PrometheusXVII 2 points ago +2 / -0

Need a centipede cozied up by the fire

PrometheusXVII 1 point ago +1 / -0

Cali needs to break off into the ocean already. Pedes can swim to safety, we all know the left cant.

PrometheusXVII 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lawsuits lawsuits lawsuits. Sue them into oblivion including criminal lawsuits for conspiracy and arson, and crimes against humanity.

PrometheusXVII 2 points ago +2 / -0

Even mRNA can permanently alter your DNA. Your injecting a subroutine into the DNA you can program anything you want.

The reasoning they gave us mRNA couldnt do this was that they didnt understand the sophistication of the interactions (which is a lie, they know). Hence anyone who has ever had even a modicum of programing knowledge knew this shit was flat out dangerous. Ask a developer if you know any if they got the jab, youd be surprised how many didn't because of their field knowledge.

PrometheusXVII 6 points ago +6 / -0

While i cant empthaize directly i know what its like to be dogged by long lasting trauma early in your childhood. I was harassed by literal demons during my formative years during my childhood development from the ages of 4-19.

Even though i came from a loving Christian family it didnt dawn on me till years later that the proplem was geocentric (and mostly tied to my parents house.) There is some bloodline stuff as well on my mothers side as well has power pyschics which played an active role in this stuff which i was unaware of until i was almost an adult.

Point being ive had a hard time holding a job and sleeping for many years despite my technical ability to perform very well in my field. -- 35 year old male in IT.

Its only until I did a great amount of genuflecting on the matter that i came to the realization that the lord had put me through 19 years of hell so i could the truth of reality -- that this stuff is very real i have also been privy to few things that people get to see since that time.

Fast forward to the age of 33 and i had direct contact with the voice of God one night that was sp prolific it changed my life in a positive way, the experience was so intense it almost shattered my mind-- i dont think the averge person could have withstood the amount of information received at one time would have literally drove them insane.

I now belive God let the first 19 years of my life be a constant hell because my mind was being trained for that future event.

God works in mysterious ways, but there is a reason some people are chosen to burden more than others. There is always a message and a greater purpose.

PrometheusXVII 3 points ago +3 / -0

God I love being a God fearing Jesus loving conservative.

Satan can suck my dick, no one gives two shits and a shake what his soyboy army thinks.

PrometheusXVII 4 points ago +5 / -1

He's a reptile wearing a human mask. ;)

PrometheusXVII 2 points ago +2 / -0

That's a hellava lotta steak. Attack on our food production. Not a coincidence.

PrometheusXVII 6 points ago +6 / -0

You can apologize by throwing yourself into a volcano. I'll forgive you then.

PrometheusXVII 3 points ago +3 / -0

The company you keep. This Dalai is a fraud he ousted his previous successor.

PrometheusXVII 2 points ago +2 / -0

Almost feels like Dylan is a white hat being used to target certain companies/ products -- probably with bad shit in them.

Basically boycott anything Dylan touches. This is the way.

PrometheusXVII 5 points ago +5 / -0

This. Sometimes you have to feel the burn before you get motivated enough to do anything.

This is all about waking up the normies, and putting fire in the belly of conservatives.

PrometheusXVII 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lol! Talk about a shot across the nose.

PrometheusXVII 3 points ago +3 / -0

I just came to the dark realization that the reason they don't put the nipples back on the chests. They probably use the full breasts to transplant onto Trans men. These would be top notch transplants, better than implants.

Also, an alternative there is some dark kinky stuff going on with preserving the full breasts. Not all doctors are good people -- clearly by the butchery of that "surgery".

They are literally stealing womanhood from mentally ill women and giving the parts to men. A dark realization indeed.

PrometheusXVII 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's both. Honestly the left protects the elite with a shield of wokeism, and faulty ideologies like socialism and communism while they are exploited for their stupidity by the elite.

We need to turn the heads of left minded people so they can see the elites whipping them from behind. All that talk about racial diversity and equality, and they are completely blind to the truth that they enslave themselves.

PrometheusXVII 10 points ago +10 / -0

From this point forward, if I hear white privilege in public, this is immediately how I'm going to act.

PrometheusXVII 4 points ago +5 / -1

Santander... Satan nerd... Yup seems bout right.

Their logo is a flame. Can't make that shit up.

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