Plebbitimmigrant 8 points ago +8 / -0

I’m kinda pissed I missed the opportunity to be an ‘Expert’ pull in a 6 figure salary. Be wholly unqualified in what I’m supposed to be an expert in. And completely botch most of my predictions. And yet still have a job

Plebbitimmigrant 17 points ago +17 / -0

Everyone who doesn’t want to be perpetually paranoid and remain strapped and perpetually on guard against potential threats.

People who’d like to be able to go out for a night on the town and not be accosted by imported Diversity.

People who’d like to be able to avoid the fate of South Africa. From Rising world power to joke that can’t keep the fucking lights on inside 30 years.

People who’d like their Towns and Cities to remain clean and safe. Without Gang Graffiti plastering every surface.

People who’d like affordable Apartments and other Housing that doesn’t perpetually smell like Weed. And you won’t need to be concerned about catching a stray through the wall when the next door neighbor drug dealer has a deal that goes bad. Or a neighboring Gangs makes a move on his Gangs turf.

People who’d like to not have the Businesses they busted their asses building. Driven under by shoplifting and Bullshit judicial precedent that protects the shoplifters and drug addicts stealing from them.

People who’d like a society where being a Good Samaritan has minimal risk of getting you killed or robbed.

People who’d like to see the Mentally ill in a position to get help. Instead of sleeping in the gutter, accosting passersby, and taking or stealing whatever drugs or booze they can find in a delusional attempt to self medicate.

People who’d like a society where we can work on repealing some laws. Because we’ve created a society that has enough respect for the basic principles of Law and Order. That people can be expected to behave and abide by such sentiments without the Threat of State Sanctioned Force, Imprisonment, or Vigilante Violence.

That’s just a starter pack.

Plebbitimmigrant 8 points ago +8 / -0

Reportedly an experienced Mountaineer and well known in the Regional Mountaineering and Winter Sports community. He was also reportedly climbing along a decently well traveled route that had numerous safety features installed.

While Accidents of course can and do happen. Free of maliciousness. The odds of a Corporate Executive who is also an experienced Mountaineer dying in a freak accident on a well traveled route. That has extra safety features installed. So it’s not like he was even installing his own hooks and lines.

Seems awfully coincidental

Plebbitimmigrant 8 points ago +8 / -0

At what point do we completely drop the idealistic notion that radically different peoples and cultures are capable of living together without sectarian violence and unrest?

Plebbitimmigrant 12 points ago +12 / -0

Sounds like the start of a horror movie. Small group of Astronauts trapped on a space station. Equipment starts malfunctioning. And audio speakers starts emitting sounds they shouldn’t be.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

A Billionaire and Real Estate Mogul. Versus Harris. Who being extremely generous and kind in my description, is An idiot who was placed in her position by proximity to important people and the ease with which she could be manipulated. Not because she was smart or competent enough on her own

I can’t think of many good parents who would have their kids be Harris.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

Cartier’s monarchical spirit was reflected in Canada’s leading fathers of confederation,

The real irony is that Imperial Russia was closer to embodying the ‘Monarchial’ spirit. Than the British Empire. Given Russia was at least at this time on paper still an absolutist Monarchy. Albeit with some Democratic/Humanitarian reforms made on and off again by more liberal/reform oriented Tzars.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

At this point I suspect there might be a repeat of the Pershing Expedition in some form

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

WW2 all over again. When Meth and other narcotics were standard issue by bth sides

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Frankly at this point it wouldn’t surprise me if they developed an ultra-cheap relatively healthy method of ‘processing’ food. Outside of the obvious of keeping it Organic and non-GMO.

But keep producing with the other crap, chemicals, and Artificial shit just because they hate us and know it keeps us sick

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

He also talked about forming a new section of the National Guard for space.

For the most part current U.S States and Territories wouldn’t have much use for a Space National Guard in any sort of Domestic Role.

And while the potential is there it’s just a round about way of reducing strain on the Federal Budget and saves them from creating a new section of Military Reserves. By necessitating the States create units who in practice will essentially function as Space Force Reserves.

It’s still an unusual move as it’d be comparatively simpler, if not necessarily cheaper, to create a new Reserve Command. Unless we’re going to be in a position where a State or Territory will by necessity need a functional Space Force detachment. And for the most part the only terrestrial States that could potentially justify that to their people and in the budget are Texas and Florida. Given the amount of Space infrastructure in each state.

Greenland is also for all intents and purposes its own country in practice. Even if it’s not on paper. So you couldn’t really justify quote “Buying it” without the support of the inhabitants of Greenland. Not unless you want all the rhetoric about National Sovereignty etc. Thrown in your face.

There was some speculation about something involving parts of Canada a few months to an year ago. Apparently Premier's of Western Provinces were meeting with U.S Congressmen and State Officials from neighboring U.S States. Seemingly independent of any interactions with the Canadian National Government or via traditional Diplomatic channels. And the reporting about what the meetings were about was vague

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

TLDR: Low Level Bureaucrat tried to start shit and say Photographers and Videographers weren’t allowed. Trumps Campaign told them they had permission and the up jumped clerk could go fuck himself.

That’s the gist of it in a nutshell

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

The organization the Horseman is part of is just a British Military Unit. The Guards that stand around in the Bearskin Hats or on Horses are Military units that do a lot of ceremonial duties and stand around the exterior of the palace. Likely doubtful they even see Charles outside formal occasions.

Interior Palace and Royal Residence Security and Close Bodyguard duty is usually handled by Special Detachments of the Metropolitan Police. And British Intelligence Services.

The British Military doesn’t, publicly at least, play much of a part in directly protecting the Royals outside formal and ceremonial occasions.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

The TLDR for those interested: A Group whose jobs are reliant on there being a Homeless Problem. Went out of their way to frustrate attempts by the local Government to inspect the site.

And regularly turned away social workers and other city staff who arrived to connect residents of the Homeless camp with Permanent Housing and Jobs.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really hope that dude caught the next flight out of Venezuela. Or has a really damn good spot to hide

Plebbitimmigrant 8 points ago +8 / -0

I’d double check people have their cardinal directions right. In my personal experience.

Some anecdotal reports of strangeness can be explained by ignorance, confusion, mistaken belief, or just plain stupidity on the part of the observer.

Plebbitimmigrant 2 points ago +2 / -0

There’s not much of a public reason to create a Space Force National Guard. That couldn’t be handled by forming a new section of Military Reservists. As State Governments wouldn’t be in a position to ever use the formations in their Space Capacity.

Which means there’s likely something else going on. On the more unrealistic side of things. Maybe it’s a hint that we’re going to adding states. Except these would be based on Mars or something. Which would necessitate the creation of National Guard Formations. Sooner rather than later.

Alternatively. It’s a way of cutting costs and reducing strain on Federal Budgets. By Forcing the States to maintain National Guard Formations they’ll never have a reason to use. So the Feds don’t then need to add more units to the National Reserves they need to foot the bill for. Allowing them to use the New National Guard as an unofficial Space Force Reserve.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Technically speaking there’d be no public reason at least to create an entirely new section of the National Guard for Space that couldn’t be handled by creating a formal section of Military Reserves. As the State Governments wouldn’t be in a position where they’d likely need to make use of them in their space capacity. Unless this a subtle way of telling us we’re going to have States on Mars or something at some point. In which case it’d be easier to establish the Space National Guard now as mandatory for all states in the Union. Just to cover ones bases and avoid needing to specify exceptions and extra legalese.

Alternatively it’s a round about way of cutting costs for the Federal Government. By more or less forcing the States to maintain a Space National Guard that’ll ultimately never be used by the State Governments in their intended role. So the Federal Government can avoid needing to add more units to the roster of National Reserve Units they’re responsible for paying upkeep for. Even though they primarily are going to be the ones using the Space National Guard as an unofficial Reserve for Space Force.

Plebbitimmigrant 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somewhat ironic considering who founded it. Hell. Werner Von Braun and a couple other project paperclip alumni employed at NASA were alleged to still show up to work in their S.S Uniforms on occasion.

Plebbitimmigrant 3 points ago +3 / -0

Probably when he stops playing ball and doing what they tell him to. Or he becomes more useful to them dead than alive.

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