Are you privy to top secret military intelligence? Didn’t think so.
There is always 1-3 days before they report anything. The narrative flows down from the top. CNN is simply waiting for their orders.
Looks like the beginning stages of being red pilled. He needs to slow down to process everything before he can be an effective Patriot.
But be careful driving a car after a few cups!
Questions that bring up more questions. I’m just enjoying the movie!🍿
Run away from anyone who says “Saith the Lord.”
Vegans spearheaded the change. I remember when it happened.
Who is going to toss the other’s salad here? Asking for a friend.
Yawn. Their strategy is so predictable. Conversely, how much of an idiot does one have to be to not notice patterns?
I find it strange that McDonald’s changed from beef tallow to unhealthy vegetable oils just to appease vegans. This, of course, aligned with our corrupt government changing the food pyramid from high fat/low carb to low fat/high carb. It’s about time our society stops catering to the loud fringe twats and transition back to the way we used to eat.
The good ol’ days. When everything was closed on Sunday and every family cooked meals from scratch everyday. Eating out was such a treat for my family as well. Maybe once a month like yours. My favorite was Kentucky Fried Chicken. Dad would come home with a big bucket of chicken with mashed potatoes and Cole slaw. A good meal was Bonanza (a steak house like Ponderosa.). We would dress up for it in slacks and a nice shirt. McDonald’s was usually a feature of a school field trip or a sport’s team end-of-the-season celebration outing. My Mom would hand me $3.00 which was more than enough.
Punchable face for sure.
They get rich by selling their soul.
Diddy was a “fisherman of souls” for Satan. That is not something I would want on my resume when my body passes.
True. But I think the cell tower won as no lives were lost on its side.
Propaganda is one hell of a drug! Tell Jack to pull his head out of his ass.
More like,”Cell phone tower takes out helicopter.”
The saga continues…
“I don’t have seventy dollars!” Best line ever!
I thought Michael Bloomberg was a paper cutout for the first two minutes.
An injury at 45 could be a career ender. It’s not worth it.
Revelation & Isaiah. I know nothing of Mormonism.
Not according to Scripture. The US will soon turn her back on Israel and/or no longer exist (Whore of Babylon destroyed Prophesy.) Israel is prophesied to have every nation against her. This is assuming that we are in the End Days, which I believe we are.
Huh? I see lots of diving boards.
Nah, the question used the word “mandate.” She used the word back at him in her answer.
Fake numbers in advertising revenue.