This has to be fake. Hydroxyzine is benedryl and naltrexone is a partial opiate antagonist usually put in meds to prevent people from injecting
Edit: if this isn't fake, this is a care package from a detox psychiatrist
Second edit: I was thinking of naloxone as the injection blocker. Naltrexone is an opiate/alcohol blocker. Yay for personal experience
talk about putting words in someone's mouth. are you mental?
what im saying is its not a "breakthrough" infection. its an infection. they use the term breakthrough to downplay the fact that an infection occurred after vaccination - which is used to prevent infection (traditionally.) it diverts attention from the lack of protection to the patient/victim. stop shilling weirdo
not really sure why you care so much about my "lib logic"
Book deals, movie deals. its all the same to me. profit.