QDay 10 points ago +10 / -0

Extension to allow more time to complete merger with Trumps truth social. Without it DWAC is dead.

QDay 4 points ago +5 / -1

He wasnt typing anything. It was a speech where he said 'filum' with a U - 3x.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wouldnt go that far...

The weapons we are sending Ukraine are out dated and worthless... taking up space in our inventory and needing to be put out of their misery.

Good luck to our adversaries thinking your $2k drone will work with the jamming technology that exists these days...

When our adversaries see an AC130 gun ship then we are really talking war. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvdTrXTvivc&pp=ygUNQUMxMzAgZ3Vuc2hpcA%3D%3D

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

One way or another the swamp gets drained. Your method is preferred as the swamp seems to drain the pedos from jail. As Q predicted they are the guardian's of them.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Democrats want to release inmates from prison. We all know what inmates do to pedophiles. I guess that is one way to drain the swamp that I hadnt expected. Release them all so they can start with the Biden family.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

This hoopla is garbage. China's defense minister back in the 1990's laid it out clearly when he said that China would never need to attack and destroy the USA using weapons etc because they would literally own all the politicians, land, resources and it would make no sense to wage war on their #1 customer.


China played 5D chess and won. They own both political parties. They own all the companies. They own all the land. They own all the resources. They own all of our debt and the second they want to destroy us all they have to do is call that debt in. Kaboom.

All the noise with articles like this saying they will attack or wage war etc etc etc is nonsense. They already won the war and it was won decades ago.

QDay 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think broadcasts like this are poking the bear. Lots of these statements by Trump recently about dismantling the deep state and exposing them, i feel its all an act to have them go full blown commie dictator in the next few months.

When the deep state pulls the card cancelling the elections or throwing Trump in prison for life... thats when the storm starts and the military takes over.

Think about history and where we are. In WW2 the Nazi's killed millions of Jews and the defense during the Nuremberg trials was that all these people were innocent because they were following orders (Nuremberg laws). The gut check was that even if it was lawful the laws were fucking bs and no Government has the right to abuse people, even if its laws allow it.

The same is coming to fruition. Trump is pushing all the demonic dems to do expose all the cracks of the broken ass system that they operate within. They will find whatever loop hole they can to stop Trump. All those loop holes however will be closed and they will all fall on the sword they are currently swinging when Nuremberg 2 happens.

Military and the grand reveal comes when they pull their final act which is successful prevention of Trump ever taking office again.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

The sad part is that the UK just posted death data for 2022 and 92% of deaths had received at least 3 vaxs.

We didnt even need those ICU beds that they wanted us banned from haha.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

"Nobody said that"...

Except there were millions of us who were saying it - you media cuntz were just censoring us and banning our voices.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

My take on this...

The loans that will be forgiven will only be for foreign students. Especially Chinese.

You think Biden is going to put America first - hahahaha... funny.

Nope. Every single penny that is forgiven will be tied to foreign students or super duper oppressed LGBTQ+ alphabet groups. IF you are an American, especially a white American - well you get to pay and oh, might as well double that liability that you are on the hook for with high taxes.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well when the media industrial complex has brain washed everyone to think Trump is a criminal king pin and everywhere he goes he is doing crimes it is easy for the normies to think this way.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

/u/Qanaut care to comment? Or will you just ban us for engaging in this post?

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

I tried to warn you all of this 6 months ago and was down voted into oblivion by the Elon cult.

Kash had an interview a long time ago where he warned you to not to trust Musk.


Everyone is short sighted and thinks that some deep state plant, who by in large only made his money by the deep state agenda was a white hat? Insanity.

He installed a WEF director to be the CEO of Twitter. He wears a devil outfit. He is definitely not a WH. Glad you all finally see the light - better now then after you get your Elon Musk brain chip.

QDay 1 point ago +1 / -0

Next we will see children crawling out of the windows of the white house like the Vatican and crickets. Sniffer Joe likes to sniff many things.

QDay -2 points ago +7 / -9

No one has ever been able to give sauce to any of it. Its all nonsense.

Mods ban posts from congressmen saying Biden has retained legal council for not havin sauce... yet the cult thinking everyone is dead is spread like fire.

The posts saying all of them are dead do more damage then the value they provide. Again, look at the laughs the world is having from this meltdown on the plane and realize that is what they think about us when you are trying to bring them to actual truth.

QDay -1 points ago +9 / -10

Regardless you look like this lady to the normies when you try and wake them up with those talking points.

It should be banned topic at GAW like flat earth.

QDay 1 point ago +4 / -3

Sorry to say it but when I see the video of this lady screaming that the guy is not fucking real, it is what I think of about the people on this board who say Biden, Obama, Hillary, etc are dead.

When you say these things with such baseless proof you make the whole movement look like this crazy lady that the world, including us here mock.

Please think hard about how stupid it is to try and push people to wake up when you go towards the crazy shit like that as your go to for 'helping' wake people up.

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