established "safe havens" where students, faculty and staff could go and cry together after DJT won in 2016.

I can only imagine the oceans of tears that've been flowing since their Messiah Biden showed himself for the drooling moron that us Right-Wing Extremist Conspiracy Theorists have recognized all along.

But imagining it is all I'll do, because I haven't been there since retirement.

Paul_Revere 5 points ago +5 / -0

...and just exactly why do you "loathe Trump with every cell in my body?"

Somehow, libs never have a clear answer to that question.

Paul_Revere 2 points ago +2 / -0

You have my full sympathy, friend. My wife and I are 100% on the same page, politically, and I can't imagine the strain it must be causing both of you to go through this.

The only advice I can offer is, try hard not to get swept away by the passions of the moment. Put all your energy into being as strictly logical and rational as you can. I know that will be extremely hard, but try to balance that against the suffering that fracturing a 20-year marriage will entail.

Paul_Revere 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was 15 when JFK was murdered, but even then, I could see that the "lone assassin" movie, starring Lee Harvey Oswald, was full of huge holes. And so did a lot of other people -- but they were quickly silenced by the "Warren Commission" and their cheerleaders in the MSM, who chanted "Right-wing conspiracy theory!" over and over until no one dared challenge The Officila Orthodox Version(tm). It has taken until now for that Version to be seriously contradicted.

And yeah, I was also in Dallas on business, in the early 2000s, And I came to the same conclusion that you did: Absolutely no way that anyone could have made those shots accurately with that rifle. Only decades of MSM brainwashing could ever have convinced the American pubic otherwise.

Paul_Revere 9 points ago +9 / -0

"There’s a host of potential solutions. The problem being whether we have the political will to actually implement them."

And you can chisel that in stone, brother!

Paul_Revere 6 points ago +6 / -0

My wife and I have been to Fisheman's Wharf, and I can testify it's one of the area's major tourist draws. If they're taking it off-line, I have to believe there's something drastic in the air.

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