Saj77 9 points ago +9 / -0

Seems like all the former Obama and Clinton administration people are taking a hike. How long till the internal civil war amongst government powers that be that has been going on in this country is actually made public?

Saj77 3 points ago +3 / -0

Most men I know have an arsenal for themselves, their family and neighbors with the ammo to back it up.

Saj77 1 point ago +1 / -0

She has had so many body doubles it's been hard to tell which hilldog is the real one

Saj77 2 points ago +2 / -0

The never ending love for someone who doesn't have the self respect or foresight not to tattoo his face is mind blowing. This is literally not the face of any movement I want to be attached too. I don't care what he has been through or his history. If you have face tattoos. Your a special sort of retarded with no respect for yourself

Saj77 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've often wondered how many were placebo. I think the first two batches were placebo however the booster wasn't. Grandma got boosted and died soon after about a year ago from aids like symptoms, other grandma had a heart attack soon after her shots.

Saj77 1 point ago +1 / -0

But your a "chemtard" if you believe in cloud seeding. All of this is really starting to look like a reverse psyop. Libtards will be like er mer gerd Russia is using cloud seeding and chemtrails to make it rain.... Conspiracy theorists meanwhile are getting brain damage from beating their head against a wall saying "I told you so".

Saj77 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is obviously comms. What an absolutely retarded article from top to bottom. Talk about shitting a brick.

Saj77 3 points ago +3 / -0

Scott Adams only vocalized what has been around for quite a long time. It's called "white flight". The white people move and leave when all the crime starts to rise from literally the "blacks". My grandparents didn't move out of the east side of the city to the country because it was a joyful place. No they left because a bunch of blacks moved in and started mugging, robbing and stealing while also simultaneously not taking care of a damn thing while dragging down the morals and values of the city around them. I'm not racist. I'm prejudiced. Yes I pre judged you. I could care less if you have black skin just clean up after yourself like the rest of us civilized humans and take care of your children for fucks sake.

Saj77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sure would be nice if men with balls would find them and put an end to this... Or keep drinking trans light and ignore it

Saj77 1 point ago +1 / -0

And ya wonder why Eric Adams is such a scumbag. Well look at who has there hands firmly inserted up his rectum to his mouth. If ya haven't seen the climate change and food video... This explains it all. The Chinese want the United States because it's a giant farm and food supply for the rest of the world. The Chinese don't care if they have us all cut our dicks off and eat bugs. If they don't accomplish it, then they will keep trying and trying on and on endlessly. They will not stop until the bread basket that is America is their own personal farmland.

Saj77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Start yourself a possum farm to combat the tic problem

Saj77 4 points ago +4 / -0

I saw one last August. Clear as can be night. Driving down a dark country road. Saw the initial flash of a meteorite but then it got longer and longer. Enough to pull over, get out and watch it for 30-45 seconds which is quite a long time for an aerial event. It started as a flash similar to the video however it then was a clear translucent tube with what appeared to be porthole/windows on the side. It also didn't leave a trail during or after. The whole thing was translucent. It was long enough to be about a 1/4 of the visible sky in length before disappearing into thin air like a loading bar on a computer screen. I won't lie it didn't look anything like these except for the initial flash upon entry. The best way to describe it as dumb as it may be was it looked like a giant flying condom the way it was kind of clear and see through.

Saj77 1 point ago +1 / -0

Young girls walk down the streets dressed like strippers and the parents just let them walk out the house like that

Saj77 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have a theory that's a little out there involving the spirit cooking. So I recently watched a why files episode on the philosophers stone. The short and sweet is it was alchemy and created by using urine. What if spirit cooking is the whole process of alchemy and the sorcerer's stone. The separation of human excrement, blood, semen and urine then concocted back together could be the alchemy to immortality that they so desired to achieve in the making of the philosophers stone. Just a thought.

Saj77 4 points ago +5 / -1

So are we still believing hilldog cankles is still alive? I know RRN. Is a no go around here but Im firmly planted in the camp that cunt was executed at gitmo.

Saj77 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's really is quite unfortunate that this will get little to no traction. Everyone is all fired up about some faggot on a beer can but yet could still care less about human trafficking at the border. Whomever is coming up with the psyops needs to step up their game. I firmly believe the whole transheuser busch ordeal is one large psyop that actually worked to destroy "big beer" Time to psyop the public on human trafficking. Or we don't and continue to let little girls be raped 67 times while sucking down some good ole trans light.

Saj77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Transheuser busch

Saj77 6 points ago +6 / -0

Tar and feather all of em, every last one.

Saj77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just seed the information without being biased. It's really not quite hard to do. Take the middle road between left and right talking points. Seed the information, water it and let it grow. People will latch onto what your talking about if you can finagle your way through the bullshit left right spectrum. Certain topics are harder than others.

Saj77 3 points ago +3 / -0

There are tunnels connecting the lakes underwater. There are also submarine bases in the lakes.

Saj77 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well Rosemont Seneca sold pandemic insurance and go figure it was started by hunter and his buddy Devon Archer if I do recall correctly

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