RobertsEllie 0 points ago +1 / -1

I feel like being a few years ahead.. Didnt saw this twitter post, but i found many other medical trials that showed similar results. Fenbendazole is similar substance that works also as good as ivermectin.

RobertsEllie 0 points ago +1 / -1

In this story, i see only competitors trying to have a leverage. Even if they will find a way to detect damage caused by vaccination, it will not be a 100% accurate, and it will be used for other competitors brand belittling and demeaning. All vaccines are synthetic viruses in a bottle, so it is only natural that it does some harm and it is our decision to take it or not. My point is don't be fooled by competitor companies who are trying to make money from people that are angry at vaccinations and big pharma. There are many people who will try to manipulate the hate and try to direct it to thieir preference.

RobertsEllie 1 point ago +2 / -1

Seems like, they might have problems with ratings, so fox figured that they can use vax as leverage by playing for both teams... But when people will start to realize it, fox will be punished for good...

RobertsEllie 1 point ago +2 / -1

Or our movement is working, and people are starting to realize that big pharma sells not medication but toxic waste...

RobertsEllie 1 point ago +2 / -1

I couldn't agree more, but if you would have a cancer, you wouldn't take ONLY homeopathic medication because it could work only in cases with more passive cancer that does not progress in years and you have plenty of time. Then you could experiment with stuff like that, but if tumor is more aggressive, you would prefer more appropriate/aggressive approach.

RobertsEllie 0 points ago +1 / -1

My niece got cancer and since she knew all about the danger besides chemo she took fenbendazole as supplementation for cancer not to spread. She took the vaccine and not only the cancer didnt spread, but she also managed to make it smaller, she still has cancer but we are hoping that this shrinking will continue until cancer could be surgicaly removed.

RobertsEllie 0 points ago +1 / -1

but did these apricot seeds had a clinical trial or something ? looks like mister anonimous threw these news to the media and they took it because they are cheap or something, almost all seeds has some sort of healing powers because all seeds have vitamins in it, because how they would survive in soil and grow in to a tree ? Its like sperm, it has protein in it, because sperm needs this nutrition in order to survive... With seeds its same shitte, but nutritional specifications may vary.

RobertsEllie 0 points ago +1 / -1

Thats nonsense, all unofficial political campains are allowed but medications such as fenbendazole, ivermectin, niclosamide, DCA are censored ? Musk is digital terrorist nothing more....

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RobertsEllie 1 point ago +2 / -1

Just leave biden alone, set him free, he will be hit by the car or something then we will live happily ever after...

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