Why did [Hussein, Barry] choose 'RENEGADE' as USSS codename? Define 'RENEGADE'. [Hussein, Barry] parents both fluent in Russian? Is Russian a common language to learn? Public 'career' history mom-dad? Public 'career' history require Russian language as prerequisite? Farm work takes special skills. Q
Anyone ever heard of The Wizards of Langley? https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/collection/original-wizards-langley
Found a bit of interesting info. In April 2000, Ben & Jerry's sold itself to British multinational food giant Unilever. Dave Stever was appointed new CEO on May 15, 2023. Earlier this year NYT said the company was using child workers in its supply chain of a farmworker-led human rights program in 2017 named Milk With Dignity. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/25/us/unaccompanied-migrant-child-workers-exploitation.html https://www.sevendaysvt.com/vermont/former-ben-and-jerrys-tour-guide-dave-stever-is-its-new-ceo/Content?oid=38343650
"We don't believe that, as it relates to Ben & Jerry's, the reporting accurately reflects our dairy supply chain; to that end both Ben & Jerry's and Migrant Justice have asked the New York Times to clarify the specific references to Ben & Jerry's in their reporting," the response said. "To date, The Times has declined to do so." https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:S-Hv0Uz1pgoJ:https://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/2023/03/24/ben-jerrys-denies-claim-child-labor-is-used-in-vermont-supply-chain/70044681007/&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
From Migrant Justice's website: There are approximately 1,500 migrant workers that sustain Vermont's iconic working landscapes and turn profits for Ben & Jerry's, Cabot Cheese and other famous Vermont brands. Workers typically work 60-80 hours per week and endure extreme isolation, often without a clear sense of where they are and are systemically excluded from many worker and housing rights protections. Farmworkers are highly dependent on employers to meet their fundamental human needs. Many farmworkers work near the highly militarized northern border and live in fear of racial profiling practices of police, border patrol, and some community members, which together converts many into virtual prisoners on the farm. Additionally, dairy is a notoriously difficult industry where large profits from milk products are not redistributed fairly to farmers. Due to this systemic marginalization and industry conditions there is downward pressure on farmworkers' wages and many experience human rights abuses. https://migrantjustice.net/about
Elon also believes Biden won the election....also https://qalerts.app/?n=571 might be relevant
Derek Johnson (RattleTrap 1776) goes over the uniform in 11 posts. Unfortunately Truth doesn't have threads down so you'll have to just scroll down about halfway down his page to find them https://truthsocial.com/@derekjohnson
Makes me think of https://qalerts.app/?n=2417
Now I can't unsee either of these!