QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

If that were true, it would teach kids to stay far away from Arkancide Clinton

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take a handful of votes from Younkin and flip em to Biden. Biden wins the VA Governor race!

QDay 17 points ago +17 / -0

The votes were held up due to supply chain issues and the shipping ports being blocked. Biden will clear this up with a quick call to Newsom and Pelosi.

QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is planned! They want an uprising and civil war. They have already shown their hand by labeling the VA parents terrorists. You think they care about cheating an election?

They will do everything they can to start the civil war.

Tomorrow anyone who calls fraud will be censored and tagged for the round up.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

We will know in the next few days. I remember being cheerful during the 2020 general election only to wake up seeing every state flipped in the most a apparent fraud to ever be witnessed and nothing happened. Thousands of sworn affidavits later and still nothing. Dozens of states file lawsuit to SCOTUS and nothing. Jan 6th staged false flag to trap the millions who were protesting the election and they became terrorists. California recall election clearly fraud and nothing. At this point, what difference does it make? VA is another easy steal and to think they would care about optics is silly.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Additionally, they want a civil war and for everyone to be pissed off. They will steal it again and they do not care how in your face it is. It is part of their plan to bring an uprising and round up patriots for being terrorists.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is not how this works. Do you think they care that you know that they cheat? They stole multiple states right in front of your eyes and nothing happened and nothing will happen. They wont just stop for optics.

QDay 0 points ago +1 / -1

McAuliffe not anywhere near conceding -> Do we see the steal coming fast and furious?

QDay 4 points ago +4 / -0

Pelosi is making calls right now... only problem is she is 1.75L of Vodka deep and people cannot understand her. They are wondering why she is demanding they unload the Biden ballots from 2020.

Guess we are going to see Biden win the Governor race.

QDay 3 points ago +4 / -1

^This... IF you havent been paying attention - the goal is to throw everything they have at destroying patriots. It is going to be framed and pinned on patriots as the evil ones who are in the streets protesting, looting, burning etc. They will probably arrest patriots and even put them in camps as terrorists.

At this point, you have gone to far and are already on the 'list'. Next step is the round up of you and your families. Hopefully a Q plan exists otherwise, we will be at the vax chambers whispering 'trust the plan'.

by gamepwn
QDay 2 points ago +6 / -4

If you are still asking that question now, you may be part of the 4-6% lost forever.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

It has been proven for years that its all rigged - it didnt take Trump to know this. Bernie had his primary stolen. Anyways, Virginia is already taken - https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/11/happening-judge-virginia-dismisses-case-allows-fairfax-county-include-absentee-mail-ballots-governor-election-violate-law/

QDay 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is the hill to die on. Facing impeding firing for this mandate. This country and everything that has been fought for is dead. The sick evil of this world took over the country with propaganda, lies and manipulation and the majority of the populace fell for it and is behind it.

Bunch of weak minded people who cannot see through the media propaganda and only get their 'outrage' and talking points from talking heads.

QDay -3 points ago +2 / -5

They will cheat. Even if you do discover it, nothing will happen because they already stole the whole country!

What will happen if you broadcast them cheating, you will be doxed, labeled a terrorist, locked up and/or put on their terror watchlist.

QDay 4 points ago +6 / -2

Simple answer is no. Most cannot survive until then. We are or will soon be jobless, homeless, own nothing, be in debt and the country will be demonized at all levels. They stole the country. They stole the election. They are stealing our jobs. They are stealing our homes. They are jabbing our kids. They are murdering us. But if you are an illegal/non America you get everything for FREE.

While this is all taking place we are sitting here waiting for some 'plan' that is always around the corner. If you speak up we are censored or labeled terrorists. If any organized rally takes place you are told not go because it is a trap. Jan 6th, even if it was a setup - how and why didnt Trump protect the people and make arrests?

If you arent allowed to speak, rise up, or organize then how are we going to slowly take back the country via stolen elections? Trump has no one in his corner with any power - even SCOTUS is lost / corrupt. The only thing that Q has said that makes any sense is that the military is the only way. However, that is not looking like it is on the agenda. Reality is a tough pill but I do not see how this can drag out favorably. Tensions are about to start getting really high, probably worse then just having Trump not leave the WH via the election steal.

I have heard that was the main reason Trump left on Jan 20th - to avoid being called a dictator and let sleepy Joe be a fake POTUS w/ no power to avoid a civil uprising. Well that civil uprising is on the door w/ the marxist takeover but it is going to be the pissed off patriots fighting back who have had enough. Not the angry cheating liberals. Most of us have chosen a side and everything the Q plan wanted is quickly dissolving. The line in the sand was crossed long ago and we will not have a country if we continue to wait this out.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep that was my point. Bunch of fake trolling by lefties to get a laugh.

QDay -3 points ago +5 / -8

Trump is the father of the vaccine. He loves it and wants everyone to be jabbed, even those who dont want the jab Trump encourages them to get it anyways.

He warped this whole thing into existence. You all hate the vaccine but are willing to ignore Trumps rhetoric about it. Can't have it both ways and this vaccine is destroying the world quicker then COVID.

QDay 2 points ago +2 / -0

Coercion is illegal. Tell them no and that was not part of your employment. If they try to force it on you even after you say NO then you can sue them.

QDay 5 points ago +5 / -0

Based on the qualifications for religion -"Religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence."

Q and the great awakening is a religion. No tithes required for this awakening information. - Youre welcome.

QDay 3 points ago +3 / -0

I did not make that up. Trump said "I am the father of the vaccine" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0t96UGzQRpI

QDay -1 points ago +1 / -2

Trump is the father of the vax and he is very proud of it. Which army are you thinking is being built?

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