It happened to me about 6 years ago. Movies, music, social medias, brands, stores, magazines, books, tv shows, sports, people, places among many other things, nothing is the same. The more you question, and see this world with the reality glasses, seek God and things that really matter, the more ready you get to leave this world when Jesus is back.
His son's name is Eduardo Bolsonaro.
Exactly. I have PCOS and it dried out my milk production very quick. All my kids grew up on formula. My sister-in-law had a preemie that had digestive problems and also needed formula. So there are many reasons ppl need formula.
Interesting my cat has been acting weird lately, she hardly leave the house to poop outside as always, she pooped in the kitchen floor instead. We assumed it's bc of the TX heat but also she has been spending the day inside the closet on top of winter clothes or boxes in the pantry or on top of weird places as if looking for shelter or to explore unaccessible places she never had interest on before. She also has meowed so often we thought she might be getting sick. Bc she's a senior cat, my husband assumed she might be close to die (some animals sense when they are close to die and act weird). She's been acting like this for 2 weeks aprox.
Just a combination of fog, clouds and refraction of lights from fishing boats.
I believe the precipice is the financial crash. I think the only way to wake up people is removing them from the comfort zone. The road is gonna get waaaay waaay bumpier. People will lose everything, their jobs, pensions, savings, investments, businesses, houses and FREEDOM. That's why Q said many times "PRAY" because our faith is the only thing the Cabal cannot take from us and I really hope when Q said "Biblical" they are not talking about the Biblical Apocalypse.
Since America is a melting pot, it might be hard to achieve without targeting most races in the world. I'm mixed Asian, White and Black born in Latin America, my husband is White American basically they would have to develop a bioweapon that targets the whole world to kill our kids. LOL