The Deep State has been up over centuries, it's not going to fall in just a few years. It may take decades before it is completely removed. I don't think I'll see it, but I imagine my grand kids will live in a society, free from the tyranny of the DS. No vaccines, no gmo, no fluoride in the water, no internet. It will be a society where work can truly set someone free.
Tax returns should just be public records information (for everyone, just like property). If you have nothing to hide, then you'll be fine. The DS only thrives because it can live in the shadows. Only by living in the light and shining it around can we take ground.
Are we sure Lula isn't being put in place by the white hts? It seems far fetched, but I think they're doing this to make it look like the DS is winning. They're allowing them some "wins" so they become complacent. It is not good to attack an enemy when they are ready and alert.
The pharmaceutical industry has been poisoned and is rotten to the core. None of it is natural. We have to get rid of it all. No vaccines, no injections in general (not even so called "saline"), and I would heavily favor simply getting rid of anything in pill form. We should only be using what already exists in nature. Sure, some of these drugs may extend your life, but it becomes meaningless. Many in old age simply become a cash cow for the pharmaceutical companies. We simply weren't made to live this long and should be content with whatever lifespan we have naturally.
We will. I imagine when the DS collapses and the tribunals commence, there will be many children that need taken care of. We will have to shutdown the government run foster care system, so we will all have to take at least one or two children. It will be difficult, but that's what will be required to rebuild our country, no more childless parents simply sliding on by without contributing to society. The only people who should be exempt are those who already have four or more children.
Or adjusting them. The Cabal and the Deep State have been around for centuries. They're not going to mopped up in just a few months, or even years. Undoing what they have done will take a long, long time. It may take decades before it is completely overthrown. I probably won't live to see it, but I think my grandkids will. This is the true red pill.
We all know there are a lot of skeletons buried deep. Elon said he was going to expose it all, but now he's feeding things out piecemeal. I think there are secrets so bad, that people would start rioting and the MSM would have to cover it. But instead, they're doing just enough so that we can see what's going on, but all the normies can simply ignore it.
I bet some of the emails that Hillary had wiped were from Twitter, but we'll never see them. As much good as Elon is trying to do, I think the DS has got to him and trying to keep him from releasing the damaging evidence. They have a microchip implanted in his "gender neutral" child, X Γ A-Xii. Elon Musk is not our savior, he just opened the gate. Now we have to lead the sheep ourselves.
This is why merch is so important. It helps lead the sheep. Bumper stickers, MAGA hats, boxers, flags, you name it. Get it all, be loud and proud. I don't care if it's made in China (probably the best thing they ever manufactured). And I don't care if it's expensive. President Trump has sacrificed so much, he deserves any money we can give him through these sales. You can even buy one of his NFT trading cards as he will get 10% of any future sales. It's a great investment and will likely triple in value in the next few months. I got several, so DM if you're interested in buying.
And don't forget DWAC (truth social) stock. It's taken a beating lately (the MSM is throwing everything they have to take it down), but when President Trump makes his come back and liquidates all other social media for being corrupt, it will go to the moon. Eventually, it will be worth more than Apple, Google, and Microsoft combined.
You're assuming that our salvation will come from the Republicans, but that's obviously not the case. The government has to be reformed. President Trump has the right idea, sometimes we have to abandon the constitution in order to fix things. Immigrants are easy to mold and control. We think of the left using this, but I think this is part of the plan. When the storm happens, we will use immigrants to overthrow the DS and setup a new utopia, without being bled dry by the corrupt Cabal. Don't you want that?
Electricity (and other utilities in general) have been used to tie people to the grid and force them into compliance and socialism. Think about it, how we buy electricity is the epitome of socialism. It's run by the government, it's prices are set by the government and you have no say in who you can buy your power from. It's almost as bad as Medicare. Seriously, modern luxuries have made peoplesoft. People used to farm and till the soil with their own hands and they were happy and fulfilled in doing it. That's the goal as to where we need to get back to.
Yeah, the Deep State has been built over generations and centuries, it's not going to be dismantled in just a few short years. I personally think it will be decades, but my hope is that my grandchildren will live free on their own land. No vaccines, government intrusion, taxes, fake news, abortions, or electricity. Just being able to live simply as we're supposed to.
The storm may take years to come about, possibly even decades, but one day what we write here will be studied in history classes. Once the storm is upon us, they'll come in droves, asking for help and guidance, and my bumper stickers will show them the way.
Sounds like he and his family have been draining money from the Cabal in order to support President Trump. I'm perfectly fine with shady business deals, as long as it is helping President Trump and, by extension, America as a whole.
The DS was built up over centuries. It (hopefully) won't take that long to tear down, but it won't be overnight either. We have to play the long game.