PeaceThruPrayer 4 points ago +5 / -1

They are using Graphene/nanotechnology in the shots to wire the body as a Bluetooth networked Human 2.0 Transhumanism Internet of Bodies trackable and controlled patented GMO. It is an operating system platform with multiple boosters to complete the network device. Pray that people wake up to the beast agenda.


Hold the Line

PeaceThruPrayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Normalizing heart attacks for Zombies and Human Crypto generators of all ages in any location…

“Of those 40,000 [heart attacks], about 6,000 are in B.C. each year,” Leggatt told CTV News. “A sudden cardiac arrest can affect anyone at any age, in any location.”

PeaceThruPrayer 3 points ago +3 / -0

Everyday coworkers are taking sick days. Upper respiratory cold symptoms that moves into the lungs.

My family is taking IVM, Quercitin (herbal and citrus peels), and Chlorine Dioxide. For the first time 2 of my family members recovered from cough and cold in less than 24 hrs. We are all pure bloods in the control group.

PeaceThruPrayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

A nightmare…

Trust me it took all-hands-on-deck to scan code, repositories, servers, etc to look for Log4j specific usage.

Many, many hours and multiply this across all enterprises.

PeaceThruPrayer 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have seen an increase in illness in my circle. Approximately 80% have cough and fever. Congestion and respiratory lung issues. Compromised immune systems…

PeaceThruPrayer 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here are more links on Ivermectin


and a full chapter in RFK Jrs book on Fauci covers data on Ivermectin https://c19ivermectin.com/

Dr Pierre Kory’s testimony to US Senate


PeaceThruPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some additional research required but seems promising. https://patents.google.com/patent/US10105389B1/en

Praying for your husband. Thank you for your service.

PeaceThruPrayer 5 points ago +5 / -0

Agree, the Fauci racketeering is evident in RFK’s book and also data analysis is revealing a lot of suspect toxicity in the VAERS data. This points to different toxicity concentrations based upon the lot or batches which were distributed for testing purposes on the human population. The Pfizer “stair step” pattern is not random and intentionally revealing testing of toxic lots interspersed with lower or no toxicity (saline?).

Excerpt from Dr Rose: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/robert-f-kennedy-jr-has-written-a

Here’s a summary of the book by RFK himself:

In my book, I lay bare how Fauci, Gates and their collaborators:

invented and weaponized a parade of fraudulently concocted global pandemics, including bird flu (2005), swine flu (2009) and Zika (2015-2016), in order to sell novel vaccines, enrich their Pharma partners and increase the power of public health technocrats and Gates’ entourage of international agencies.

used “gain-of-function” experiments to breed pandemic superbugs in shoddily constructed, poorly regulated laboratories in Wuhan, China, and elsewhere, under conditions that almost certainly guaranteed the escape of weaponized microbes, in partnership with the Pentagon, the Chinese military and a shady cabal of bioweapons grifters.

made a series of prescient predictions about the imminent COVID-19 pandemic — almost to the day. Their precision soothsaying further awed a fawning, credulous and scientifically illiterate media that treats Gates and Fauci as religious deities, insulates them from public criticism and vilifies their doubters as heretics and “conspiracy theorists.” Adulatory mainstream media abetted Fauci’s conspiracy to cover up COVID’s origins at the Wuhan lab.

teamed with government technocrats, military and intelligence planners, and health officials from the U.S., Europe and China to stage sophisticated pandemic “simulations” and “Germ Games.” Exercises like these, encouraged by the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, laid the groundwork for imposition of global totalitarianism, including compulsory masking, lockdowns, mass propaganda and censorship, with the ultimate goal of mandating the coercive vaccination of 7 billion humans.

practiced, in each of their “simulations,” psychological warfare techniques to create chaos, stoke fear, shatter economies, destroy public morale and quash individual self-expression — and then impose autocratic governance.

———— Data Analysis: VAERS Toxicity by Lot and time chart reveals orchestrated testing by JJ, Moderna, and Pfizer on the human population. Each with their time slot. Pfizer stair stepped toxicity. Not random.


PeaceThruPrayer 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you have relatives, friends, and family who have not been awakened, this video helped. Especially since it counters the response that VAERS events are an “acceptable risk”…. I challenge this response with the data showing orchestrated testing of an experimental genetic therapy and toxic cocktail where JJ, Moderna, and Pfizer each have a time slot to test their toxic batches.

Pfizer has the most obvious testing methodology where they are clearly testing different toxic levels from high to low.

I then look them in the eye and relay this back to Nuremberg testing without informed consent.

Praying this helps to wake up more people.

PeaceThruPrayer 21 points ago +21 / -0


PZP — The Pesticide

Porcine zona pellucida (PZP aka ZonaStat-H or Native PZP) is an EPA-registered pesticide derived from the ovaries of slaughtered pigs. PZP is approved for use on wild horses “in areas where they have become a nuisance ….” [20]

Some persons argue that, because PZP does not kill the mare, it is not really a “pesticide.” Actually, PZP does kill. As will be documented in this report, its use is associated with stillborn foals. In the long term, PZP will weaken a herd immunologically, which could swiftly lead to its extinction. So, yes, PZP is a real pesticide.

PZP — an Anti-Vaccine

While touted as a “vaccine,” PZP is actually a perversion of what a true vaccine is supposed to be. Instead of preventing disease, PZP causes disease — auto-immune disease. Thus, PZP is an anti-vaccine.

PZP’s True Mode-of-Action

So how does PZP really work? PZP tricks the immune system into waging war on the ovaries. In a meta-analysis of ZP-type contraceptives, Kaur & Prabha (2014) reported that the infertility brought on by such products is ” … a consequence of ovarian dystrophy rather than inhibition of sperm-oocyte interaction.” Thus, PZP’s antibodies “work” not by blocking sperm attachment but by destroying the ovaries.

PZP → Endocrine Disruptor → Elevated Testosterone → Masculinizing Effects

Recall that PZP has endocrine-disrupting effects that result in lowered estrogen. Per the observed masculine behavior of treated mares,

Recent Stillbirths Correlated with PZP

There is recent evidence confirming Nettles’ finding of a correlation between PZP treatments and subsequent stillbirths.

Autoimmune Oophoritis and Risk of Other Autoimmune Diseases

A study by Varras et al. disclosed that, in humans, autoimmune oophoritis carries the risk of the patient developing other autoimmune diseases. [23]

Prolonged Delay in Recovery of Fertility

The same longitudinal study by Ransom et al. found that, after suspension of PZP, there was a delay lasting 411.3 days (1.13 years) per each year-of-treatment before mares recovered their fertility. What this means is that it takes that long, on average, for the ovaries to heal, to clear out all those cysts, and to regain some degree of normal hormonal function.

PeaceThruPrayer 6 points ago +6 / -0

Therapeutics: https://c19early.com/#fpall

Note: Quercitin and Ivermectin

Also Chlorine Dioxide Solution if you cannot get the above https://theuniversalantidote.com/

Natural source of Quercitin is Black Berry Leaf. https://thebeveragecorner.com/blackberry-leaf-tea-health-benefits-and-side-effects/

Blackberry Leaf Tea Health Benefits:

Blackberry leaf tea has been used as a natural remedy in some parts of the world. At first, people only consume the fruit, but the legends say that the soldiers chew the leaves to help them getting energy for the battle. Because of its benefits, the blackberry leaves are also made into capsules and extracts in some medicines.

Reduce Inflammation If you suffer from a sore throat or gum inflammation, consuming blackberry leaf tea is the best solution for you. It is because of the flavonoids found in the leaves. The flavonoids are very high in quercetin and kaempferol. These two elements are the best anti-inflammatory and they are good to boost your immune system.

PeaceThruPrayer 5 points ago +5 / -0

Same here. Both extended families and in-laws are jabbed with serious adverse effects. My parents even got the booster and did not tell me until after the fact.

My immediate family and I are “pure bloods”. Thanking the Lord we found a like-minded church.

For me and one of my teen, Ivermectin worked in 24hrs after flu-like cough and chills… since then I have been using protocols of Chlorine Dioxide Solution both in drinking water and nebulized…

PeaceThruPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

ADE as predicted by many including American Frontline Doctors… and/or the adverse side effects of the toxins like Graphene Oxide. So many of my jabbed acquaintances at work or through family are getting ill and not waking up.

PeaceThruPrayer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you I just posted it. I have to give credit to Pastor Brandon from Rock Harbor. God Bless

PeaceThruPrayer 29 points ago +29 / -0


This may be helpful from Telegram

Additional Legal Resources to Fight Vaccine Mandates

Via @ThePatriotAU

From: Rock Harbor Church

Hi Everyone,

We recently compiled a list of law firms that you may call if you believe your rights are being infringed upon by your employer, school, college, or any group that discriminates against you for not complying with their vaccine or mask mandates.

  1. Liberty Counsel https://lc.org/

  2. Liberty Institute https://www.libertyinstitute.org/about/faq

  3. Pacific Justice Institute https://www.secure.pacificjustice.org/site/SPageNavigator/contact_us.html

  4. Advocates For Faith and Freedom https://faith-freedom.com/

  5. Alliance Defending Freedom https://adflegal.org/about-us

  6. National Legal Foundation https://nationallegalfoundation.org/

  7. Thomas More Law Center https://www.thomasmore.org/

  8. Thomas More Society https://thomasmoresociety.org/

  9. Christian Legal Society https://www.christianlegalsociety.org/

  10. American Center for Law and Justice https://aclj.org/

  11. Center for Law and Religious Freedom https://www.clsreligiousfreedom.org/about-center

  12. Christian Attorneys of America https://christianattorneysofamerica.com/

  13. Christian Law Association https://www.christianlaw.org/

  14. National Association of Christian Lawmakers https://christianlawmakers.com/

  15. Pacific Legal Foundation https://pacificlegal.org/

Like I have mentioned before, most people (i.e. the people who just do what they are told by their employer, the government, or the narrative) do not know the law so they believe that vaccine and mask mandates can be enforced. However, this is not true. This is when you will have to push back and contact an attorney to get advice.

I hope this helps you because now is the time to stand up to this kind of injustice and draconian medical tyranny.

Pastor Brandon

Subscribe: @ThePatriotAU

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PeaceThruPrayer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Chlorine Dioxide Solution

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