If I recall correctly chickens don’t start laying eggs until they are 5 or 6 months old, so it will take until May or June for production to get back up to what it was before the Biden bird slaughter. That being said where I am prices on normal eggs are back under $6… the organic cage free stuff is still stupid expensive, but no news there…
I may be misunderstanding this, but it seems like a cop out for the governments. I mean yes, the doctors have culpability here, even if they were just following orders, but so don’t see how you can prosecute them without also prosecuting the ones giving those orders.
Friday is when they tend to release news they don’t want to get much attention. (Granted I think the internet has made that practice obsolete, they still try). I say release it Monday and let them get hammered by the news all week leading into suicide weekend.
Saw on another article that the plane dropped over 20,000 feet… looking at the altitudes given (went from 30k to 10k) my bet is that the cabin lost pressure. In an unpressurized aircraft you need supplemental oxygen to fly over 10k or you get hypoxia.
I saw on other social media platforms the lefties talking about how Canada will cripple our economy and gas prices will go through the roof without Canadian Oil… this morning Gas was $2.72, lowest in years… and usually the gas goes up at the very hint of trouble… I mean I know leftists are not great at analyzing events, but I didn’t expect we would this quickly
I think it’s a fuckup on ATC’s part to be honest. The FAA and air traffic control has been fucked up for at least the last 25 years. Probably longer. The fact that there hasn’t been a high vis disaster like this up until now has been more luck than anything else. Equipment is out of date, new tech is haphazardly integrated, supervisors are drawn from the least skilled but don’t realize it, the list goes on. Still, since there wasn’t a major accident they kept on chugging along and not bothering to fix anything, forgetting that absence of evidence isn’t evidence of absence.
Much as I hope that after 10 days we get news of traitors being locked up at Gitmo, this it probably so the blue haired freaky contractor hired to do social media doesn’t have a melt down online while the replace him/her/it.
Sorta… I think the fires are being caused by the failing electrical grid in California, powerlines transformers are not maintained and start sparking or overheating…
So while I don’t think we will ever find a smoking gun “start the fire here”, letting the grid decay and not practicing any wild fire prevention (controlled burns, clear cutting brush, etc) was certainly intentionally done to create the conditions that would lead to a fire.
Thank God!
Though Incant quite wrap my head around how the jury deadlocked on the more serious charge but acquitted in this. All I can come up with was there was a single holdout juror what wanted to vote guilty, and they gave up?
Sadly Trump can’t, these are state charges, not federal :(