Correct. Harris, by virtue of her birth certificate is NOT eligible. Her parents were foreign students at the time of her birth. She does not qualify. Mike Johnson will be President, and can then use Article 25 to place Donald J. Trump. :)
I have to agree. Today was very strange. Well we all significantly dislike Cheatle, I think that she may be afraid for her life as well. She simply refused to answer any of the questions and slipped up and letting us know that there was more than one shooter and that she was concerned about continuity of government. That means Derek Johnson has been right all along and under executive order, 13848 Trump is now the president and has been the president all along. I think what we had was an optical coup, where removing them from office would not be as simple as it might appear. The perpetrator of the crew had the respect and confidence of the American people who have been led to believe by nefarious organizations like blackrock that they need to believe in the mainstream media. That game has now come to an end.
100% on that. That was a fatal slip because it means that Donald Trump still is the real president and that everything else that's been going on has been one giant theater event. If that's the case then with the actor who's playing the role of Biden getting sick and opting out, it means they've had to scramble to rewrite the script. They Cannot Pl., Harris as president since her birth certificate proves that she does not qualify as both her parents were foreign students at the time of her birth. Then later on today, AOC issued a video where she looked quite unusual and not herself. She disclosed that the DNC is having its own little Civil War and that the powers the B are intent on taking out the entire ticket. Perhaps she has been told that she is surplus baggage now. If that's the case, she'll soon turn states evidence to save her ass. If any of this is true, then I think we'll see a half a dozen or more people disappear over the next two or three weeks.
I cancelled Netflix several months ago. Got tired of their wokeness. You'd be watching a normally good movie, but then they have to toss in male lovers and homosexual activity in an attempt to normalize it. I don't give a rats ass what two homos do. I'm not interested in their love lives. Just stop trying to create the illusion that it is normal.
Terminal 3720 emulation is a dos based terminal emulation program from the early 90s. Made by IBM but private labeled for people to dial into organizations through the phone system. Easy to hack the mainframe with the tool. Not sure what the long number is.
I think the Kerry has been placed under arrest at GITMO. This is clearly a double. The double's chin too pointed, skin too smooth, eyebrows wrong slant and more. Not John Kerry. The moves have started. It will all be over soon now. On or beforre October 20th, it will all be clear. Trudeau in Canada will also be removed from office. Biden in the next ten days.
Elon is right. I'm old enough to remember this shit. I was in 1st year university when Bill Gates and Paul Allen participated on a BBS service we had. Gates was still at Lakeside I think. It was 1975. My friend, who lives a hour from me, and is five years older, remembers Paul Allen. They used to hang out at Paul's place on Lake Washington. Paul was all exited that he had create this huge drum (like a 45 gallon barrel) that could store data! Gates and Allen (mostly Allen) created DOS and used it to make the vehicle counter that was used on roads to count cars.
Gates was always the flake. More imagination that reality. He contracted Peter Norton to write viruses for First DOS, then later Window 95. Norton sold "NortonUtilities" which everyone bought. Did Gates finance that? You guess.
Windows encouraged "pirate marketing" by leaving an unlocked .ini file on the install disk. For every 10 DOS installs that were pirated, 20 or 30 were purchased. Same on Windows 95. Plus, 95 was loaded with viruses. Something like 150 viruses. THAT IS WHY THIS PSYCHOPATH GATES IS THE WAY HE IS.
LOL. They'll be playing "defence" for the next 100 years! Invest in vaseline!