Scipio_Americanus 10 points ago +10 / -0

Screw 60+% remaining private... then Q is as much a shadow player as the cabal because that 60% will protect a LOT of evil people.

We can't correct problems we don't know about.

The Founding Fathers published pamphlets to educate the public and spur debate over the Constitution; I don't see any reason why that can't be used here. Sacred cows (corrupt institutions) aren't supposed to be (falsely) revered because of shadowy protection. F that.

If actual patriots ("good" people) are in control, then burn the evil ones out. If this really is a global op, then every country will be impacted and have the same weakness exposed... and we should be fine because Q said "you are safe." Mean it, or don't say it.

Where We Go One We Go All? Right back to a world where 60% of the evil are cozy, safe, and unexposed? Pass.... Not that I have a choice in the matter at this point.

Scipio_Americanus 3 points ago +4 / -1

First: register for tickets - https://events.donaldjtrump.com/events/save-america-rally-in-conroe-tx

Second: I'm guessing you should bring a lawn chair and lots of snacks. I'm planning to go with my wife, but it'll be a first time thing for me as well. The parking lot opens at 8am but Trump doesn't speak until 7pm, so that ought to give you an idea of how packed they expect it to be. We'll see!

Scipio_Americanus 1 point ago +2 / -1

This is certainly better and worlds safer than anything Big Pharma wants us to buy. Been a fan of Kent for a long time.

Scipio_Americanus 0 points ago +1 / -1

Do all phones embed location data in the pictures they take?

Scipio_Americanus 0 points ago +1 / -1

The fact that everything implicating anyone in power is sealed leads me to the opposite conclusion. She is being protected indirectly and only as a byproduct of shielding her clientele.

And the MSM at large shows no interest in knowing who is being protected by the sealed documents. That's not "white hats in charge" it's black hats getting away with things as usual.

Scipio_Americanus 6 points ago +7 / -1

Dispute the charge with your credit card company. The seller didn't send the item you wanted as you ordered it. Make them eat the loss.

If enough people do this, the credit card company will charge them higher fees to offset the refunds.

Scipio_Americanus 0 points ago +1 / -1

Can you share some of the 2019 WuFlu stuff? I remember reading about the outbreak on Breitbart and wondering if it was going to be used as it was, but now I can't find anything on their site from before 2020.

Scipio_Americanus 1 point ago +2 / -1

Not to mention all the ongoing environmental regulatory review that has to be done at plants like this - and those are mostly six figure jobs.

Scipio_Americanus 3 points ago +4 / -1

Self publishing is the answer and most of these are probably just copypastas of Wiki content. No conspiracy here.

Scipio_Americanus 5 points ago +6 / -1

It's JFK JR! Lol

Scipio_Americanus 9 points ago +10 / -1

I really doubt it; that hand position is also (for me at least, and I'm sure others) the most comfortable way to hold a book open one-handed.

Scipio_Americanus 1 point ago +2 / -1

Uhhh, there are people in America openly serving Satan (and many more do so in secret.) Most of them identify with the Democrat party, yet some have chosen to infiltrate the Republican party.

Sorry Gen. Flynn, this is an incredibly bad take and poorly thought out. The sentiment is understandable generous, but is asking us to ignore the fact the Enemy exists and is among us.

I hate to point this out, but it's exactly the kind of generosity our Enemy would like us to offer... which makes me wonder why Flynn is endorsing this.

Scipio_Americanus -1 points ago +1 / -2

I'm hoping Trump's social media platform, combined with the impending KR lawsuits, can help sound the death knell for the MSM.

We can actually share/post videos exposing their hypocrisy. And just as people have trickled in here, they'll do the same on a Trump site. More than that, some big names will join or move over entirely (maybe Musk and a few others) - this will instigate the Streisand Effect as hardcore leftists mock anyone with a desire for free thought.

THAT is when we really do become the news and begin the process in earnest of replacing the MSM in a way that even normies will see (right now the MSM is doing a fairly good job of keeping a veil over the eyes of the public.)

It can't happen soon enough for my taste, but I think this will be a critical step in the Great Awakening.

Scipio_Americanus 1 point ago +2 / -1

I honestly hope she signs a few executive orders while he's out. Let's get to that precipice already!

Anyone want to brainstorm what she could do to make things worse? Since the Constitution doesn't matter and the Press won't hold her accountable, there are no limits!

I'm thinking she should write an EO demanding all Republican voters be registered into a federal database. 🤔

Scipio_Americanus 4 points ago +5 / -1

Someone with a Twatter account needs to troll Sesame Street with accusations of putting her in "whiteface" and trying to erase her identity, lol.

Scipio_Americanus 4 points ago +5 / -1

Side and face are interchangeable terms.

Scipio_Americanus 0 points ago +1 / -1

Except it was twice that number of deaths before the CDC manipulated the numbers.

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