The AI Gaza video from last week was done for effect. Art for the deal indeed. Now, middle eastern countries are going to own and rebuild Gaza, not us. Israel gets nothing and middle eastern countries move in and take land. Israel hates this. Good.
Real lists of Epstein clients and names of those we know, will not be released to us. It's called evidence. Such evidence can only be viewed by grand juries or military tribunals, and most of that will be video evidence that we will never see.
This is how our legal system works.
Stop holding your breath for unseen "Epstein files."
Note for anons, the files are right here and have been for years.
Some are redacted, some are blank and some are not.
Here is where everyone should be filing complaints:
This is over-intellectualized BS. Elon isn't doing anything himself nor at all.
The military already did it over the last 8+ years. Elon is just the piñata for the democrats and a purposeful distraction.
Military in control.
Regarding Trump and the USA fixing the Gaza strip:
First of all, Benjamin Netanyahu had no idea that this is what Trump was going to propose.
Benjamin Netanyahu is a zionist. His god is Satan. His rule of law is communism. He wanted all Palestinians to die and he wants the Middle East at war so more of them die. This is not what Trump wants and he's been clear about that from day one.
Trump knows that Benjamin Netanyahu was involved with 9/11 just like we do. You don't forget who your enemy is.
In the press briefing yesterday, Benjamin Netanyahu looked like a deer in headlights. He didn't know that Trump was going to say what he did, because this isn't what Benjamin Netanyahu wants. Benjamin Netanyahu wants that land and everyone around it for himself (Greater Israel). Trump just stopped that dead in it's tracks.
Trump said that he wants all people of all cultures to be able to live there in peace and bring peace to the area because it's never been a peaceful area and it's only filled with death. He said if he doesn't do this now, it would continue like that for decades to come. If Israel were to attack that area with Americans and others living there in the future, that would be the end of Israel forever. In chess, it's called zugzwang.
Look at Benjamin Netanyahu's face. Benjamin Netanyahu didn't see this coming and he's pissed.
I've played endless audio on my show of Trump insulting Benjamin Netanyahu to his face, in front of microphones and cameras, regarding what Benjamin Netanyahu has done to Palestine, specifically during Trump's last time in office. Trump hates this guy.
Remember, there will always be conservative, one-dimensional never-Trumpers everywhere, and those that will forever claim that Trump is owned by jews. I personally think Trump has the jews by the balls. In particular the zionists. He just stopped their "Greater Israel" in one speech.
If Benjamin Netanyahu continues to bomb and kill, then that looks bad for Benjamin Netanyahu, thereby giving Trump even more leverage over him, more so than he already has. Zugzwang.
Have you ever seen the documentary The Bibi Files? You should watch it. Benjamin Netanyahu is not a good poker player. He makes the same panicked faces when he's been caught. Whether he's being interrogated by Israel investigators or Trump is telling everyone what Trump plans on doing with land that Benjamin Netanyahu wanted for himself. He just drug out Netanyahu and embarrassed him.
Check mate.
Saving Israel for last.
The people whining about disclosure to the public, don't understand the concept of "leverage" in warfare.
Leverage is how the j's got control of our country, and leverage against them is how we get it back.