Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Strictly speaking. Though it has been used by nobles and wannabe Nobles. It after the decline of knights as a Professional Soldiering class. Thereby removing the need for squires.

Became more or less a social rank and Courtesy title. For people who weren’t Titled Knights and Nobility. But Wealthy enough with enough social clout to not be considered a typical Yeoman or Peasant. With the definition of who it referred to and where they fell on the social hierarchy changing periodically with time. But generally it referred to members of the Landed Gentry which were basically Landlords who derived most of their income via rent. Who sometimes were titled nobles, often times they weren’t. And members of the intellectual class. Lawyers, Doctors etc.

Most of the confusion as to whether it is or isn’t a Noble title stems from the social structures of the English and by extension Colonial America. And the tendency for there to be overlap between with actual titled nobility and normal run of the mill Rich people. And a small part just Conspiracy Theorists who want to see what they want to see.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

Technically the Constitutional Clause. Being Article 1. Section 9. Clause 8.4 Only explicitly prevents Government Employees, Military Personnel, and Elected Officials from accepting titles of nobility without the explicit consent of Congress and waivers issued by Congress.

As has been several times with American Military Personnel, American Presidents, and Diplomats.

Worst thing that could happen to Bob is he’s barred from holding Public Office or being directly employed by the Federal Government

Private Citizens are to the best I’ve been able to find exempt at least under Federal Law. It maybe considered an Offense under a state law. But I doubt anyone would care enough to prosecute it at a state level.

It’s never seriously come up or been considered in a legal case. So any of the above could change if a Federal Court ever gives a formal opinion and interpretation of the clause.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most projections indicated a couple decades before they were ready for anything more than the token deployments they do now. Especially with the manpower shortages and utter lack of a defense industry. Now they’re talking conscription and war readiness within 5 years?

Though it’s curious. Just how many countries are taking steps to Modernize and rearm within the last few years. Introducing new equipment, Force reorganizations, new classes of ships, or buying said equipment from unexpected sources. And how many have stated a desire to. With hundreds of billions earmarked. And plans for factories even in the works. Not to mention putting the possibility of conscription out as an ear worm to the Civilian population.

Hell the U.S even replaced the M4. Which they tried and repeatedly failed to do almost since it was introduced. It took so long it became a running joke. And they have the new rifle in 3 potential configurations. .277 Fury their new Cartridge, 6.5 Creedmoor, and 7.62x51 NATO. Which is .308 for those not as well versed in Military to Civilian caliber conversions. Which punch a whole lot harder than factory standard 5.56.

Several Countries have gone as far reforming previously disbanded Armies. Or shelving previous plans to disband said forces. Along with redirecting massive amounts of funds, considering the limited GDPs some of these countries have, towards upgrades and modernization.

Most of these programs were rhetorically mentioned in relation to the Russia-Ukraine War. Creating a connection in peoples minds. But if you actually look at the timelines of these programs. They often fall between 5-10 year plans. Sometimes even longer. Putting the timeframe into the 2030s.

Not exactly the timeframe for countries expecting WW3 any bloody day. Someone is clearly suspecting a war or the strong possibility of one. And seems to be using the Russia-Ukraine war as an excuse to start spinning up the world’s defense industries and make public Defense Projects that were previously classified. Hence the sudden appearance of Lasers. And Laser Based AA and Missile Defense in an actual useable form.

People wondered how the Cabal was planning on enforcing Agenda 2030. Especially when their supposed human soldiers and enforcers would also be subject to it. And suffering alongside the people they were supposed to oppress. Perhaps they never planned on using Humans at all?

Plebbitimmigrant 6 points ago +6 / -0

Entertainment has been in the shitter. As the Humanities and Arts, which generally produce the Artists, Writers, Animators etc for entertainment have overwhelmingly been dominated by Left-Wing Thought for the last 30-40 years. As Conservatives and the Right largely abandoned those fields either in favor of the more profitable private sector or niche education fields or STEM. Or just kept their heads down until their pensions hit.

And we started hitting right in 2014-2015. And the time “The Message” started to surge to the forefront. That was also the Time when the previous generations of Writers and Artists. Who made up the creative arm. Started to retire. And the orders came down to the Corporate Leaders to start priming society.

And almost the entirety of the new crop of largely female writers was conditioned into Spiteful Harpies who prioritized the political messaging. And their beta male hangers on. In fact it reminds me of the cringe low budget Christian kids ‘entertainment’ of the late 90s and early 2000s that’s produced by Churches and foreign animation studios nobody ever heard of. Piss poor writing, crappy animation and all the subtlety of a sledge hammer to the face with the messaging.

We’re seeing an underground emerge online of naturally talented people trying to refine their skills without the schools. And it’s produced some seriously impressive work considering it’s a bunch of people working part time with no formal training. But it’s still in its comparative infancy. Independent filmmakers. Small time indie game studios. People self-publishing books online etc.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +2 / -1

So expect more clips of them harassing innocent people who just happen to have the misfortune of existing near them? Interspersed with the occasional clip of an assbeating when they fuck with the wrong person.

Plebbitimmigrant 9 points ago +9 / -0

Everything started going off the rails Society wise during the French Revolution.

WW1 locked in the course. And now here we are.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

So what your saying is there’s a clearance deal on fire-roasted nuts.

Plebbitimmigrant 5 points ago +5 / -0

Every Country for the most part naturally organizes itself in a Pyramid structure. Including Multi-Cultural ones That is something more or less inherent to organized human society. There is always some form of Elite. And there’s always someone at the top.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +3 / -1

It is a bit nuanced

Not really. I can guarantee the same people would be ranting and raving even if occurs after the Satanists are purged and Trump was the one to do it.

We’re a people in love with inherently contradictory and dysfunctional ideologies. At least until our own ideologies start negatively affecting us. Then we’re also really good at finding a reason other than inherent logical flaws in the ideology as to why things went wrong.

Hell there’s so many different flavors of Self-Identified American Libertarian now that some of them have started jumping the shark and are swinging into embracing Monarchism as being the most ideal way to ensure the Liberty of the People. Just to stand out from the other 100 flavors of Libertarian.

Plebbitimmigrant 6 points ago +8 / -2

The real irony. Is that Americans cheer it from here. But if the Federal Government or even just a State Government pulled that here to remove the crime.

A not insignificant portion of the population would immediately be screeching about Government Tyranny and their Rights. Including some of the same people who were cheering on El-Salvadors Government.

I suppose it’s just the somewhat contradictory nature of American politics. And the insulation of living in the U.S.

Plebbitimmigrant 4 points ago +4 / -0

I didn’t realize that viciously incompetent and Tyrannical was still the current story. Considering it originated with the Soviets. Who had every incentive to lie.

Many other Accounts of Russian expats, Former White Army Republicans, and other refugees from the region who wouldn’t necessarily have the same incentive of the Monarchists to gloss over his failures paint the Tsar as a fundamentally decent man. If incredibly Naive. At least when compared to the standards of previous Russian Tsars at any rate. Being left incredibly unprepared for rule by the untimely death of his father. Who pulled the classic “I’ll start showing you how to do stuff and play politics later. Enjoy your youth.” And then he died in his late 40s. Leaving the 26 year old Nicholas to figure shit out.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Crackheads going to crackhead.

At this point. Either force them into rehab or lock them up and let them get high as often as they want until the inevitable OD Narcan doesn’t bring them back from, or until they are finally ready to get their act together. Letting them run loose clearly isn’t working

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some did. Usually though one of the first things that happened post withdrawal of European Colonial Troops and European Colonial Government though was either an overthrow of the initial Post-Colonial government. followed by a subsequent violent purge of the Post Colonial Government. Which typically consisted of the local population and local Elite previously employed by the Colonial Administration. Which if they weren’t killed. Caused them to flee. Typically to the previous occupying Colonial Power.

Sometimes the revolts were at the behest of the major powers intelligence agencies. Other times. Colonial Governments usually employed Ethnic/Tribal Minorities in the region. Something regional Ethnic majorities came to despise the Minority for. If they didn’t hate aforementioned group already over some other older feud.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

You left out the 8 other subcommittees that also get bribed by the competition of the people who bribed the first committee and change absolutely everything in the bill multiple times before it hits the Presidents desk. So it only resembles the original bill in passing if you squint really hard. Which is always the Bill the media tells the American people they passed. Not the one they actually passed.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Bukeles sentiment has been noted before. Power has a tendency of finding somewhere to rest its head. And it typically isn’t in a completely decentralized fashion. In fact the Decentralized Societies were historically regularly swallowed by the non-decentralized societies. Unless they managed rare moments of complete unity with each other. Such as the Greek States thrashing the Persians

That is why to this day. Why the U.S regularly is still labeled an experiment. Conversations and Debates are regularly had on whether it’s a failed experiment. Especially given the past century of Oligarchic tendencies and Corporate Corruption. Whether it lives or dies though is ultimately up to the will of God.

Plebbitimmigrant 6 points ago +6 / -0

At least it’s in New York and not somewhere important. Though I wonder how long it is till someone starts marking .22 shotshell as Anti-Spider rounds

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

While I don’t know about reverting to Monarchies.

It is worth noting. The main driving force behind pushing the dissolution of Austro-Hungary and dethroning the Kaiser. Was in fact the much maligned Woodrow Wilson. Wilson was also noted as not being particularly concerned about the Romanovs overthrow. Jovial even at the news. As it helped further turn the war into a Black and White conflict of Classical Liberalism and Enlightenment Ideals versus the remnants of a bygone age that should have been forgotten in the minds of all ‘good’ Americans.

He’s also suspected of having deliberately torpedoed Austrian attempts to bring the war to a close far a sooner.

Plebbitimmigrant 6 points ago +6 / -0

Probably extremely.

Part of why they struggled to nail Capone. His Boys would threaten and Bribe Jurors and disappear Witnesses pretty regularly.

Only reason they ended up nailing him. Is they replaced the Jury last minute with one he hadn’t bribed and threatened

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

More than likely. It’s no secret or Great Surprise to say that the last 100-150 odd years especially in particular the last decade have demonstrated a complete and utter failure of Western Values. And have soured much of the world on values U.S Political Parties both mainstream and otherwise continue to espouse as the only ‘Just’ form of Government.

We probably aren’t going back to any sort of Government based on the Constitution, at least the one initially ratified in 1788. Despite what some have claimed. Considering just how few of the population could actually vote then. And how few today would be willing to give the right to vote up. Even though they actually rarely use it. Irregardless of whatever the founders originally intended the country to look like.

Not to mention if there is any international alliance. It’s doubtful they’d be willing to role the dice again. Without some serious checks and ability to take the teeth out of us at will. In case “The People” fall asleep at the wheel again. Considering we went from that theoretical ideal Republican Government to an Oligarchy that inflicted its will on the rest of the world at gunpoint in a bit less than 200 years.

I’ve heard quite a few different variations and suggestions from different people on solutions. Some have suggested eliminating the Executive Branch entirely and further empowering the dysfunction corrupt mess that is Congress. Under the idea they’d be too busy tearing each other apart. To otherwise bother the people overly much

I’ve heard replacing the Executive Branch and position of the Presidency. With a role or position that would eliminate the political parties having the ability to feud over it and postings to executive agencies. Thereby limiting the feuding and dysfunction of the political parties to the Legislative and a lesser extent the Judiciary. And also giving the American people some sense of stability instead of the parties who spend the bulk of their term in the Oval Office undoing, or attempting to undo the previous guys work in office to spite the opposition party.

Suffice to say. The next Decade or two should be interesting.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Paranoid Hippies and Environmentalists. Not to mention people with cash tied up in Fossil Fuels. Crippled serious research into Nuclear Power for decades.

It’s only recently the stigma has started to lift. Mostly because 1. The Environmentalists have a new big bad in the Fossil Fuel guys. Somewhat Ironic considering they’re controlled by the same people but I digress. And 2. The General Population has definitively gotten even more ignorant and unaware.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh goody. Porn Bots.

I’d go back to Truth. But they won’t let me reuse a Phone and Email I used previously to open my original since closed account.

Eh Social Media is overrated anyway

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

All the Markets are manipulatable. Humanity as not as of yet managed to contrive a Market that can’t be manipulated. Even the bloody Crypto Markets can be manipulated if you have enough cash.

I’m guessing there’s another reason they want him gone. And “Market Manipulation” is just a convenient excuse.

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