QuantumLegion 7 points ago +7 / -0

My employer actually sent out a survey today reminding us that they intend to follow the "mandate" and asking to obtain more comprehensive feedback from "all team members."

() Do you currently have the vaccine

() Are you planning to get the vaccine

() Do you refuse to get the vaccine even if it means losing your job

My current profession is total shit. No one wants to do my job at the salary they're offering to do it. no. One. What the hell do you think the answer is going to be? Fuck I can make more money as a waitress than what I'm doing now. Mandate this shit. Go on. I want to see you tank and go out of business.

QuantumLegion 5 points ago +5 / -0

As a veteran, I encourage all of my still-active buddies to take the discharge if they can. Something most don't know is that once you've fulfilled your first 4-6 yr enlistment, they Cannot take your veteran benefits (VA/ Post 9-11 GI Bill). I know because I was thrown a 9 member squad of soldiers being Chaptered out of the military for various offenses (DUI-Drug use-pattern of misconduct etc. with other than/ dishonorable discharge). I spent a year doing nothing but chaptering soldiers out, working closely with JAG lawyers and Chapter regulations.

If you aren't SF/SEAL etc. and haven't signed a contract that states you have to pay pack your training costs (and I'm even wondering if they can do That after a certain time period) they can't do shit to your enlistment benefits once your first enlistment contract is fulfilled..

If you haven't fulfilled your contract, then you've only invested 0+ years (Less than 5 usually) and it's not in your best interest to give two shits about those benefits. Get college money another way. It's not worth your life and health to care that much.

I applaud them attempting to sue, but I don't think it's going anywhere. As someone below pointed out, You can't sue the military. It'll probably get thrown out.

One of the reasons I got out (out of the 5, 457, 892 reasons) is that the COC will lie through their teeth to soldiers every chance they get. They know most soldiers won't take the time, or be motivated enough to actually look up what is/ isn't, true, what is allowed and what isn't under AR's and UCMJ. It's an exhaustive, complicated and dense legal code.

Every fucking day SGM/1SGs and NCO's are lying to their soldiers. Every. Fucking. Day, over things from incredibly weird bullshit, up to major regs like how much leave you can have if a family member dies. I don't doubt for one single second they're lying about this mandate and what they're allowed to do and if they're allowed to take your benefits, or charge you for training. They can threaten and bitch all they like, but once JAG gets involved, they're always put back in their lane and told what is real, and what is simply their abusive control fantasy.

Lastly, I encourage everyone in the military to get out. Now. This gov't is not only illegitimate, they're are a fascist regime with Marxist paint splashed all over them. We gave an oath to the Constitution--not a President, not a gov't administration--and if you stay in, you WILL be asked to do things against that oath. If not today, next week or next month. Look at Australia. Take the Get while the Getting is Good, and on their dime. Do not be that Guy who will stand before a Tribunal one day and claim you were "Just following orders". Maintain your Honor, your Integrity and your personal courage and remember what you raised your right hand and swore to do. Against ALL enemies--foreign and DOMESTIC.

QuantumLegion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Science has proven that people who curse are significantly smarter, have a higher vocabulary IQ, are more Honest, and Loyal and make better friends than people who don't--not to mention we're funnier. Cursing also relieves stress and pain and increases performance during sports. Cursing can increase circulation, elevate endorphins, and cause an overall sense of calm, control, and well-being.

There are about 10K articles about these studies online. Look them up. Though at this rate, I'm not sure you're intelligent enough to understand them.

Fucking Church Ladies... If I wanted to be preached to by a repressed idiot who thinks using foul language--or that having long hair and having sex in any position other than missionary--means I'm worshiping Satan and conjuring demons in my basement, I'd go talk to my fucking grandmother.

QuantumLegion 7 points ago +7 / -0

It won't take much more. My parents survived the 70's--massive hyper inflation, gas shortages with lines around the block, mass homelessness. Due to that, they raised us "poor". That isn't to say they didn't have the money--they just didn't spend the money. They were constantly anticipating for another Catastrophe that would put them under the poverty line, unable to provide. So, we ended up helping to take care of a half-acre garden, shuck corn, snap beans, get almost all of our clothes from the thrift store....they would even take us to the beach once a year for a 24/hr marathon fishing trip, make us clean fish for a day, and freeze it all--they'd have enough fish for the rest of the year. My dad would take one weekend a year and go buy peaches in the mountains and resell them, fix bikes on the side and sell them for extra money.....my mother took in alterations/sewing and made wedding cakes on the side.

We survived my parents extreme pinch penny insanity. Sure, it was embarrassing sometimes, but we survived. Now, I know how to pinch a penny until that bitch screams for mercy and begs to be put out of her misery. I will survive this.

And what happened after Peanut Billy and his beer swilling brother? The Regan years--Republicans pretty much took over the country. Conservatism reigned for generations. Even Clinton would now be considered a Conservative by the Liberals.

As much as I hate to say it, our suffering for the next 3 yrs might be our salvation in the end. The Dems have turned Everyone in the country against them--except for a few SJW, unhinged idiots on medication who aren't capable of reasonable thought anymore. We're going to suffer for a while. But when people begin to realize that the reason the shelves are empty is because we don't manufacture in the U.S anymore--the reason they've lost their jobs is because of Marxist mandates--the reason they can't let their kids go to the gym is because of "trans" rights--the reason they're labeled "domestic terrorists" is because they stood up for their kids--the reason our country went to hell....is all the fault of Progressive Democrat policies....

It might finally turn this shit-show around. Things had too get bad so we knew what was good.

QuantumLegion 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is where my head usually explodes on people:

It doesn't matter if I got my opinion from the internet, a doctor, or my astrologist psychic tarot card reader.

I do not want to take a health treatment. That's it. That is all.

I work in a retirement home as security. We had a daughter call the front desk last week because Mom was acting nuts, fell, couldn't get up--Dad couldn't get her up--but Mom didn't want them to call EMS to help her. Dad was panicking. She'd been down there for almost 2 hours and he couldn't lift her. I told the daughter I'd go up to their apartment but THERE WAS NOTHING I COULD DO. I cannot call EMS without the resident's express permission.

I go up, I talk to "Dad" for like 20 mins (while he's still on the phone with Daughter) but he doesn't want me in the apartment (OK, got the feeling Mom wasn't completely, ah dressed, that's cool). After 20 MINUTES he finally agrees we can call EMS. EMS and FD arrive, go in, and come back out 5-10 mins later and say, She's in a dementia/Alzheimer's episode and her vitals aren't good, but we can't transport her because SHE REFUSES. Read that again. The FD and EMS could not Transport her to a hospital despite her medical condition because they did not have express permission from the patient to transport her. Even though she clearly needed Help AND was having an episode that made it clear she was not in her right fucking Mind. They were not allowed to Treat her or take her for treatment.

So let me get this fucking straight. A Woman who is clearly in medical distress, and having an Alzheimer's episode and is NOT mentally well, CAN REFUSE MEDICAL TREATMENT.......

But we Can't. We are "mandated" (doesn't even exist) to get a shot we don't want or lose everything. Even though our health is fine, we're not crazy, and we're making a sound, logical decision based on our knowledge of ourselves and our medical condition.

My reasons don't matter. No. No is NO. I don't care what you think. I don't care what anyone thinks. I don't have to give you a reason. I don't have to tell you where my information came from. No. I don't want it. That should be the end of the discussion.

Please don't confuse your god-complex, and self-righteous authoritarianism for my compliance.

QuantumLegion 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stop appropriating my gender.

I can't even wear a fucking Native American costume for Halloween and I'm 1/4 native because its "cultural appropriation" but Women are still so undervalued and disrespected they think they can appropriate my Gender then claim to be more woman and more worthy of respect....than women.

QuantumLegion 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm in the richmond VA area, and yes, I need a job. If you're in this state. I'm pretty much a jack of all trades---veteran, business management degree, been a store manager, accounts payable/receivable, working security right now, have waitressed and done house cleaning. Willing to do any job you have, including housekeeping and waitressing.

You, or anyone hiring non-vaxxed people who will show up, on time, and actually work without bitching, it me up at this throwaway email 2L82pray@ gmail.com

QuantumLegion 10 points ago +10 / -0

So much THIS!!! I'm already losing my job. That's fine. I can work as a waitress for a mom and pop place if I have to--they're ALL hiring. But if we don't stop this now, it won't be a loss of jobs. It'll be Australia and a loss of....Everything. The right to Live will be striped away.

No retreat, no quarter. No prisoners.

QuantumLegion 2 points ago +2 / -0

"YOU'VE restricted the movement of a 1000 students...."

No, you fricking commie puppet YOU and the administration did that. Over a mask that has 0% effect, and YOU are trying to "get back" at this 16 yo for not following your communist control.

I'm sick to my stomach at the number of police and military who blindly follow orders without any pushback. They are the Problem, not the solution. They made a vow to uphold the constitution. Does that mean nothing to them?

QuantumLegion 4 points ago +4 / -0

Finished at what? A race? A job? I didn't realize he started anything to be "finished" with it.

The second thing that truly bothers me is the current generations of Royals hypocrisy and holier-than-thou attitude. No one ever expected royalty to be Perfect. If you look back on countless gens of royals, they were all flawed in deep ways. Mistresses, scandals, divorces, locking their wives up in towers, beheading their wives, marrying children, marrying children who were their nieces and cousins, being outright insane, murder, torture, bankrupting the country for their personal wars, mistresses and gluttony and on and on. Most of them thumbed their nose at what the public thought. Charles II comes to mind. MF'er didn't give a shit what people thought--he was going to fuck it if it had a vagina and was at least alive. But hey, he was honest about being a man-whore.

This gen of royalty (starting with Victoria) are a bunch of hypocritical idiots who think if they present to the world that they're "perfect" it means something. It does not. It just makes them look more like low life hypocrites and liars. Also I don't know if Andrew is guilty or not--I haven't seen the evidence. But I know if it were my son or brother, I'd defend them until there was no defense left. He's my brother. I owe him some loyalty. I wouldn't throw him to the dogs like he was nothing until I was given absolutely no other recourse. Fuck it. My Brother means more to me than what the hell someone else thinks about me and how I "Look" to other people.

QuantumLegion 9 points ago +9 / -0

I had this conversation with an army buddy only 2 days ago. When I tried to explain to him that the vaccine he was promoting was Not approved this was his response:

"you also have the right to refuse Comirnaty. It's the exact same product. The only thing that full FDA approval provides to Pfizer and BioNTech is the ability to advertise the vaccine under a trade name, which is Comirnaty. All packaging produced before the FDA approval will say Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, and all packaging produced after approval will say Comirnaty. Again, same product, same technology, same guidance, and now, same approval. I'm the last person to trust only Facebook fack-checkers, but the claim that "Comirnaty" is different from "Pfizer Vaccine" is the gaslighting that will disrupt progress that has been made thus far."

I cut and pasted that, word for word. So, pretty much whatever the MSM tells him to believe is what he believes. I provided the FDA website and the exact quote, and that was his response.

QuantumLegion 5 points ago +5 / -0

Stay strong, my frens. There are more of the courageous out there than you realize.

QuantumLegion 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm so sorry. And I'm --again-- stunned at how this politicization of our lives has effected so many.

My parents weren't perfect people, but they have stayed together through no matter what. My mother is an old-school Southern Lady, and as crazy as it sounds, to this day, neither of them know the other's true political party, or even who the other one has voted for in any presidential election---ever. To my mother, there are things you never discuss---sex, money, and politics. I've had people tell me that's nuts, but it worked for them.

It's especially important now to realize what's really important in a relationship. You might not agree on every issue but is that person Kind? Faithful? Responsible? Mature? Loving? Do they compromise and respect your needs and desires? Then nothing else matters. Nothing else outside of the couple should have a major effect on their loving relationship.

If your spouse respects you, then agree or not with whatever political or health decision you make, you should both be able to discuss it and COMPROMISE in a way that makes both of you feel comfortable. That's what really concerns me about what's going on in our world. Everyone wants Everything to be Black/White, Either/Or, without Respect for the idea that other people have a Right to their own beliefs, and a right to respect for their decisions. (This is the hardheartedness the Bible talks about in the end times--the uncompromising stubbornness and inability to be soft hearted toward others).

You say your wife is a "Christian". I disagree. If she were, she would respect you, and your beliefs. She would talk with you and compromise on your disagreement. She would want to preserve your marriage by being Kind and Respectful of your needs.

Best of luck and best wishes.

QuantumLegion 7 points ago +7 / -0

We were mandated by Oct 15. I'm a subcontractor and talked to my regional who said our company fully supports me, and if I don't want the Jab, they'd just move me to another location-- on night shift with no one else around to worry about it (I said, don't threaten me with a good time).

My supervisor on site also did not want the Jab and completely agreed with me about the dangers. But she was terrified of having to move locations, lose her supervisor position, and take a massive pay cut. She literally cried when she got it she was so terrified.

While she was sitting there (crying) for the required however-many-minutes to make sure she didn't have an adverse reaction, the County Health Department shut down the vaccine site....because they didn't keep the vaccines cold enough. Told them to pack it up and no more Jabs that day as every vial now had to be tossed, due to improper storage. They announced this in front of everyone, as if it were no big deal.

She's an overweight black woman prone to high blood pressure issues (for which she's already been hospitalized once). She's now even more terrified and cries constantly, is missing work more days than she's there due to mental health issues and fears that she's literally going to drop dead any second. She's not dead yet, but the toll on her mental health is destroying her --and may cause her to lose her job anyway.

I expect to get a message any day that she's passed away. Will post if it happens.

I have 3 side hustles already started to make money if my company changes course. I'm not worried about losing my job. I'll survive one way or the other if I have to turn to less legal work to do it. Whatever it takes.

by gamepwn
QuantumLegion 1 point ago +1 / -0

I stopped taking any calls from my Reserve unit or showing up for drill. Come arrest me. Show up at my door. That's fine.

I spent 10 Years AD, and the Army did nothing but fuck me in the ass. I signed up to do Reserves to keep my certs and foot in the door....and they fucked me in the ass even before this Scamdemic.

Now, a fucking TRAITOR sits in the 2nd highest position in the military--an admitted Traitor...is still collecting a paycheck, after he colluded with a foreign enemy and stated he would put my life, and the lives of my fellow soldiers, in imminent Danger to warn a foreign enemy of an impending invasion... who is responsible (IMO, Directly) for the deaths of 13 of my fellow service members and Thousands of American citizens.... and he's still collecting a paycheck and not standing on a wall being shot for TREASON.... While the CCP run media is lauding his Treason as "brave"?

But soldiers are being called "domestic terrorists" and drummed out the military for being loyal patriots.... being JAILED for speaking out against Traitors and incompetence and the inability to take personal responsibility.... being vilified and kicked out for refusing to take a (still) experimental vaccine?

Fuck Biden. Fuck this country. Fuck this military. Fuck the Traitor Milley. Fuck it all.

If you don't stand up and put your ass on the line for your Oath to the Constitution, to protect and defend the CONSTITUTION (not a gov't, not a President, not a political ideology) against ALL enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC.... I'm done with you. I'm done pussy fucking around and being Nice. You're a goddamn coward and a piece of shit who lacks personal courage and integrity, not to mention, Balls if you claim to be a "leader" in the military and you aren't already publicly, wantonly, disobeying unlawful orders from an Unlawful Commander in Chief and a Traitor. Don't like that. Grow some fucking balls.

This man has Balls. He has my respect.

The rest of the fucking military and our so-called "Leaders' can suck my ass. They've done nothing to protect and stand up for the men and women in uniform they swore to put above their own well-being. They've done Nothing to stop this. They are Cowards. And I have no use for cowards and traitors.

Am I fucking pissed off and bitter? You're fucking A-right I am. I've never been this pissed off in my entire life.

QuantumLegion 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm really amazed at the number of people on here applauding and cheering.

Britney has a severe psychiatric condition. If you'd ever had one of those people in your family or worked with the mentally ill, you wouldn't be cheering. She needs supervision and medication...not freedom. Actually, she needed to be in a psych ward where she could be under 24-7 supervision, but for some reason, that didn't happen.

Even worse, if you look up the Muslim POS "boyfriend", that's a nightmare in and of itself. I'll bet hard money right now that within 2-3 years he'll have either convinced her to convert and shipped her off to a Muslim country where she has even less freedom and rights than she did under the father, or....she'll be dead by his hand--or both because it'll be easier to murder her in a country where her life won't matter. Of course, he'll make it look like a drug overdose or accident, and no one will question it, but she'll still be dead....and he'll be rich. The guys' an obvious gold digging con-artist. Part of the reason her father fought so hard to keep the conservatorship was to Protect his daughter from this dirt bag and keep them from getting married so he could ....murder her for her money.

Britney is not a competent person and shouldn't be allowed to make decisions for herself. But this is how America ended up with a homeless problem in the first place---by pretending the mentally ill were competent enough to be let loose on society, where they self-medicated with illegal drugs, couldn't function in society, and ended up on the streets. And now we have... Los Angeles.

QuantumLegion 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm in the same boat.

Most people are--tbh--weak and if not easily manipulated and indoctrinated, easily coerced and blackmailed. That's the reality of the human condition. They don't have the foundation, or the conviction, to resist the pressure. And those who have bought into the propaganda can't now admit they were wrong, because then they'd have to admit they may have--literally--committed suicide. And that prospect is just too horrible to consider. They HAVE to double down and Believe, at all costs. They have to convince themselves its safe, it was the right thing to do, or they'll go insane.

I've had to take a stance of Ms. Manners. If you don't have anything good to say, don't say anything at all. If I do convince people in my family who have already had it, how deadly it is....there's nothing they (or I) can do about now. It's done. Scaring them won't help them. Sending them into a spiral of terror and self-loathing isn't going to help them. We're all just going to have to face the consequences if and when they come.

I thought one of them was on board with me--they agreed with everything I was saying, they supported my stance and then, last week....they walked in and got jabbed. They cried, said they were scared, and did it anyway, because the prospect of losing their job was even more scary than the Jab itself. So even if you do manage to convince the un-vaxxed, or think you have, they might still break under the pressure. And there's not a damn thing we can do to stop them.

Its like a person saying, I know I'm drunk and I shouldn't be driving but I need to drive to get to my job, so I'm driving no matter the consequences. If I die, I die. That's my analogy. Then, having made the decision to drive drunk, they have to convince themselves they were "fine", they could handle it, it's no big deal....to admit anything else is to admit how stupid, reckless, and dangerous their behavior really was. It isn't until they're sitting in jail (or in this case, dying) that they might think, Well, that wasn't such a good decision. And by then, what are you going to say to them that's going to fix it? Absolutely nothing. They're just going to have to face the consequences, and we're going to have to deal with the grief of a life wasted.

QuantumLegion 7 points ago +7 / -0

My aunt went in 2 days ago after a fall in her home (she's in her 60's). The EMT's took her, by ambulance, to the hospital and her daughter followed, per the instructions of the EMT's. When her son called later (he was out of town and found out late) he was told that his mother was already released due to overcrowding due to COVID--- and the reason she was there so long was because his Sister (the daughter) refused to tell staff what was wrong Aunt B.

As a former EMT, I know for a fact EMS cannot drop off a patient without a full report to a higher echelon of care. It's protocol. It's the LAW. The staff had to have been told why my aunt was brought in. Also, despite there not being a large presence (that could be seen) they said they had no beds due to Covid (another lie).

So why would they lie? That's a damn good question. Was it because she didn't have COVID and therefore, wasn't worth their time? Or rather, the money they would have gotten out of it? And they lied about my cousin not telling them why she was there....because if they admitted they dropped the ball and didn't bother to treat my aunt for Hours and released her without proper treatment, they could be sued for negligence.

This goes deeper than just COVID. People are being denied needed medical care, or are being neglected, because ....If they aren't C-19 positive, they don't generate enough income to make it worth it.

Unless you're literally dying and have no choice, stay away from these death camps. Our medical community has been utterly corrupted, and can no longer be trusted.

QuantumLegion 6 points ago +6 / -0

That's the thing. They're so disconnected from the People, and so convinced of their own ability to hold on to power, and their ability to steal elections, they no longer give a flying F- what the People want. They simply do. Not. Care. And they will not care, because as long as they can get by with it, they will do so. And we--the People--have allowed it to happen. Complacently.

But, as a former soldier and a former corrections officer, I am most disappointed in the sheep-like obedience of the police and military. They, of all people, should have had the personal courage to say, No. To Step out of formation. To refuse to follow illegal orders. To stand up for their family, friends and neighbors. To uphold whatever Constitution in whatever country they are from. I am sickened, deep in my gut, to the point of nausea, every time I see a soldier blindly follow the orders of politicians, who have never served, who do not deserve our respect, every time they tell them to obey. I hope they are sick, too. I hope they can't look at their own face in the mirror, or sleep at night. I served with Aussie and NZ soldiers in Afghanistan, and they had my upmost respect. I have worked closely with American police officers, and they had my respect. No longer. I hope you are sick with your betrayal. I hope you are on your knees at night begging forgiveness of a God you have failed, and a people you have abandoned. I hope you you wake up. Because if you don't, you no longer have the respect of the People whom you swore to protect and serve. And if you no longer have our respect.....

QuantumLegion 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have 1-liberal friend who works for the gov't. Highly educated, but only listens to MSM. They are also about 150lbs overweight. Got the vac. I told them this week my employer was going to fire anyone not vaxed but 15 Oct and that I felt this was a huge breach of my human rights--coercion is not consent. Their response? "Well, just get the vax. You can to any pharmacy and get it for free, or the VA. It's really not a big deal". Like....you've heard Nothing I've said in the past year. Not a single effing word that came out of my mouth registered in your dim brain. And I was just done at that point.

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