If they were just following orders from their boss, are they really the evil people they are being made out to be? Refusing to follow orders of a boss is a pretty serious thing in most places. The question is, which none of us know, is whether they were willfully going along with the orders and glad to try to promote the whole event. I think releasing names would be bad because it could lead to some crazy person attacking one of them, and then the media would have a field day over it.
Back during the "too big to fail" period, I looked at the list of corporations that received bailouts. It was so disgusting because the amounts they receive could have EASILY been raised by those corporations selling off assets, without it being a significant dent to their net worth, but instead of that, all of us taxpayers just gave them hundreds of millions at a time!
We should do a poll here to find out what percentage of family members are leftist drones. In my case, one brother and one sister, and my mother, are leftist drones. Me and one brother are not, so out of five, three are leftist drones, or 60%. For my four children, one is strongly conservative, one is moderately conservative, and two are leftist drones. My wife is strongly conservative. So for my immediate family, it's 50% leftist drones.
Oh how sweet it would be to see the most annoying Senator in the history of the U.S. removed, and possibly prosecuted. The down side is that the Governor would just name someone who is just as bad as Schumer, and who knows, possibly worse!
I wonder if anything will be done about the guy who hosts a 1-hr show on NPR, on Saturday morning ("wait, wait, don't tell me"), who gets more than $400,000 a year! Even if it was the worlds most famous standup comic, it wouldn't be worth $400,000 a year!