SaucerSometimes 5 points ago +5 / -0

They have to do themselves. For a system of maximized self-governance the change has to come from the smallest jurisdictional unit possible.

Technically that's us, the people, and for it to start taking hold in counties means the people are simply sending it up now.

For a bit of humor, the Left worked very diligently to make people retarded in order to make a retarded government in their own image. I wonder if they ever realized what they were doing was ultimately a projection of themselves. They created a massive global parody of themselves to be seen and ridiculed by everyone.

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

Mountain living is pretty healthy. We have good agriculture too because the rivers drain down into very fertile valleys. And we do have excellent water and most homes here draw off their own wells. We are the upstream. Healthy people. Its just not very convenient living and the economy hasn't seen a boom since the Gold Rush.

Count your blessings I guess.

SaucerSometimes 6 points ago +6 / -0

New thing bad, old thing good.

throws poop at heretic

Jokes aside, It says its Matthew 11 and 12 but its a Syriac (Syrian?) translation. This isn't going to be a groundbreaking discovery affecting our understanding of God and the world we live in -- but biblical language scholars are going to geek out for this because its kinda cool to have a somewhat uncommon translation of the gospel.

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought it was interesting how Comey's body language was saying he was subordinate to Rogers.

Aside from that, not being able to brief congress due to the "severity" and "sensitivity" of the breach and we're keeping this "tight" is a very nice way to see "we don't want to piss in a leaky bucket, ma'am".

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Says 100 US personnel in Ukraine, of those only 29 are Department of Defense personnel, which includes an undefined number of MSAU (Marine Security Augmentation Unit) and 14 defined as SOF (Special Operations Forces).

That is an embassy security detail and liasons and other admin could easily account for the "United States Special Operations Forces" being counted -- not Special Forces. Not saying we don't have SF there, but this document isn't saying that we do.

SaucerSometimes 9 points ago +9 / -0

Our politicians and corporations were the ones that fucked us. China was just an opportunist that liked the deals they were being offered. Fast forward 40 years, they went from building industrial capacity to meet our import demand to having an Intellectual Property theft ring branch office in every university in America and having John Cena beg them for forgiveness in fluent Chinese on national television for some lame insignificant media gaff.

Only way to bargain with China is hardline now. They're fucking ruthless.

SaucerSometimes 27 points ago +27 / -0

The only way shipping a wooden cup from fucking china is cheaper than buying one made by your next door neighbor is if our entire system is bullshit,

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

The news is doo doo, it always has been.

That's a good picture of Gruesome, he doesn't have his usual look of a psychopath handing his business card to a prostitute he plans to murder and eat later -- nope, he looks normal here, sharp and serious. Actively on the defensive when taken in the context of the headline.

Compared to the heavy-handed mockery of the Joe Biden brand, I'd say they're trying to fix for Gruesome moving up in the political world.

SaucerSometimes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Strength is the most important resource to stockpile. Then you want integrity, patience, diligence, fortitude, etc.

Media has relentlessly painted a hypothetical future where good people are food in an apocalyptic environment and bad people run the world.

Its the opposite though. We live in a world where institutional authority is the strongest it has ever been and bad people run the world and good people are merely food. They want us to fear the environment where they would be hunted down like rabid dogs because, rightfully so, they fear it.

People are fucking strong, and in adversity they band together and take out what threatens them. The post apocalyptic media projection is that psychos, punk fashionistas, and gangsters are the formidable threat and honest people will be weak helpless victims. Scumbags are formidable in institutional world, not apocalypse world. Reality; Who have all the weapons and gun ranges and ethos that contributes to self-defense competency? Who has the skills required to sow and harvest food? Whose hands and skills built civilization? Who has room to rise because they were held down unnaturally, and who has room to fall because they were held up unnaturally?

Its pretty laughable when you think about it logically.

We're going to be fine.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

1.) Self destruct of Corporate Agriculture 2.) Self destruct of government regulatory credibility 3.) Further spotlights politicians' inability to serve the interests of the people over their own special interests. Drawing more citizens into taking on more civic responsibility themselves. 4.) Encourages citizens to prioritize self-sufficiency and produce more of their own food -- making the American people more resilient and less willing to concede their independence in the future.

Best way to beat them is not to prepare for a world where they rule you and you merely survive in their world.

Instead, prepare for a world where they (and the "services" they provided) don't exist anymore. Because if they provide you with nothing, what power do they really have over you?

Hypothetical; if we were bargaining with them, making a deal, at what point would their position become laughable and insignificant? That is the point we want them to charge recklessly towards.

I wouldn't buy stocks in big agriculture with this in the news.

SaucerSometimes 11 points ago +11 / -0

I think there's an element in the FBI that were and still are White Hats, or at least not black hats or minions of corruption. I don't think they intend to preserve the organization, so as part of "the show" we're watching a self-destructive FBI self-destruct in a narrative where people will accept it being gone.

To the good guys out there that were/are trying to do the right thing. Thank you.

SaucerSometimes 13 points ago +13 / -0

There are good people in every nation and bad people in every nation.

Whole world is fighting their own demons right now, at the national level all the way down to the individual level. It is a big spiritual war that kicked off all at once, some components of it can be attributed to "White Hats", but ultimately God decided it was time for a great reckoning, because there are and have been too many coincidences weaved throughout, at every level, for it all to be contrived by the minds of men alone.

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think those prophecies are better interpreted as describing the spirits that infect nations/organizations. By "spirits", I mean things like "pride" "greed" "lust" "wrath" etc, and a population so far influenced by malignant spirits and so far from righteousness becomes likened to a "whore of babylon" or likened to some description of a fell unnatural beast/monstrosity.

When it was written it probably was describing nations influenced by those spirits in the times that it was written -- but pride/greed/lust/wrath are not things isolated to one time or place, so history repeats itself. When you do the same things repetitively, the results are predictable.

The reason I think its better interpreted this way is because we can do something about it in that case. We can repent and get back to righteousness so that we are not a whore or beast as a nation.

Literal interpretations (to me) have been like a mind trap. There are more questions than answers there.

Isaiah is a good example of this. You can put your brain through hours of speculation on parallels between Chaldeans and the US, or other who's who research and it goes nowhere. I think it represents nations overtaken by bad spirits and speaks of the consequences those nations brought upon themselves. I think the interpretation was made to say God inflicted curses on people when really people inflicted those curses on themselves.

My view of this isn't perfect, but it is functional and pragmatic and that's the best I can do.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

If public money pays for that, FOIA applies. Unless they classify it.

If they were doing this all along (they were) then it was classified (probably through some "threats to national security" wording in the shitstorm of state surveillance legislation they had been running through since 2001) and so this being in the news now, that would mean this is simply a declas.


SaucerSometimes 3 points ago +3 / -0

It shows. He is weaker. The work she puts into being a top performance athlete that seeks stronger competition is substantial. Among her peers she is impressive. She is at a level where she is testing and advancing the known limits of what the female body can do and be. While he is a mediocre performance athlete seeking weaker competition. Among his peers he's mediocre. He is not testing the limits of what the male body can do. Not even close. The effects of testosterone are not trivial. For a mediocre male athlete to compete with a peak performing female athlete and win should end the debate on that.

She has beaten him in competition though -- but he's just a mediocre weirdo, not a peak performance male athlete so I doubt she gives a shit. He just shouldn't be there. Its an embarrassment to competitive sports and societal ethics/honor that he's even there.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nope. Never threaten to do something you're actually going to do.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

What "lefty traits"?

You're trying to project the label back to me, but your replies are what they are man.

So what is it that you do on this board? Forum sliding? Maybe you wanted to disrupt conversation and consensus on BlackRock or the protests in France?

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Labeling opposition in an attempt to appeal to established known crowd prejudices. Pre-emptive projection accusation of projection. (This one was great. lol)

...and Followed by attempt to re-establish own identity as of the group by using common unifying language of the group. "God bless" is inappropriate in the context of previously hostile replies.

Here's a protip special agent eagle-eyes2020, when you have special unique language, that I guess you use to troll, because no one else uses it, that's what people call "glowing".

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

You've gotten maybe 10-15 minutes of my time total. Which is fine.

The pathos and hyperbole in your above indicates you might have a victim complex, which also explains why you insult people that are not insulting you.

SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Take the feedback or don't, I didn't insult you.

deleted 0 points ago +1 / -1
SaucerSometimes 2 points ago +2 / -0

The house will be easier to pay off as dollars will be easier to earn.

The bills and basics is where the adjustment happens. That can be done by self-sufficiency and changing jobs to something that better supports the needs of your own locality.

For example, if your town has high prices on goods because of a transportation problem, trucking jobs become better paying when sourced locally to serve local needs. Trucking companies will form that will not waste their labor on OTR driving, sending Alabamans to deliver tatertots from Colorado to California. There will be connecting routes, but the company and dispatchers will be prioritizing picking up homebound goods so they can move high value homemade goods to customers.

If Propane is a cheaper heat source than city utilities, people will invest in setting up their homes for the cheaper source -- disregarding government meddling to do so. As the government insists on meddling, the need to track and replace government caused problems occurs. Without the strength of narrative control they had 2-4-6-8-10 years ago people will not be persuaded by the media to freeze in the winter for an ideological government that does nothing to take care of their basic needs. Its the end of the uniparty.

I have a ton to say about how awesome all of this could be. In terms of violence and unrest and crime, a lot of things are going to become the responsibility of the people to step up and secure safety for each other. This means sheriffs departments will be getting a higher quality of volunteers than they have had access to in decades.

I'm very optimistic about all of this because I have a lot of faith in the American people.

by BQnita
SaucerSometimes 3 points ago +3 / -0

My guess is they tried to delete it. WHs probably had a snap shot of the "before picture" and found some things when they matched it up with the "after picture" and played some spot the difference.

It makes sense they wouldn't pull the trigger on Twitter without a plan, so this was probably set up years in advance.

Also possible WHs knew about back doors because they were using them too.

SaucerSometimes 1 point ago +1 / -0

there are layers of initiation into these cults -- I think the Bohemian Grove is more of a recruiting event for the power hungry than it is the cults inner circle.

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