Revodude 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe that Trump will win in a 50 state landslide. But before that happens there’ll be an attempt to change the democrat batter that goes all wrong. Then we will get the Cuban missile crisis 2.0. The democrats will try to cancel the election. They fail. 70-30 chance that Trump returns to the White House very shortly after the election. SC rules the election was stolen in 2020, but they had to sit on the decision.

Revodude 3 points ago +3 / -0

Freudian slip.

Revodude 1 point ago +1 / -0

Conventional Defeat is not hard, but conquer would be extremely hard and not worth it.

Revodude 1 point ago +1 / -0

The ground forces never have to leave NATO confines. We have some really cool weapons that are not classified but never really discussed. They are part of my concept of “Accelerated Warfare”. One way to think about it: we have gone from multiple aircraft for one target to one aircraft for one target to one aircraft for multiple targets and expanded the number of targets per aircraft.

Revodude 1 point ago +1 / -0

The DS’s three main tactics: cut our spare parts, promote generals that don’t know how to fight a war properly and political leadership that will throw the game. Those are all potentially quick fixes.

Revodude 2 points ago +2 / -0

The DS/Cabal wants a war with Russia. They would want a long drawn out ground war. Rest assured that won’t happen. But having a plan is smart. NK, Vietnam and Afghanistan were all wars where the coach intentionally threw the game. Just like Obama was trying to throw the game with ISIS, etc. Ad that to the historical narratives that they want you to believe. Trump blew that up with ISIS and to a significant extent with Afghanistan.

Just imagine that the Russians had no air defense capability and no ground vehicles west of a given line in Russia. Weeks.

Revodude 3 points ago +3 / -0

Democracy bad, Republic good. Democracies become dictatorships over time.

Revodude 0 points ago +2 / -2

Winning a conventional war with Russia would be easy. But nukes and if they would use them is the question.

Revodude 3 points ago +3 / -0

DS trying to save their beloved terrorist organization and their sponsors. WHs saw this coming a mile away. Using this to peel away the Hebrews from the democrats.

Revodude 9 points ago +9 / -0

Since nobody is publicly trying to put two and two together, I think it’s a WH operation taking down the bad food production. So many explosions. So many fires. And now recalls.

Revodude 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well big Mike has been my guess, but I think there will be some sort of messy fight. And it might be Big Mike in for Camel toe. With the presumption that Bidan won’t last long.

Revodude 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe it would be the latter. Legislation and judicial rulings would have to be handled creatively. The easy thing would be to grandfather them and then fix all the problems. But for example: Trump could either veto or resign all the past legislation. For the judiciary rulings, they could all be kicked down a level with the new set of judges and work their way back up as needed.

Revodude 2 points ago +2 / -0

I believe that Trump is going to annul both the Bidan and Obama Presidencies. The key diamonds Trump will take back are the judges and justices appointed during that time. And then add a total remake of the FBI and DOJ. Thereby making justice in America great again.

The democrat weapon of choice will become the conservatives weapon in addition to several other weapons.

Revodude 4 points ago +4 / -0

Part of woke is to erase people. They have erased this fine woman. They are working on erasing the American Indian. Once erased, they can abuse and then eliminate people, groups and cultures.

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