ReticulatingSplines 3 points ago +3 / -0

What are all of his symptoms and what exactly did his “doctors” “diagnose”?

ReticulatingSplines 5 points ago +5 / -0


“The tonsils are immunocompetent organs which serve as the immune system's first line of defense against ingested or inhaled foreign pathogens, and as such frequently engorge with blood to assist in immune responses to common illnesses such as the common cold. The tonsils have on their surface specialized antigen capture cells called microfold cells (M cells) that allow for the uptake of antigens produced by pathogens. These M cells then alert the B cells and T cells in the tonsil that a pathogen is present and an immune response is stimulated.[6] B cells are activated and proliferate in areas called germinal centers in the tonsil. These germinal centers are places where B memory cells are created and secretory antibody (IgA) is produced.”

ReticulatingSplines 4 points ago +4 / -0


“The tonsils are immunocompetent organs which serve as the immune system's first line of defense against ingested or inhaled foreign pathogens, and as such frequently engorge with blood to assist in immune responses to common illnesses such as the common cold. The tonsils have on their surface specialized antigen capture cells called microfold cells (M cells) that allow for the uptake of antigens produced by pathogens. These M cells then alert the B cells and T cells in the tonsil that a pathogen is present and an immune response is stimulated.[6] B cells are activated and proliferate in areas called germinal centers in the tonsil. These germinal centers are places where B memory cells are created and secretory antibody (IgA) is produced.”

ReticulatingSplines 1 point ago +1 / -0

Wow. Thanks. Jfc..

ReticulatingSplines 7 points ago +7 / -0

I sometimes wonder if/how joe biden was abused.

Edit: Never excusing any harm he’s caused just wondering how someone could become such an obviously evil monster.

ReticulatingSplines 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where Women Go 1 Women Go All

ReticulatingSplines 1 point ago +2 / -1

You sound like Laura Joomer who’s been suddenly hating on Mr. Gaetz.

Edit: Laura Loomer.

ReticulatingSplines 40 points ago +41 / -1

“I’m a retired FBl agent…”

Lmao I think you’re right.

ReticulatingSplines 0 points ago +1 / -1

Lmao your point? Why are you so incoherent? Expecting everyone to just fall for your bs?

We were born on the chans, mate.

Shill harder? LOL gl

Edit: you linked a cherry-picked post of mine, a legit one where I proposed a theory and asked for feedback and it got traction, then you linked your post history sorted by “top” lmao so desperate.

ReticulatingSplines 3 points ago +4 / -1

False. There is zero evidence to support any of your claims throughout this thread regarding the photo above that you posted including for your claim that your photo is a picture of one of the other vans (there were more than two vans: at least two white ones and a brown one according witnesses+evidence). A shame since the real story itself is proven to be true beyond a reasonable doubt.

Your vindictive reactions to honest feedback throughout this thread are indicative that you may be a disinfo shill who’s attempting to embarrass those who might believe you and share your disinfo.

Thus it must be asked:

Are you a shill? I will not judge but I cannot speak for others. I am genuinely interested in conversing with you about your actions here as well as your motivations.

ReticulatingSplines 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nice. Thanks for the link. 🙏

At that link, I noticed this note just below the pic of the van:

Addendum: It has come to my attention that some folks are trying to pass the above image off as a genuine photo of the real ‘mural van’. It is not. It is merely an approximation; a graphic representation of what the truck may have looked like, according to the available eyewitness descriptions of the real truck. Listening to the audio, obviously the real truck exploded that day… so I’m not sure how anyone could think that this was actually a real photo. What? Like Mossad just took a picture of their handiwork and just threw it up on Facebook or something? Come on! The real truck most likely didn’t have Urban Moving Systems emblazoned across the side either… but you never know.

The image was made specifically for the video below, simply to visually drive home the sheer insanity of the people who would dare to do such a thing. Personally after a great deal of thought, I’m leaning towards thinking that this had to be a diversion for something else. Perhaps more than one something else… Were truck bombs used at the WTC towers as well? There were reports of exactly that on the news from that day. Something other than planes caused huge explosions in the twin towers that day. Of that much I’m quite certain.

ReticulatingSplines 1 point ago +1 / -0

Apologies for the edgy title. Click, consume, share.

Never, ever, forget.

ReticulatingSplines 6 points ago +6 / -0

Still no credible source for the apparently doctored photo.

Pretty sure it’s fake. Story is 100% true though and that’s well-documented.

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