Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Indeed. And fought and won several conflicts with Colonial Powers independent of assistance from the British Military.

I was mostly keeping the focus to the U.S and U.S Corporations. Due to people being better acquainted with them.

People like to underestimate the amount of power Corporations and Companies could and can wield. And have wielded in the past. Hell Switzerland was essentially more a giant PMC for several hundred years contracting men to dozens of countries, Companies, and private interests. Than it was a nation state.

Or like to pretend some idea of Fairness, Excessive Cost, or Competition or something similar would prevent a company like McDonalds from forming a McDeathsquad of hired guns to literally torch the competition. If they felt it necessary. And would suffer no legal repercussions for doing so.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’ll take time. Potentially years if not several decades until we culturally and socially regain our footing and sense of self.

And for Corporations and Business interests. That isn’t time they want to spend. Even if it’ll ultimately be beneficial long term.

American, and to a lesser extent Western Corporate Models in general have largely transitioned into prioritizing the short term. In pursuit of profits and shareholder returns.

Which is why we’ve entered a revolving door of companies including former household names going bust. Or entering dire financial straits.

It wasn’t simply DEI. Though that undoubtedly didn’t help. There’s been a few decades of over expansion, mergers that probably shouldn’t have happened, and poor business decisions. The DEI was just the final nail.

Plebbitimmigrant 6 points ago +6 / -0

Exposure op? Eh who knows.

But it is reminding people there’s more to Countries than Economics. And making lines on charts go up as fast possible.

Which flys in the face of the elements of the Right who are primarily concerned with Economics and Making lines on charts go up as fast possible.

Which has always been a weak point of some elements of the Right. Who have a tendency to do a hand wave “The Free Market will take care of it” and leave it at that when questions of long term effects on people and culture start being asked.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Congrats on learning something.

There’s a lot of overlap between all 3 ideologies. With the more extreme ends of Libertarians, and Free Marketers. Essentially being Ancaps who don’t want the negative connotations associated with the term.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

2025 is shaping up to be a fun time. The Libertarians, Free Marketers and Ancaps. Versus various flavors of people who are explicitly Nationalists going at it right at the end of the year.

Plebbitimmigrant 14 points ago +14 / -0

Called it months ago. That the cracks in Trumps coalition would start forming between those who were explicitly Nationalists and the more Free Market and Ancap Libertarian elements.

I just wasn’t expecting it to happen before he even took office. I would have bet at least a year or more

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

One of the first comprehensive Journalistic reports about the Child Sex Trade “The Maiden Tribute of Modern Babylon” was penned in 1885 by W.T Stead one of the fathers of investigative journalism. Interesting aside. W.T Stead is also noted as having died aboard the Titanic.

But yeah. Everything was sold as a product in the late 19th and early 20th century. Including people and Children. It was just carefully rebranded. To avoid ‘Unsavory’ accusations. It’s also the era of time most associated with laissez-faire Capitalism by many. And why so many on both sides of the political spectrum find the idea of lifting absolutely all restraints on Corporations and the market an iffy topic.

The era can mostly be summarized as the wealthy tossing money around, Bribing who they can, and grinding everyone else beneath their boots. Rockefeller, Carnegie, Vanderbilt, Frick, and so many others whose descendants trouble us today. Made their Fortunes in that time. It’s actually where the term ‘Gilded Age’ was coined.

Funnily enough Corporations actually fought wars of their own during this time frame. Somewhat ironically like a Cyberpunk dystopia. With Skirmishes on the Frontiers fought by Mercenaries employed by Railroad corporations. Seeking to delay each others progress and destroy small time competitors. Pinkertons and Private Security became wielded as Cudgels against each other’s and early attempts at forming Unions. Organized Crime erupted that seemingly only targeted certain Companies while leaving others alone.

The Coal Wars, Railroad Wars, Any of the Numerous Range Wars between Large Ranchers and Land Speculators and their smaller competition and communities unfortunate enough to be caught in the way.

Federal Troops, State Militia and National Guard skirmished with various groups. Including Native Tribes, Confederate Remnants in the form of the KKK, and were due to Bribes paid to ‘elected’ leaders often enough fighting against average Americans. Who for whatever reason had found themselves the target of the Business Classes Ire.

American Companies also toppled Governments in the Carribean and South and Central America like Dominos to ensure they could continue operations unmolested by locals getting silly ideas about Sovereignty and the idea that the majority of profits shouldn’t be lining pockets at the Corporate Headquarters or Washington D.C. Fruit Companies were notorious for this. Which is where the term ‘Banana Republic’ was coined. Also how we ended up with Hawaii.

Life wasn’t particularly pleasant, by our modern standards at least, for anyone who wasn’t either Wealthy or a Politician. Such a time was called the ‘Gilded Age’ at least in America for a reason. It was a profitable and luxurious time. For the top percentage of the country.

Plebbitimmigrant 14 points ago +14 / -0

If he’s serious about pressing claims on Greenland. Annexing Canada, and retaking the Panama Canal. And this isn’t some drawn out joke meant to provoke thought and reevaluation of international relations. Then we’ll need a gargantuan fuckload of people, cash, and equipment.

We will need 10s of Thousands of new Military personnel alone. Granted I’m counting National Guard for the new states and the necessary expansion of the Coastguard to Guard all the additional Coast. In that figure

Thousands of Miles of new Roads and Railway will need to be laid. Existing Infrastructure will need to be overhauled. New Towns will likely need to be built.

And existing industry and infrastructure will be tested in a way they haven’t been in decades.

Immigration reform and a massive restriction if not total halt to both it and the H1B Visa program would likely be necessary. On top of that. Due to ongoing issues involving all those topics.

Meaning we will find ourselves with limited reserves of manpower. Which means incentives for children and family formation will need to be given.

And cohesive policy directed at tackling the Multi-Generational poverty problem currently affecting far too many American families. Particularly in places where it’s become a way of life.

Tech Sector will likely be pressed into service to help develop methods to alleviate the downsides of manpower shortages. IE large scale deployment of Robots and other Gadgets.

We may even see them start feeding Black project tech into the American mainstream.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

Maybe. It could also have been one of those niche Historical technicalities. Where it wasn’t officially declared with its own piece of Legislation. Even though it occupies places of prominence in Federal Seals and Government Logos. Because frankly the Founding Fathers had more pressing matters than the comparatively trivial concern of formally deciding on the Bird and putting pen to paper to make it official.

So even though it for all intents and purposes has been the National Bird for 200+ years in the eyes of literally everyone. On paper it wasn’t. So some Congressman who wanted his footnote of a footnote decided to remedy that.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

Always wished to be wealthy enough own a massive property like that when I was Younger. Now that I’m older. I don’t see much of a point. Unless you’ve got a large family to fill the space with life and activity and actually turn it into a home.

Owning such a grandiose property just to have it and then leaving it to rot is such a waste. Granted it’s the Rothschilds. Wouldn’t be shocked if there’s some creepy, sadistic, or dark reason they left it abandoned. To the point they won’t even shove a Family disappointment there to keep them out of the limelight.

Plebbitimmigrant 7 points ago +7 / -0

That was actually explicitly part of his motivations. And Denmark responded. Albeit modestly. By beginning the process of upgrading the Airport to accommodate F-35s and Fighter Aircraft. Funding a couple more Icebreakers/Patrol Boats.

Much like part of his motivation for demanding back the Panama Canal. Is at least in part because China is getting too friendly with the Panamanian Government. And partly because Panama isn’t holding up their end of the deal and keeping the Canal updated and maintained. To ensure speedy passage of things like U.S Warships.

And his harping on annexing Canada. Is because the Canadian Military isn’t in good shape to deal with domestic problems in Canada. Such as unrest from the Diversity. Let alone fend off Chinese and Russian attempts to move into and conduct operations in the Arctic. Not to mention the risk of Woke Canadian Foreign Policy and uncontrolled immigration is to U.S National Security.

Drugs, Weapons, and People have been moving across our Northern Border. While attention is primarily focused on the Southern Border.

And Unconfirmed Rumors indicate Federal and State Authorities have been locating Weapon Stockpiles on the Northern Border. Chinese Weapons Stockpiles.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

If I recall the Lore correctly on the Predators species. They are mostly motivated by the thrill and pleasure of the Hunt. The more dangerous the Prey. The better. Being both a status symbol and right of passage.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

“That’s where I went to Jail last year for stealing from Target”

Says a whole lot about her and the fact That she’s once again in the same position. Maybe they’ll let her have the same cell again.

Plebbitimmigrant 8 points ago +8 / -0

Greenland, Panama, Canada. If it’s not some elaborate joke or meme and we really do end up with all 3.

We’re going to need a lot more Freedom Cities. And People for that matter. He’ll also have secured his status as one of the Greatest Presidents next to maybe George Washington himself.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Resources and Mining in order to keep the Economy fueled and ensure the tech sector has a ready access to various metals used in production of electronics and other materials we’ve largely come to rely on to one degree or another.

Without leaving the country and our technology sector as a whole at the mercy of the ‘International Free Market’ or foreign governments or companies.

Plebbitimmigrant 7 points ago +7 / -0

Indeed. Many of the people who have Gluten issues eating U.S Grains. Have no issues with European Grains.

Many European Cities are also more readily traversable by foot or public transport. Meaning more people walked and had the opportunity to remain active more often. And regular activity. Even just walking. Particularly in Men is an important part in maintaining appropriate hormone levels.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Occurred over the Red Sea in early morning hours during operations conducted by the U.S.S Harry Truman and her strike group.

Both Pilots are alive. Thank god. Though taxpayers are out 55 million for the Jet.

But the question is how such a clusterfuck happened. A lot, and I mean a lot of shit would need to go wrong. From equipment failures to shitty command decisions for what occurred to have transpired. And while it’s not impossible that so many factors all happened to transpire together. Especially with DEI. It’s still suspicious.

Plebbitimmigrant 21 points ago +21 / -0

Annexing Canada. Taking back the Panama Canal. Buying Greenland.

He’s going to have a busy 4 years. If some of those end up not being memes and running jokes.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

The cases where they kidnap and "operate" on people being stopped with the name of Jesus is pretty eye-opening

For every case I hear like this. I hear about others where it doesn’t do anything. So I’m not entirely sold on the “Aliens are Demons” thing.

Maybe it’s a mix and some are fake and others real. Starting a War or setting Humanity on a certain path. Such as by conditioning us to respond violently to other life that doesn’t look like us. Or what we are familiar with.

Would seem like something the Devil would do.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s also worth noting, when recounting their Christian beliefs, that many of them also weren’t traditional Christians. At least in the same way as many other Colonial Americans of lesser social and economic standing were.

Counting known members of one or more Secret Societies and Masonic orders among their ranks. And suspected members of several more. And surviving writings and personal letters of some of the founders include a fascination with various Occult texts and writings of early occultists. Jefferson himself is reported to have spoke fondly of the founder of the Illuminati Adam Weishaupt on several occasions.

Though to be fair they were Aristocratic Gentlemen or at least the closest thing the American Colonies had to a class of landed Aristocracy. And such fascinations and odd takes on mainstream faith were far from unusual or unexpected for that social and economic rung of society at the time.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes they did that several times. They also would dynamite the entrances to dug outs. Or Bring up Flamethrowers and torch them. Often while the men inside were still asleep.

They also executed POWs in mass several times. Because it was simply too inconvenient to take them prisoner.

And some units reportedly had a habit of maiming men and leaving them to bleed out rather than kill them outright.

There was also claims of Canadian Trench Raiders massacring Aid Stations and the Wounded and Medical Personnel inside them. Though that was not one of the things explicitly confirmed post war to my knowledge. Just suspected.

Most of the rest of the Allied Forces actually abandoned Trench Raids. Deeming it too costly and brutal a tactic. Keeping in mind these are the same people who thought slowly walking towards machine gun nests was the pinnacle of Military Strategy. The Canadians were one of the only Allied forces to maintain the practice.

There was also the time the Germans tried to repeat the Christmas Truce of 1914 the following year in 1915. German troops had started to emerge from their positions unarmed or otherwise expose themselves to fire. Wishing the Canadians Merry Christmas and waving goods they presumably planned on sharing with their opposite numbers.

The Canadian response was Machine Guns, Rifle Fire and Mortars.

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