Wouldn't be the first 20 bucks I've ever wasted
This show gets funnier every day
First question, how the fuck do 1000 US soldiers get captured?
Senate also supposed to declare war. And we are also supposed to have a constitution.
I agree with him. Blow It up MTG. Send the nukes in, fuck it.
And people wonder why I won't buy a new truck..na I'm good.
If it's electronic failure again, I would say coordinated attacks.
Someone gotta stop the pirates..
I swear they all know a comet is coming and aren't telling anyone. Either that or just economic collapse. Or both.
Always love me some Bill Cooper, thanks fren!
Good episode with Andrew Huberman https://open.spotify.com/episode/4fjDRjOR7kaMSYEeO1ebU7?si=r5-pmdPFQ2KAh6y3F2SlBw
With Greg Carlwood/higherside chats https://open.spotify.com/episode/3KXKXoKlpjvOcngLg0KRYG?si=9mpAWsFLT5ayiAjas3CZnw
TLDL summary: Why does the Sphynx kneel and face the east? Goes with the red-light therapy and medbed theorys.. Blue light/inside/screen light spikes glucose levels, by 60% or so. Red light/sun light(sun is 43% red spectrum) decreased glucose..but the list goes on. It comes down to the body's mitochondria and melatonin and how it converts sunlight. Also this guy says alot of things this plumber doesn't understand. Rings true to me though, give it a listen yall!
I'd like to see them try to get their assets when I move to El Salvador
"I'm sorry, I was told you were crazy"-Tucker Is this guy a lawyer? Cuz that's a compelling argument for the Supreme Court
I just learned Moderna used AI to create it's gene therapy in 2 days. See, AI is already trying to take us out.
I'm going to travel for the eclipse. I'm hoping a bigfoot shows up
Great job CNBC. Now to the Rothschilds
Lizard people, I can't wait till that shoe drops, people's minds are gonna melt.
First it was a 2x, then 3x, now 5x...I see a trend evolving.
Fun fact: We've been under martial law since the Civil War.
Why you would send your children to school these days, I don't understand. They'd be better off staying at home by themselves after 5 years old. With no schooling at all. I'm tired of people bitching about this. Let them dig their own grave, don't let your children get thrown in the hole.
Jury nullification is the answer to all this nonsense.
It's not. It's capped at 20 million coins I believe. The exact opposite of fiat....it is subject to fuckery though, seems like it can be manipulated just like stocks somewhat
I believe this is what the Barry County sheriff in Michigan is investigating.
And here comes the hammer.