It's a f joke
To pay a coffee 5$ you must be an idiot anyway.
Only in America.
Germany Netherlands Austria Sweden.... it's a shame they are part of Europe. I have enough of these countries. Europe must be taken down.
You lost arizona and there will not be any path to win the 2024 presidential election. Just wake up
If Americans should look at America just few minutes from another point of view, we'll feel so ashamed for this administration. Is a galactic joke.
I would like to see Elon answer on this.
Don't worry Barry you are going to spend alot of time with her, almost the rest of your life. Fcking criminals.
I saw Jim Jordan. To me is the same.
You can see Jim Jordan shaking the head. I don't think Jim wont fck around
You can try to post on Twitter! If they ban you, you know is true.
Thank you for your series, they're very informative and easy to understand. I just would like to ask you about the Euro. What will happen to the € when the $ will default?
Too much peace.... I'm bored
At this point my best interpretation of "military is the only way": This is a military internal warfare. Two factions are fighting each other with everything they can without show to the public. So that's why we have only information warfare and psychology warfare.
Yes but take in consideration that none have any clear idea how big is the picture.
Because none of them are voted?
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Now is the part when they all realize to be a part of a big psychological & informational war and try to quit the game. Is game over.
MSM: Trump is a loser! Better DeSantis 👏👏👏👏
If the earth was a globe we should have a real picture of it at this point.
The problem for normies is to understand how a rocket work in mostly empty space.... but I also believe we never had the tecnology to achieve this result. Rockets can't escape earth gravity.
We just can add some Silver or gold in the paper to get the real value. Is a contract within the people. Oligarchs need to be stopped to rent us paper without value.