Questionable 1 point ago +1 / -0

You are now thinking of that one girlfriend, who suddenly started acting strange, that you later suspected may have hidden an abortion from you. Then there was that other one, and another one...

Questionable 18 points ago +18 / -0

"Trans community".

Or to say, "lesser homosexuals being preyed upon by more opportunistic homosexuals". "Community".

Questionable 3 points ago +3 / -0

Or... That was the bargaining chip he threw in to buy the company, as they were being compelled to sell, and conceding on this point is the olive branch needed to end negotiations.

Questionable 2 points ago +2 / -0

From this screen cap, is he admitting, or replying to someone who was banned? And I don't know who any of these people are.

Questionable 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh, so that's why he has 2 left hands.

Questionable 21 points ago +21 / -0

I think we are missing something here. Twitter can't be bought for the same reason they were never able to cover the GME shorts. As a large majority of the stock in the system was counterfeit, and Elon Musk knows it. No matter what they do they are fucked.

Or to ask the Question, how much of Twitter's stock is counterfeit? As that's what this buy offer will expose.

Questionable 7 points ago +7 / -0

I think it's the same location but with the camera facing opposite directions.

I can not say for certain that these images are false. I would call them Questionable at best.

Questionable 4 points ago +4 / -0

Next time, ask them if the unclean are allowed to sit in the back of the bus.

Questionable 1 point ago +1 / -0

One of the main reasons gold was decoupled from fiat, was the gold purchasing tax. Once that was removed, buying gold=exchanging for gold. No, it doesn't need to be pegged.

Questionable 2 points ago +2 / -0

Crytop and a digital currency are two different things. Just as coins and token are different withing crypto, this is a similar split between digital fiat, and gold backed digital currencies. Yes, even if it uses a block chain.

Here is my understanding on the matter:

  • Crypto coins = Created by work effort on a unique decentralized block chain.
  • Crypto tokens(Most common) = Created out of thin air, exist on another assets block chain, or centralized control.
  • Digital dollars/rubles = Backed by trade assets (gold) created out of labor.
  • Digital tokens(WEF) = Socialized fiat, created out of thin air, based on theft/debt.
Questionable 1 point ago +1 / -0

No theories here. Just a straight up lawsuit pushing back against racketeering.

Questionable 2 points ago +2 / -0

Conversation continued from here, due to "maximum thread depth reached".

I literally just pointed to an unprecedented 40% increase in mortality. That''s 90,000 deaths within the first year of the vaccine in America alone in the age range of 18-49.


The immune system will only degrade further after that, due to the spike proteins your body would be producing.

Questionable 1 point ago +1 / -0

You shouldn't notice it. Since your media sources are not talking about it. Though it has already begun.


Below Conservation redirect here do to maximum thread length.

Questionable 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nobody is allowed a platform unless they say the magic words, saying something positive about the current narrative. Trump never names the covid-19 vaccines that you are to take, or recommends them by name. CNN is controlled by Pfizer/blackrock/vanguard. Anthony Fauci's wife controls the FDA testing methodology. There are no mandates. None of the vaccines on the market were approved. None of the vaccines on the market meet the criteria for the executive order. VAIDS is a real thing. The AIDS epidemic was a lie. Our government has been taken over by corporations. The fiat fractional banking system is a ponzi scheme. There are bio-labs in Ukraine. The covid-19 protocols killed your grandma, and you are a mind/wage slave.

Now do you have any further Questions?

Questionable 2 points ago +2 / -0

That forum has many links to peer reviewed sources. I gave you that resource so that you can do your own research.


Trump's executive order only covers United States Government Vaccines.


Trump tells you that it is your choice to take the vaccine or not.


Trump said the boosters are the result of greed.


Your default answer for forced medical treatment should always be "No".

I am not going to spoon feed you for the rest of your life. But...


Questionable 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm literally pointing you at science, and you are literally telling me that you refuse to read it.

Trump never lies. Even when his script tells him to. Trump only speaks of the vaccines they created without naming them. mRNA treatments are not vaccines. The definition of Vaccine has been retroactively changed after the executive order.

If you trust Trump, then you know that the majority of his followers do not believe the current narrative on vaccines, and listen intently to his words looking for truths he can not speak out loud. As I surely do. https://patriots.win/

None of this is "laugh out loud" funny. You're not laughing. I'm not laughing.

This is not funny.

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