SaltyDisciple 6 points ago +6 / -0

For everyone saying it’s normal, it isn’t. I have been extremely sick multiple times this year and increasingly in the last few years. Prior to getting Covid (or whatever garbage they released) in 2021 (which destroyed my health), I hadn’t had the flu in about 20 years. Not only am I getting extremely sick, it’s dragging on for weeks at a time. My best friend is the same, she’s also seeing it as a nurse. This isn’t typical for me at all.

SaltyDisciple 4 points ago +4 / -0

I didn’t vote for this shit. For the last few years I’ve started carrying everywhere I go. I don’t feel safe anywhere anymore.

SaltyDisciple 1 point ago +1 / -0

My best friend is a nurse in VA, about 6+ months ago the hospital wiped all patient records of the covid shot. Prior to that records showed detailed vax info. Makes perfect sense if this “disease” is really vax injured people. Has anyone else heard about charts being wiped?

SaltyDisciple 1 point ago +1 / -0

In addition to all the great information below, Chris Wark has a program called Square 1. He lists recipes and supplements that will flood her body with nutrition and can cause cancer cell death. There’s also in-depth information on what each ingredient contains and does for the body. It’s a plan of action so it isn’t so overwhelming. There’s much more to the program, but I think this part is extremely important.

SaltyDisciple 3 points ago +3 / -0

I’d personally be converting now. Someone below listed a lot of trusted online dealers. I’d visit your local coin shops too. Compare prices though. We have two local dealers within 10 miles, one has very fair premiums the other has ridiculous premiums. I’d get silver too. Silver rounds and constitutional silver for barter. A great thing about buying local is there’s no paper trail if you use cash.

SaltyDisciple 8 points ago +8 / -0

My son’s boss was bragging recently about getting his 5th shot. He’s 50 years old, still scared and still thinks he’ll get it from people who aren’t vaccinated. Unreal.

SaltyDisciple 2 points ago +2 / -0

We lost power yesterday for about an hour, no storms or reason. I’m in Norfolk, VA.

SaltyDisciple 4 points ago +4 / -0

Your niece and your family are in my prayers. I understand our cases are different due to the vaccine, but I had thyroid cancer at a young age too. It was found when I was 21. I had a full thyroidectomy, 14 positive lymph nodes removed and I131 radioactive iodine treatment two years in a row. I’m 48 now and have never had a recurrence. I tell you that to give you hope and light during this very difficult time.

SaltyDisciple 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you! I’ll definitely look into it. After doing a search yesterday I found out the Chesapeake Bay area has extremely dangerous levels of forever chemicals thanks to the military. We lived near it most of my life. I married the military too, so I’ve been near or on bases my whole life. Thanks for making me aware of this.

SaltyDisciple 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the info fren. My dad was Navy, I had thyroid cancer that had spread to 14 lymph nodes by the age of 21. It’s uncommon for young people to get thyroid cancer. I wonder if there’s a connection.

SaltyDisciple 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’m sorry fren, I feel your pain on a very deep level. I’ve been there myself several times, I know it can feel impossible to overcome. My go to was pills, anything to dull the edges. But you can get better, even when it feels like you can’t. Reaching out to us is a big step. It used to be so hard for me to talk about it. When I felt really bad but was struggling to admit it I’d tell my husband “I don’t feel good today”, he’d respond with “mentally or physically?”. It doesn’t seem like much, but me just acknowledging my mental state took pressure off. Sometimes we’d go deeper if I wanted to talk, other times I just felt relief that I didn’t have to pretend to be okay. That little release of pressure helped me make other small changes until I started to get better. I still have my days, but I’m no longer in that dark hole feeling like I’ll never escape. Sending good vibes and healing your way.

SaltyDisciple 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s criminal that they still tell women the markers are safe and make us feel as if we don’t have a choice.

SaltyDisciple 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some of this recently applied to me. I have a history of thyroid cancer and melanoma in situ, so I’m treated as if I need every screening available - which I don’t do.

6 months ago I had an ultrasound of a breast lump (I don’t do mammograms), the lump was “suspicious”. I was rated as a Birad 4 and told I needed a biopsy. I didn’t understand 6 months ago what I do now so I scheduled the biopsy. They told me that during the biopsy they’d place a titanium marker to identify the lump. After doing research on the marker I told them I’d do the biopsy but don’t consent to the marker - they refused to do the biopsy without it. I was then told we can “wait and watch” by doing another ultrasound in 6 months, they also downgraded me to a Birad 3. If we could wait and watch why wasn’t I offered that to start? Rhetorical question. I then went to a breast specialist, she refused to do the biopsy without the marker but would remove the lump surgically. The hospital required a covid test since I am unvaxxed, I said no. Fast forward to this month, my 6 month follow up ultrasound showed no change. Very long story to demonstrate how they tried to scare me into an unnecessary procedure. If my situation was urgent why were they willing to deny me a biopsy because I refused the marker? I was also told I qualify for genetic testing which I said no to. I thought I was awake 6 months ago, but this was a new experience. I share this in the hopes that another woman facing this situation will give herself time to explore her options and not be quickly herded into invasive treatments.

SaltyDisciple 6 points ago +6 / -0

As a woman I can tell you masculinity is extremely attractive. I don’t know how any woman can be attracted to a weak man. There’s nothing more unattractive than a physically and mentally weak man.

SaltyDisciple 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’m so sorry. My adult son took it too despite all of the information I gave him and the tears when I realized he wasn’t going to change his mind. I worry about him all the time.

SaltyDisciple 2 points ago +2 / -0

I used to get cavities a lot. I learned about fluoride, stopped using it in my toothpaste, won’t use the fluoride rinse my dentist pushes, and bought fluoride filters for our water. I haven’t had a cavity in years now. These people are evil.

SaltyDisciple 3 points ago +3 / -0

Congratulations fren! What a wonderful Christmas for your family. Merry Christmas!

SaltyDisciple 7 points ago +7 / -0

This shit is sickening. The left are so damn evil.

SaltyDisciple 7 points ago +7 / -0

I had to learn this too, it was difficult but helped my sanity. The thing I hold onto is how grateful I am to be awake. It’s painful at times, but I’m so glad I see things clearly and didn’t fall for the nonstop propaganda. I’m lucky to have friends and family who are awake. But I also have people I love who believe the narrative. I used to get angry at them, now I just feel sad for them.

SaltyDisciple 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is soul crushing. These people don’t deserve to have children.

SaltyDisciple 3 points ago +3 / -0

Wonderful reminder fren. My husband stays in top physical condition, me, not so much. I’ve always been thin. I tend to get lazy because I don’t have to workout to keep my weight down. But, I’m weak, and have no stamina. Thin definitely doesn’t mean healthy. This is the message I needed today. Thank you.

SaltyDisciple 6 points ago +6 / -0

I canceled an appointment that I waited 4 months for. My specialist is with Sentara, a huge hospital system in my area. Sentara requires masks with NO exceptions (which I wasn’t told when I made the appointment). I was told (in a shitty way) “We require them because we’re a medical facility”. I told her as a medical facility they should be fully aware that masks prevent nothing. I refuse to bend on this. I’m exploring other options now.

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