Pro-American war propaganda. That thing looks like a pile of junk stacked together.
No we didn’t. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed just like Tokyo was, but the big difference is those 2 cities were made almost entirely from wood. There were very few concrete/brick buildings in those cities. Remember they said those cities would be unlivable for hundreds of years and both are thriving cities today. Nukes are a lie perpetuated by the globohomo.
Proof Hiroshima and Nagasaki were firebombed and nukes are fake and gay?
But doesn’t this align with the globalist agenda? North American Union alarms are ringing.
I’ve been saying for over 10 years that the US should invade and annex Canada. Looks like it may happen now, minus the invasion part.
If a doctor tells you to take it, you probably shouldn’t. After the International Virus Scam of 2020 doctors are as trustworthy and corrupt as the subhuman trash we allegedly elect.
There’s several branch Covidians that come into work weekly. Blows my mind people still buy into the international virus scam 4 years later. But they’re definitely the 5-10% that are retarded and can’t be saved.
and talk about dragons?
Can we shut down homeland security instead?
My signature varies every time I write it. It has the same general flow, but it’s never the same.
There are no journalists in the toilet stream media. Only urinalists that basically piss in the eye and ears of their brainwashed viewers.
I firmly believe there are no blue states, only red states with blue cities and fraud.
As queer as a $3 bill?
She’s as phony as a football bat.
Comb-Fork Klobuchar is a retard.
I want a candidate that will run on, and keep their promise on repealing that crippled communist FDR’s social security tax.
And 7/7 bombing
There’s an ex-Amish on tik tok and YouTube videos named @yodertoter40 that’s been talking about the Amish voting this year. In Pennsylvania alone there’s 180,000 registered amish that have NEVER voted and they’re voting for Trump. He said in a recent video that even a billboard in English and Pennsylvania Dutch has gone up near the amish community.
It would have been better if Kamala wasn’t such a humorless cunt and showed up. Even the supreme queen of cunt Hillary attended in 2016.
Also retarded, alcoholic, liar and whore.
I’ve never liked Bret Hair(piece) but he did roast Kuntmala pretty good.
One of my friends bought some of these on Amazon. They gave me a handful of them. 😂 I thought everyone here would get a kick out of them.
That’s not just democrats. It’s ALL of the soulless, heartless, conscienceless subhuman trash from both parties that we allegedly elect.
The people in these towns need to militia up and either run FEMA out of town, arrest them indefinitely, or hang them.
Tartarian erasure.