It is genius even if Hunter is not a white hat, but playing his role in the show.
This type of action ties in with the incomprehensible actions of leaving all of this crime info on a laptop being repaired and then refusing to retrieve the laptop afterward.
You can spin that any way you want, but the only rationale that makes any sense is that everything about the laptop was deliberate. Now this legal action on top of that... extra spicy.
I think it is useful info, even if not true. Maybe it is just a negotiating tactic going on behind the scenes? Germany has been carrying the EU for a long time. Maybe they are getting tired of carrying all that dead weight? Who knows?
Doomers can think this is a "psy-op" to somehow pacify US patriots... or some such crap. The actions of neither Germany nor Brazil have much of an effect on US efforts to un-rig our elections and get rid of the organized crime of all the government gangsters.
Globalism is ending. Our future is distributed and decentralized. First things first... we have to fix our own problems here in the US, and become much more self-sufficient and self-reliant in the process.
More empty hand-waving. That is the only thing that is obvious.
Explain how the things you describe solve the current problems in AZ, as just one example. The elections are rigged. Voicing your disagreements, asking pointed questions, or even writing sternly-worded letters does NOT do a damn thing to change the fact that the elections are rigged.
The only solution is free and fair elections. Under THOSE conditions, getting involved locally makes sense... but only then.
What people like you do not understand is that we currently have election systems that are similar to those in Cuba or Venezuela. If people "got involved locally" in those countries, would it make any difference at all?
The answer is: NO. Why not? Because the "elections" are permanently rigged, so anything people do locally or otherwise has no net effect.
The ONLY solution is to un-rig the elections. The people in power will only give up the power they have stolen when it is forcibly removed from them. The question we face is how to accomplish that. The military doing it is one answer. Revolution by the people is another. Empty hand waving serves no purpose.
I clicked through to the autopsy article... the correlation (and implied causation) with the injections was very strong. Some damage was attributed to the first injection, so the second ones compounded the damage. They blamed a cytokine storm effect as the cause of death (your own immune system goes berserk and kills a lot of cells that your body needs to stay alive, basically).
The takeaway is to stay away from all mRNA injections - Period. That technology is fatally flawed... no pun intended.
The flaw with the OP argument is that it comes down to "vote harder".
The civilian courts and legislatures have been compromised and corrupted over decades. So the proposed remedy is for patriots to "get more involved"? What does that even mean, and how does any of that get rid of deeply entrenched corruption? Short answer: it does not and cannot.
Look at the 2022 midterms. Look at the AZ elections, and the BLATANT in-your-face cheating at all levels. The elections, legislatures and courts are RIGGED. An external power is needed to defeat those rigged systems.
Such as - martial law, which supersedes all civilian legislative and legal systems. The often-repeated phrase "the military is the only way" is even more true than ever, especially if the points made above are valid.
The whole post above is making the case that the military and martial law is the only way to solve these problems. So the real question is: when is the US military going to step in and do their job to defend the country and constitution from these multiple attacks?
Wait... we are an "alt-right FROG cult"? With a secret code?
They managed to get all of the various terms wrong in that video. Was this satire? Would the "normies" that watch MSDNC believe any of that bullshit?
Edit: a response in the twitter thread indicates the video clip was from 2017
That video was really good (I had not seen it before). It pointed out all the actors and the various roles they played in the drama. It certainly appears that it was all staged, just like one of those training exercises used as a reference.
This makes a lot of the aftermath make more sense. Why the guy that "killed" Babbitt was never charged, and so on.
This leads to the obvious question - what was the point of the staged shooting? What purpose did it serve?
Another question - what was the point of the J6 rally? What purpose did it serve? The J6 rally forced the evacuation of the capital and interrupted the certification proceedings. It allowed somebody to grab Pelosi's laptop, among other things. Was that the purpose?
Moves and counter moves... but we still don't know which side is doing what. All we have are a lot of guesses.
Which brings us to recent events. MTG bringing up the "murder" in her committee meeting. Where does that lead? They have the thousands of hours of J6 video. What are they going to do with all of it?
Well, it is true that the current media spews nothing but propaganda controlled by the DS/cabal, and censors anything that might contradict that propaganda... but I doubt that is ever going to change in any meaningful way.
The true problem is all the people that currently worship credentialism. These are the sheeple, desperate to be told what to think and what to do. They do not think for themselves (maybe they literally can't - I am not sure).
I guess the only solution is to have media that provide useful info to the sheeple... Citizen journalists might be one way to do that, but any form of media will always be vulnerable to being taken over as a means to control the sheeple.
The only real solution is for the sheeple to start thinking for themselves, but I don't know if that is even possible.