True but THEY (media, LIBS) generally refer to him as Ex or Former President Trump....
I dont think anyone is taking the vax cuz Trump said to these days....I havent heard him mention it for a while though.
lol Robin Bullock
Search is your friend.....
Well they DID change the "official" sign years ago
"Lets Go Brandon"
Here is version for regular people
nah, keep growing the PWO
good one...steath bomber comment.
this is funny...any links to more or a longer vid out there?
you tellem pal
The giveaway to me is the vid of security guy holding back the gunman, in no world would the gunman not be jumped unless
it was staged
the security was in on the hit.
Looking more like Mr, Burns every day
.....just keep her clip handy when
"They wont be able to walk down the street"
Ill shit a brick if Perky is on that graphic,,,,,,
This....I didnt even realize it was Chick Fila ...didnt even know it was a Mandela effect thing till reading this posting.
I ate at Chic-Fila Ate their so many times growing up and it always stuck in my mind as a teen how I thought about the misspelling despite seeing it over and over.
holy smokes
LOL All these NWO mofos hitting the dominant hands on table , lean forward pose
Trump and Abe with the closed off "Fuck that bullshit" pose
Where are the connections?
Yeah but Shinzo have a secretary named Trump?
NSA=No such account
who decided what that point is?
The are for whoever pays them the most.....may as well play both sides
Better image