Photoncounter 2 points ago +3 / -1

Much of the facade of many modern buildings is foam, not stone, so that might be the case here. Look up the Monte Carlo Las Vegas fire and the Grenell Towers fire (UK).

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Left wing loonies in France getting what they deserve.

Photoncounter 11 points ago +11 / -0

Boycott all food franchises. Take your business to local Mom and Pop stores. They need the business and the Corporate progressives need a wake-up call from all of us.

by jb12458
Photoncounter -2 points ago +1 / -3

Wear MAGA hats and Trump shirts 24/7. Put a WWG1WGA stickers on your non-working car. Listen to repeats of Rush Limbaugh’s shows. Be in their face the whole time. They will get very sick of you very quickly. Tell them you’re out if they’ll help with the car and an apartment. If they won’t, double down.

Parents like this are in their own world and you really aren’t part of it anyway.

Photoncounter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Kick ass! Those weirdos are mentally challenged and cannot stand up to someone strong. Good luck and keep us up to date!

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sounds like bullshit to me. But, I agree with all the points. Shame them. Shame Marxists. Shame members of the Pedophile Party.

and have fun doing it!

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

600 kids in my school when I graduated in 1974. One with Aspbergers, a couple fat kids. Everyone else was pretty healthy.

Weaken the children and you weaken the future.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thanks! I am leaving radiation and surgery as an option if it gets much worse. I have two close friends who have prostate cancer. Both regretted the surgery due to incontinence so radiation will be my next step, if necessary.

There is quite a bit of evidence most men die with the cancer, something like 80% of 80 year olds have it and they die from something else.

I have one remaining mission in life: to be around to dance with my granddaughter at her wedding. She is 11 now so I have a few years to make a decision!

Photoncounter 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m Stage T1C with prostate cancer. I refused the surgery, intending to die withit rather than from it. Thanks to all for the links, maybe IVM/HCQ will slow its very slow progression.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

His son had a cideo on YT until they took it down. He explained the Dr’s produccts are way over priced and don’t do what they promised. All profits generated from his business go directly to Miscavidge.

If you support him you are supporting slavery and human trafficking - the core tenet off Scientology.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +5 / -4

Be careful - “Dr Berg” is a Scientologist. I would look to other sources for verification.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please shop at Panera Bread! Pretend you are ordering for a meeting. Order 36 bagels - sliced - plus schmear, juices and coffee. Once the order has been rung up, offer cash. Only. Refuse to use your palm. When when they refuse cash, walk out. They will have to throw out the bagels and coffee because they’ve been handled. Hit those Marxists where it hurts.

Photoncounter 10 points ago +10 / -0

I visited S Africa five times in the mid 2000’s. Each time it got progressively worse. Once I was at a pizza place in Pretoria. The Police came barging into the restaurant with automatic weapons. Everyone hit the floor. They went into the kitchen, found who they were looking for, beat him unconscious and dragged him out the front door. Someone folowed with a mop, cleaning up the blood. Most people just went back to eating, I lost my appetite and called the hotel for a ride.

You have a beautiful country with many very nice people, white and black. The few destroy the many, just like in the USA.

Godspeed to you and your family.

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hydrocarbons are chemicals where Hydrogen and Carbon are bonded. The chemical bonds are pretty easy to break (combustion) but much harder to make. Turns out that subduction of one tectonic plate under another is the prime factor here. Tectonic movement transport lots of rock, sediment and water deep into the Earth. There is it cooked at high temp and transported. No one really knows why, yet, but at certain locations it makes its way back near the surface as “crude” oil and gas, where we extract it.

The entire Eastern Continental shelf of the US is an example. While there is no nearby subduction zone, the shelf is almost entirely frozen Methane. Due to warmer temps, this Methan bubbles out in the lower latitudes, such a the Virgin Islands and the famous “Bermuda Triangle”. When I taught at Texas A&M a Geology Professor told me there is easily 300,000 years of extractable, inexpensive natural gas there. Not 300,000 years for the USA but for the entire world! And that is just one of many worldwide deposits.

Its not about the lack of cheap energy. It is all about control of the population.

Normies are continuing to awaken…

by panamax
Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Too late. He was killed in a plane crash next week.

Photoncounter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure, go ahead. In the USA the FCC is the final authority but you’ve got to mess up real bad before they do anything. Ham volunteers monitor the airwaves and report folks operating out of their license class or causing severe interference. It can take years to get prosecuted. Also, you would need some way of identifying yourself - a callsign - issued by a government. This isn’t CB radio. I also have GMRS radios in faraday cages staged in many bugout locations. My adult children have the same. Technically you require a license for those too ($60 for ten years) but few bother. Part of my bugout kit is a portable repeater, encrypted, and setup for my family only. All live within 15 miles and we test the setup 2X a year.

Good luck to you!

Photoncounter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Licenses are required in all countries per international agreements. Transmitted power levels in excess of 1000 watts, responsibility for RF safety and maintaining commercial free. Ham radio is the backbone of emergency communications, when everything else goes down there are several million of us to help. Extensive humanitarian communications right now for the horrible earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

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